Problem solvers observation Note one: Day of Unity notes so far

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(Footnote:The following Center around the first three episodes of The Owl house season 2B)

The facts

Up by now the day of Unity will be in a mouth away where the moon will eclipse the sun leading to a Utopia free of wild magic the most I think it will lead to genocide and the people are just plain Clueless and still have them compete against each other but he's more like the Pied Piper where he got rid of the rats that infested the town of Hamlet but they refused to pay him so we took their children so they end up the same in Bello will do it today though that he thinks are infected with wild Magic do beans have competitions that won't have them through any means possible.

The other problem is Luz near incapability of recalling past events like the oh Coven day thing when Tarra snapdragon telling her that Bello is looking to seeing her and when Luz see the image a who seems to look like Hunter in Philippines journal the lights went on.

The bottom line Bello have the game rigged to wear all backed into his favor with having his subject compete against each other and let their emotions cloud the mind while he if he is see if we fill up with glyphs or around his right arm keeping what ails him in check.

One more thing.

Even if the Glyph are mean to maintain the curse magic marks on the skin depending on the nature of the mark could have negative effects even if there are additional markings are added to keep it in check but there are limits to them Life's a having three with each doing away whenever the power is being used.

Final note: I I find those kind of thoughts and pacing very annoying like in Once Upon a Time slow pacing ladybug not figure out Adrian was cat Noir Noir Gabriel Hawk moth and is also principal Crump who still doesn't know he's Captain Underpants near this is say I really hate it when the hero is dumb as a villain hold all the cards think people think.

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