true ending or what if : Invader Zim and the mother of all Invader

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Oval intro: the whole thing started at approximately 3 months since the florpus incident and Dib is once again trying to get proof that Zim is an alien no matter how often No One Believes them they still thinks he is crazy and he wants someone to believe the one that is no longer on her that's like they say be careful what you wish for.

Honest Weight Begins the neighborhood where Zim lives and Dib membrain is trying to get proof by starting to doubt what is belief what he's doing it's worth it by little does he know someone will drop in and turned his whole world upside down.

???:Ahh uhh.


???: I always end up hanging upside down with all my experiments goes awry waste my time resistant clothes works.

As the stranger gets down from where she's hanging from she seen someone that familiar to her and find the house that he's looking at way off from the other houses.

Dib: this almost feels like it's pointless now.

???: because almost no one cares.

Dib:Well it could be- Mom?!

Then the stranger looks at Deb with a very puzzled look on her face.

???: excuse me?

Dib:An as surprise but I could have took you as my mom Linda membrane.

Linda:But I am Linda membrane or perhaps the late Linda membrane.

Dib:My dad told me you die in a lab I sent that happened the year after me and Gaz was born.

Linda:As must as I like to have Kids I don't recall having you two the accident me video only thing that's right it's a Time phase experiments as we can both see it kind of worked.

Dib: will you doing time travel?

Linda:Well not exactly I was Presley testing organic and grade of clothes and it seems more then a success.

Dib: Well alot have change mind if I tell you on the way back to out home.

Linda:Don't know if your dad will believe you on who I am.

Dib:Oh most everyone think am crazy and my sister Gaz even if I do handle the failures she doesn't care.

Linda:I do.

Then Dib see that Linda have her hand on his right shoulder felt some appreciation and maybe compassion does he may long for in a longtime then head back to Dibs home while explaining thing on the way over.

Linda:An alien bats and passing at the swing with a bad disguise that's been hard to see other organs Mala hamster grow into Kaiju size made a zit into a Hypno doll and try to send you and those up fully to him into a room with a moose.

Dib:I know it all sound crazy but Zim have been. Pain now the Tallest are in the florpus.

Linda:Dibby sweetly that nothing compared to what seen and made but that another story.

Dib:Hmm maybe that where I got my imagination from.

Once they enter Professor membrane says hello to Linda on his loading screen I thought I'd give you a while take out her being alive after all these years.

Linda: Well it normal to ignore the strange and unusual.

Dib: I guess so most only sit blankly or in shock of what they don't know or want to understand.

Linda:Must a been frustrating for you.

Dib:Seems so but one before you believe me and is no longer on earth but not dead.

Linda:I see and your sister?

Which Linda is referring to guess who is sitting and watching a weird and disturbing commercial add a pizza place with a disgusting Pig mascot.

Linda:That enough young lady.

Then Linda grab the remote and turn off the TV but Gaz growled at her.

Linda:Hey their be no back sassing in this house Missy.

Gaz: oh am so sorry for not being a perf-

Linda:and no sarcasm to boot.

Gaz:Ow ow ow ow.

Dip covered his left ear while seeing Linda drag Gaz by her lift ear and into her room.

There were some but then it suddenly stopped.

When Linda was coming down her eyes was closed in frustration.

Dib:What did you do?

Then Linda open her eyes and Dib now see who Gaz got her eyes from.

Dib: That would explains a lot.

Linda: indeed most of the kids when I was around Gaz's age think am creepy and the teachers if I am smarter than others I like I'm the only smart one.

Dib:Do you want to talk about it on the couch?

Linda:Only if you do your time on it.


Then Linda put her glasses back on and sit on the couch.

Linda:Well it all started in school which is FYI is spelled with a S C H O O L most of the kids shall we say Lighthouse Toddville injuries to the Head then learning most just stares into space or Thomas Duncan be you mean know how that felt.

Dib:Hmm I know what that like no one ever care nor believes you all some wants to make you look like a loser.

