File update four B: It's Pony

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(Footnote the following is on a small handful of know new episode of the new season of It's Pony.)

Among the update of It's Pony which at the time of writing I did find out that Ian did use live in the country for reasons still anyone's guess.

Well it just that It's Pony was my first Nick file entry in the Oval memoirs along with Middle school Mogul which was a flash in the pan unfortunately.

As for the other episodes well there are the usual Antics that pony does and help and in the end the only and only hate to see this poor thing as well as oh say Glitch Tech be wasted like this but you know that already.

It just that the Nick quadron almost becoming cult that Praises SpongeBob it's other nonsense if you ask me and there's nothing I can do about it.

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