Day four film two: Act one

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Screen one: Mia's living questions

Phil knocks on the door.

Mia: Come in dad.

Then Phil came into his daughter's room not what it used to be when Mia was younger.

Phil: Read to go home?

Mia: yeah.

Phil: This place is not what it used to be but it's your room after all.

Mia: well this place does feel like my first home then where I currently live with you and Mom.

Phil: yeah I came into our life during that storm and who knew that mud we made for recent reasons would come in handy as well as those on that day.

As they left for the day fell sometimes wonder if Mia will sadly be in this Factory like a toy on a warehouse Shelf that no one wanted order for a store.

Screen two: principal office at Mia's school.

Phil: you want to see any principal Carmen?

Principal Carmen: indeed please take a seat I like to talk to you about the rumor that's been going around me lately with her being dropped off at your place of work.

Phil: it's just that me and Ella work at very late hours even she could handle being by yourself it's just that it's not a nice enough neighborhood the people are but there's more sales signs on most houses then those are living in them.

Principal Carmen: I can understand that it's just that whenever she's been dropped off at your place of work those at see her get off in front of that place thinks that made rumors of Mia Bean a product tester for starters I just say she was made there and with some facts to back it up was born there.

Phil:Ok but the somebody will act as a briefing but I don't know if all the teachers and parents will get the message.

Principal Carmen: I know most teachers and principals are not well aware not ever aware at all but the faculty let's say they are a strong and if necessary extreme Union.

Phil: how much of a torch and Pitchfork town are you people?

Principal Carmen: hey I know you live in a town that knows better but this school belly knows the Earth is round in the end that is not run by Magic Pixies.

Phil: even I know small towns like this are not that dumb.

Principal Carmen: just don't make the parents look like you're taking the town's kids away.

Phil: I'm not that kind executive.

Principal Carmen: even I know you do try to explain stuff like this you still trying to fit a square peg through a round hole.

Screen three

Location: Assembly Hall

A few days later at  High School grayshore highs all of the school has gathered into the assembly hall for the important assembly.

Principal Carmen: good morning everyone now that's better rumors going around lately about the Palco Factory and here to clear up most of the rumors is Phil Palco.

Phil: Thank you Carmen, now I've been informed by the crazy rumors about one student who is rumored to work at my families company with other crazy rumors like being manufactured with a few of the following scenes behind me and I will clear up these rumors.

As the assembly goes most of the students the teachers felt irritated by the debunking making them feel like factory-born kids are smarter than regular kids even if Mia's grades all right good enough examples and when it was over most of students felt like in through your products and Mia was really embarrassed but Phil noticed that even if it did clear up the rumors he still felt like the whole thing backfire even if there's enough slips that's been signed for the tour.

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