Film two:UltraStar vs the Inline Bears act two

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Screen two: The local TV studio.

When Peggy Raya got to the studio she see that the setting for the Inline Bears show has some familiarity to the grade school she used to go to and spotted a table that seems to remind her the place where she met her first friends but that's a long time ago.

Eric Inmar:Seem you seem to like this set ms. Raya.

Peggy:Oh no it just reminds me of some old memories, so what does this show have kids learn?

Eric:Well it teaches kids on obedience choice and friendship making skills with math and leather as well.

Peggy: sounds very basic.

Eric: sometimes the basics are the only ones that can work.

Peggy: on a loop.

Then the shooting of the show begins and Peggy somehow has a bad feeling about the show looking like the Bears are hurting the kids like sheep and cattle to the slaughter house and their eyes looking at the kids with those big eyes they all watching their every move.

During lunch break Peggy took a seat with Eric on her concern of the shows questionable messaging.

Eric: so what do you think so far Miss Raya?

Eric:Well the kids don't seem to mind.

Peggy: because they don't know what they are doing in the long run if they stay in the line for too long.

Eric: how do you seen the uneasiness of the non-conformative they are trying to get in without scaring or making others uneasy.

Peggy:Over those like you never heard of nor think of trying and or at least suggest to another.

Eric: those subtraction is what causing problems like what's been saying these days and what made very questionable people with very questionable places like that neon nightclub.

Peggy: hey because they are on the other side of the track doesn't mean they're all bad.

Eric:Still problematic anyway.

Peggy: well I didn't have those kind of problems back then out of two friends that I've made from common interests by a certain brand that is one spotted with what I'm playing with then she sit with me with her own then another with his and the rest is history.

Eric: Sorry but there are still more out there are more of those things out there but stuff like that needs to be cut off if things have to go forward.

Peggy:As what? Yes Patsy's?!

Eric: like it or not there's no other way.

Peggy:In your story but not mine's nor those that I yet to be written.

Then Peggy lift the Studio frustrated by the shows brainwashing like they don't care at all, meanwhile in the studios Savannah's room someone had watched her and sees what she said as a threat opens the closet with the Leadly suits and the axe as he suits up for the night.

Screen two:The nightclub

Peggy Raya went to the nightclub to blow off some steam at the bar over the Inline Bears conformative nonsense.

???:So what being you here Peggy?

Then Peggy turn to who ask her and it the head poll dancer who also her cousin Eve Necroheart.


Eve: What no hello how are thing and never told me directly that you were coming.

Peggy: it a Monamount rule no family involvement to rent Lakes of any kind and even you know that.

Eve: well one of the girls informed me that you're coming on the inline bear deal so your so-called uncle will have something other than that Superhero TV serious that's on that silly bait and switch movie.

Peggy:Well it did got the Studio to say the Tories family nickname.

Eve:I bet you heard of the body popping around?

Peggy: I know your side of family doesn't snuff any lost minded soul.

Eve: try telling them that from the parts you're staying at.

Peggy:Even If those like one of your coworkers on the stage gave off repelling Persona that doesn't mean you're nothing but trouble.

Eve: you know how shallow viewers are.

Peggy: to those that are full-time.

Eve: at least you turn into your other half when you are asleep.

As Peggy and Eve continue that bar talk how is keeping an eye on them with Beck in trench coaches then sees them leave and thousand since it's getting late and he and back maintainment of stealth didn't really work since his power is what giving away his position and Peggy and Eve since it.

Eve:Say Peggy is he that guy who wished to make a superhero movie that you granted?

Peggy grieve the bit as they went out.

Screen three:Dark night on the way to Eve's place.

Peggy:Ehh how can you be able to handle this place that gets so dark at night?

Eve: most like you always fear and hate what you don't know simply never want to understand like those you want wiped out of existence.

Peggy:Well with what going on as of late am no-

Then while Peggy is pulling out her smartphone the screen started to get buggy.

Peggy: does stuff like this normally happened with hand radios or any other tools that use radio waves?

Eve: well only

Then Eve see Leadly Bear behind Peggy and she reacted fast from Eve's face as the bare swings the ax at her horizontally but it's the nearby Lamppost which gives off a good tune on impact and made Leadly shake a bit.

Eve: that's got to be a fine-tune axe

Peggy: this is no time for comedy Eve!

Peggy and Eve ran while Leadly is still shaking a bit till he's able to go after them but Yepper was waiting for them at the end of the Lane with a barbed wire back in his hand.

Eve: hey I don't know who you are working for but Snuffles are not meant to attack strippers!

But Yepper isn't listening when he raised his Bat as high as points while Leadly is getting close he felt something had hit him in the back of his head and fell on his face given Eve and Peggy the Room 2 escape while Peggy looks in annoyance on who saved them with a film case  like throwing weapon.

UltraStar: there will be no snuffing while I'm in the director's chair.

Eve: I thought you quitted dating superheroes.

As Peggy and Eve got away UltraStar is about to confront both Bears they vanished like someone turned off the TV.

UltraStar: the farter down I go to Cinepolis Rabbit Hole the more questions I have.

Screen four: Eve's safehouse

When morning came and Eve Safe House Peggy was getting up in her cousin's place and sees Eve out of her bed heading to the shower nude.

Peggy:Oh Lord why do I have to say that in the morning?!

Eve: I can't help it if I have a better rear than yours.

Peggy:That not what I mean Eve.

Can a buzz came on the safe house com.

Eve:Must be your hero of a writer.

Peggy: let me get that, and you better be dressed when they come in.


As Eve take her shower tell you lesson Howard and Beck and they are mixed on the place someone looks like someone's hiding from the law.

Howard: you have a lot to answer for and I don't know where to start.

Peggy: all I can say for now this is one of the many employees safe house for those that had worked late.

Once Howard and Beck got sited Peggy explained that her cousin's kind are called filmilims (Film-ilims) those that are conceived and born on film, How and Beck are at odds with that strange idea but it's clear that they can disappear and reappear through video please and seem to evolve to go through Wi-Fi fees.

Peggy: then the proposal may not work at all other than without them knowing or even caring that those like my cousin exists.

Howard: And someone is using the line bears as it cover to take out anyone that finds them as a threat and you seem to be one of their main targets.

Eve:And my family's club as the fall guy.

When Eve came in she  was in what seem to be in a teachers get up as she left, then Beck gets up and looks a bit what he found what turns out to be grading school work and what seems to be a personal office.

Beck: at least we have something to prove in case she gets framed.

Peggy: but both they believe her?

Howard: and those that came from the school are the kids in the  Inline bear show from the papers she seem to be grading.

Then they see Eve leave the Safe House in a decent car from the garage while they are coming out and see a better one inside.

Peggy:What kind of a double life do you have Eve?

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