Linda:Is that why you have this Obsession of the Paranormal and other things?

Dib: guess my obsession with trying to Enlighten people on those things only made them more and more close minded.

Linda: there's a line between Fascination and Obsession was not always clear.

Dib:And Zim absinthe made me paranoid enough to made me into a fool.

Linda:Some refuse to see the truth even if it hits them in the face.

Dib:My Dad are fuses are more than others.

Linda: maybe it's high time we all sit down for a little family time at the table.

Then Linda see her husband mobile screen passing by.

Membrane:See you T-

Then Linda grabs the mobile scream and slam it into the wall.

Membrane:Hey what the meaning of this?

Linda:Membrane dear whatever your doing in the lab you better take a break for one night so we can have dinner together as a family ok!

Membrane:Ok ok I'll be off in three weeks on Sunday to be exact so don't turn the screen upside down like you used to at the lab.

Dib:You can do that with those things?

Linda:It my way to help other see the problem in a different angle.

Membrane:It more of her way of turning life's upside down you may say.

Dib find it amusing that his mom is the only one that his dad listens to.

Later that night Linda came into the master bedroom and felt like no one slept here for years since the accident and it looks like she remembered then found the framed picture of a big day.

Linda:You may not show it but you are really do you are beaming with pride but never really thoughts about what happened to your AI friend B.r.r after that.

Once Linda pull out one of the drawers get changed she found what seems to be some kind of listening device.

Linda:My old deep space Caster hmm still have enough juice.

When Linda it on what seem to be a upcoming event came on the screen.

Linda: operation Impending Doom 3? And it seem to be on the same week that am going to have the family co.e together good thing it at the end of the week but still why try again?

Meanwhile at Zims homebase Zim is getting a call from who seem to be the Tallest.

Zim:My Tallest...TAK!?

On the Screen is the new Tallest TAK.

In the weeks before her plained dinner Linda felt something wrong here one they seem to be zombie dumb she also see not doing it writes like school is spelled with a k where the ch is at.

Linda:Ok their something wrong here.

Dib:Yeah do they want to be Concord?

Linda: I get what you are saying but their seem to be more here then it seems.

Dib: How so?

Linda:Well other then you and Gaz most here are simply clueless and as must as I hate to say this I think your dad have a part in all of it.

Dib:I know he always like to keep secrets from the public so they won't fall into their own hands I don't think he and that he's worked with car hoarding knowledge for themselves.

Linda:Don't assume what's on the surface of those you know.

Once Linda dope off Dib and Gaz at Skool Dib started to think about what his mom said during lunch and see that almost everyone was acting more and more dense and during recess lost our hatred in the head with dodgeball and also Zim is absent.

Dib:Maybe mom have a point.

Gaz:Why would I care what she think she abandon us.

Dib: Well we hardly know what go on in their.

Gaz: Wish I knew or care.

The following day Dibs homeroom teacher have announcement.

The Teacher: class this school have been handpicked by membrane lab so I can finally be some use to society.

Then the teacher call in the doing hip seem to have a headband with what could be a CPU of  somekind and Dib is having a bad feeling about it.

When the day of the family dinner came Linda made Italian spaghetti it's not bad but Linda and membrane don't like each other table habits with Linda's having her elbows on the table and membrane having a work call on the same table.

Linda:So where do you think B.r.r nowadays?

Dib:Who Brr?

Linda: Well Dib it before your time brr was you Father's AI assistant when I started working at his lab.

Membrane: well what I can say for Now is it going to be part of shall we say a bigger project.

Dib:Does it have to do with the brain headbands?

Membrane:I see that your Skool had been pick for the project so you think about them so far?

Dib: Well did made some of the Democrats smarter but having a wearable computer on your head to boost your IQ doesn't feel right.

Linda:I have to agree with Deb would it be some withdrawal if someone removed it from anyone's head?

Membrane: The skool signed Waverly forms in case anything goes wrong.

