True ending or what if : ChalkZone Zone types

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Now Rudy tabootie little escapism. Call ChalkZone where is Waterford drawn on the chalkboard goes after it's been erased and is the only one that knows about it other than his friend Penny that is.

Everyone else on the other hand his parents are neglectful and has been bullied by Reggie at schools and no one until the following is aware of it and do something about it and all I can go on for this  one are on the recordings of the child psychologist that seem to know all too well about escapes isms from those he talked to before is that her own form of escapism.

Type one side A

Child psychologist Simon chipwood speaking today was my first session with Ruta booty to do his homeroom teacher wants what he thinks is nonsense but during the session I learned that he's been bullied and neglected by his parents his only friend his Penny and have a little world of fiction called ChalkZone and let's say for now I'm no stranger the concept of the world in one's head.

Type one side B

After planting a bug on Penny since Ruby may be smart enough to notice since she's more trusting to me and even I felt some stream on taking badges by front but sometimes you have to think outside the box to get results and hearing another person called Snap is more than enough to let's say I know two from past case with similar ideas of escapism.

Type two side A

After approximately half a year contacting the parents of pack patients to make a group session with Rudy tabootie Hayden Blackthorne and Serena Pindin were reluctant on this project.

Hayden Blackthorn is a dark and gloomy kid when I first met him it was a grieving case back then when his grandmother passed away Countess Vines when someone tries to pick on him let's say he fights like a wolf and Reggie learn that the hard way buy a choke hold.

His way of coping with a little place called shadowzone a paranormal like pretend world when do the Cisco's and under the rules of the 8 with the arachnids gatekeeping the Flaming pits.

Serena on the other hand something called fashion Zone it's a family thing you may say.

When the thing got started it took a week for ready to open up a bit didn't mention the beating I didn't gave to Reggie with that lock hold.

Few days after that each of them tells about the little world and believe it or not is it each of them with their own rules that is.

Type three side A

The past month I talk to all three parents Andrews both hardly have a clue what the others are talking about and what they said about Rudy drawings of silly about Hayden and Serena's folks didn't like it and ask them do they ever know what Rudy was doing a school had ever made any other friends besides penny is he being picked on by the students of Horace Wilter class?

Then one of them said not that we know about. Don't or don't care about?

Type three side B

The results of Rudy showing sock Jones to his folks they had been confused and frustrated when I was with others observing 328 chalkboard and intervene when things got crazy when those from ChalkZone popped out and see what's going on the fight broke out me Penny even Hayden and Serena's folks are very disappointed with that the tobooties Behavior and I personally warn them if they keep neglecting really they will lose him forever I love doing now this is just the Calm before the storm.

Final type A side one

Is this town descended from witch Hunters?

The attempted crucifying of Rudy Tobooty  result in a mad brawl no one knows who is fighting what and when the smoke clears Mr. Wilter is at their mercy and even if Broody forgive some a gun was pointed at the back of his head so he doesn't do anything funny.

Final type A:side two

I propose that me and Rudy should do one last session before he leaves with his new parents I know it's going to be hard for him but the papers are filled The gavel is bang and everything is in motion even if he feels a bit better at the end of the session everyone his school became bitter where's the place starting to do the art program the students are only the basics during this recording but it's a start.

Final type B

Final type before leaving town for my next case with Rudy now gone in Plainville now opening little by little towards imagination Mr. Wilter grows more and more frustrating up to the point where he Stomps out of school and shouted and I quote " you will pay for this really tabootie I don't know how I don't know when but you will pay!" End quote some people just can't learn do they.

True ending or what if? You decide

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