Final day intro and main film intro with the opening act

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Ovalsan's log: here we are the last day of the film festival we made more than enough to keep your theater from being demolished for a long time and simply getting more proceeds then we expected by Days Inn with two more guests like my sister of course and one other who Peggy have a stage rivalry at one point but a long story for now but better get started.


Peggy: here we are the last day of the oval UltraStar film Festival and we made more than enough to say this theater with our final film.

Howard: well the following film is meant to promote the Tour line meant to help bring back Pow-tar but with additional addings that can be unusual.

Ovalsan: yeah me with two who will join this little group even if it's only to even it up.

Ang: so I can keep an eye on you.

Ovalsan: But what about ear?


Then a big stage speaker rose up behind Ange and got a big pulse through a system when someone had jammed they guitar who is no other than Gwen Pyro.

Gwen: just testing the speakers folks and maybe the ghoul's nervous system.

Burke: Don't worry she only here for the day.

Howard: and hope she doesn't start fires.

Peggy: unlike the ones she starts to spite me.

Ang:Oh oh oh this is nothing compared to Ovaleyes antics.

Ovalsan: Well ethics of known Heroes do come short in some cases.

Ang: like his insane and somewhat vicious means.

Burke: I can see why they won't let the public hear about him without having heart attacks that is.

Howard: the only thing I can say before we start is peanutorius only made his film before he retired as CEO so Raya can take the throne that's rightfully hers.

Peggy: but he almost turned it into a snuff film to cut me and all of us out of the picture.

Ang:What kind of movie Studio allow that kind of stuff?!

Peggy: Welcome to my movie world.

Opening Act

The eve of the production of Monamount big project Peter Tori or Peter Notorious is clean out the CEO office of his belong when who seems to be his colleague comes in.

Peter colleague: everything's ready for tomorrow and the cast is at the ready and in positions.

Peter Notorious: excellent too bad this will be my only directing and screenwriting debut with it being Peggy Howard and for that joint really even if one of them will give Peggy a hard time will be there last.

Opening title card

The Cinema League

(A Notorious snuff production)

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