Nintenguard note B one:What do they read other then the Zelda books that is.

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Now where to begin?

Well if you ask any Nintenguard operative most would say the Zelda books while the toads reads what sound like parody of know book series and fairy tales I know it their dimensions but their have to be something original in the H.Q Library.

I look around and the Mojo of creativity is as dead as they get.

From my experience on book dimensions you may not always the right book sometimes the right book find you and the one that I found or it found me what I can say for now look and upon further reading seem to be somewhat unlike the Zelda nor Fire emblem books a story of Fantasy and science in a Eternal Clash in the forum of fan disagreement in a Norm town that doesn't what to do with it.

It Center around you may heard this idea in one way or another a group of teens that are caught in this Feud end up taking sides who have their own agenda although they look up to.

The Story is Called ImagClash and what I can say for their only one book and what I can say for now it the office reflection on the fandom left  uncheck.

The next one is what called itself a Naval Frontier the story about further reading seem to be on finding what seem to be on finding what seems a new power source on a alien world and where below the sea is full of dangerous obstacles and monsters with no other the Pirates overload at the back of the Princess in disguise the title is call The hunt for Atlantis Prime I know a pretty cheesy name but naval frontieres is something you don't hear everyday.

The third however seem to be on a more dark political tone oh most M-class when noodling with nature is in the mix it called Dark Eden it about one part on the rights to clone like voting driving work and so on the other is on a couple who have what a dark morbid computer network can't make naturally and will be it undoing when it comes of age.

The last one for now is get this a scifi sport story that seem to be inspired by the Mario Striker era of the Nintendom that also on athletes cloning and it more then soccer their some conventional sports and some gladiatorial in the mix with dark gambling rackets subplot in the background with some slice of life filler chapters that Transit to each sport ace the title simply called Star Sports League.

I can tell you each the whole story next time but let more on to the next one.

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