Day two warp up

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Ovalsan's log:The last mockumentary is on the rise of the Disney Empire and they really made the Council of Disney a bit of a bar that is also comments by guests of the Marvel Party of a common government and on a few things even if they are found footage then the final image is with the Insurgent member called while smoked on something or someone that one of those dimensions they don't want anyone to know but that's say what if for another day.

Location: Super Mario's Nintenguard General's office.

Princess Peach: General Mario!

Mario:What is it Peach, I am not pleased with the festivals ticket sales?

Peach: no they are decent at best even at the Inn's are now stuffed.

Daisy:And Monamount letting the local TV network other shows and movies to help with the local ratings.

Peach: better than that cringy puppet show anyway down to business.

Then Peach show the list if what cognito had transported into Hinobi possession.

Mario:How do know of cadaver X

Daisy:Cadaver X

Peach: any item with that letter on the list are those at the public think are lost destroyed and almost forgotten but if any one of them rather or not the public thinks the person is question is no more but even if Hinobi Evan finds out that it's in possession the casket is heavily locked but even if they ever discover it the loan figure out how to open it, It will be like opening......opening!-

Daisy:Opening what Opening what?

Mario: Pandora's Box your Majesty's

Daisy: why is this turning into a sitcom?!

Peach: tell me General wasn't insane Madman?

Mario:I can't public say.

Peach:Is it- Hey!!?

Daisy: Peach I know whenever you found out that someone like him had done something without your knowing or behind your back you become a total drama queen so Mario please tell us what you know.

Mario:Well since you asked politely, the official reports on the finding of his remains was result of Ovaleyes's a ride Adventures but the body in question from what we know of him could have resorted to his mutagenic form to escape the explosion but turns out the gas whoever hired him to use had can turn anything it touches or being held even in the smallest amount will crystallize anyone into a mummified state who made it all whatever then goal is that person or person will use for it is still unknown.

Peach:Hm mutagenic,I Nev- wait you had that idiot transported to where anyone can take his remains like a crave robber!

Mario: how am I supposed to keep tabs on places like those.

Peach:Will talk about this next time, because I have other mags would tend to like the expo layout to see how the Scooby Dooby Doo Expo will look like.

Then Peach and Daisy left the general office as he's remained in one piece.

Location: main planning room.

Peach: hey we are back and-

Daisy:Seem they had the layout all figure it out.

Peggy: hey the Scooby Dooby Doo hearing Expo has been a family tradition and it it's a simple one with with the center of the Expo be used to have the main panels one sides for the pi stands if some displays of what been said in past panels all they'll be smaller rooms on the far side and screening rooms of course with some true crime documentaries.

Howard: as for the entry hallway they will get the pass with the food court and trucks in the back even if it does seem like to be the warehouse area.

Peach: okay looks like you had everything figured out, now I just need my approval like some all Air Monarch!

Daisy:Peach wait up.

Peggy:Did we make her look like she had answers at all?

Howard: we didn't make this too spite her oh got word that's your God kids will be here by the end of tomorrow.

Peggy:Good to know that they are both coming since each had their own movie.

Howard: and they do know both of your sides after all.

Ovalsan:Hmm I always wonder what your connection with that wolf bear.

Peggy: it's indeed an interesting story but that's for the day after tomorrow.

Day two outro

Peach's diary: today's movies on the second day of the film Bristol look like they had aired Mario's dirty laundry well two or three actually, the day was done I grilled Mario on the PO or handling of cadaver X aka the bigger idiot than Ovaleyes!

After gavin considerations to Peggy and the others they seem to have the layout for the Scooby Dooby Doo Expo all figured out they just need the Expo that's been wasting Space in My Kingdom and and make it more ridiculous Daisy locked my balcony window I'm not going to jump after seeing the layouts.

When I got to bed I see the stopping on my bedside table it's been dormant for a year it was meant to find the next in line it doesn't work on those I have my little identity crisis, the thing doesn't always do blood relations skip a generation needs to say.

Peggy Raya or Everal Fairmo in the cinema dimension seem to handle her families Kingdom you may say Cinepolis from my heart has leaders in each part that fits their genre honestly there are times I feel like that the Multiverse had more and more Frontiers which could leave the Nintendom into obsolution.

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