Dib:Do you even care about the other outside the lab?

Membrane:Well it clear that the Skool way of the have failed time and again and me only way they can learn if the knowledge is sent directly into their brains.

Linda: ain't you ever worried about information overload?!

Membrane: trial and error is a small price to pay.

Linda: Don't you even have a heart?

Gaz: Most of those losers would be stuck in that place forever anyway.

Linda: Gaz that no way to talk about your fellow students.

Dib:Even so some do seem to look like it.

Membrane: Which is why the headbands is important for this city to move forward no matter the cost.

Linda: like comment since and maybe better Enlighten mint.

Dib: she does have a point and force Enlightenment never seems to be a good idea.

Membrane:Like it or not they will keep it on as long as it need to be and FYI your cooking is lousy.

Then Linda dumb the rest of the spaghetti member for that remark and stormed off.

Dib: Good thing am full for now.

Then Dib and Gaz lift the kitchen leaving membrane still covered in spaghetti.

Membrane: good thing the emotion test is next on the testing schedule and I met found someone to do it on.

When Friday night came around Deb is climbing onto the roof and find his mom there as well with what seems to be a halo projector.

Dib:Mom what are you doing up here and also what is that?

Linda:Oh that my old deep space podcaster and the Ikeing outtake clip preshow is about to start.

Dib: interesting and also outtakes?

Once Dio take a sit the clip preshow have started.

The thing is packed of clips from the first operation with Zim causing more Mayhem on his Homeworld.

Dib: So that why.

The package on the second amor annoying than before and some have tipping it and they are mostly out of contact.

Linda: Is he that annoying?

Dib:He just been a pain even if the Tallest are now gone so speak that is and no one other than you believe me.

Then there's a clip of one of the slaves pushing the packaging addresses.

Dib: that would explain how's Zim got that Walker.

Then come the Tallest clip package before the main show starts and the Tallest are real jerks in them which lead to their own fate.

Linda:So if they I ran out in the universe who is leading them now?

Then the main shows begins.

Dib:Seem we are about to find out.

Event announcer: Welcome to the operation Impending Doom 3 set a time to charge event now without further delay he is your host and your new tallest Tak!

Linda:Is she that Invader that smarter then Zim?

Dib:Yes and this could be more then unfinished business.

As the presentation precedes Tak explain the Invader mission to invade the world's that they not invented yet but also Seekers all those that were ordered to seek and lemonade any and all resistance and defectors of worlds they did and anyone that will get in their way then the ceremony closes with what Linda think look like Brr who Tak call Arr.

Linda:This could be bad on both side.

Dib:How earth is not on the list.

Linda:Dib she could lift that out on purpose so she could take earth personally and that big red eye look like Brr.

Dib:And eliminate me and those that got her way but why does dad's all day I friends have to do with all of this?

Linda:I don't know but we can't do this alone.

Dib:Who would help us let alone believe us.

Linda:I may know where to find some.

The next day without telling anyone Dib and Linda head toward what seem to be a Ally.

Dib:Mom are you sure you know where you are going?

Linda:I was uncertain when I first came down here as well but it's like they say.

Then Linda twist one of the pipes when they got to the end and opened a secret door.

Linda:Never judge a book by it cover.

Then Linda went in and then Dib reluctantly follow her into what seem to be a elevator and then down they went.

Linda:You may want to turn around for this one dear.

Once they turn around they see great big city size ship and Dib was speechless.

Linda:Welcome to Staropolis one of the many and maybe the last know ark ships in the universe.

Dib:How do you know this place?

Linda:It a long story.

How's the elevator descends they see the news feed of yesterday's event constantly sure they'll be those that will believe them and they come around that may confirms Linda suspicious.

Dib:At least they will believe us but will they help?

Linda:I know it going to be a long shot Dib but we have to try something.

Then Linda and Dib got out of the elevator when the door opens.

Dib:Even if you know some people even if they are not human they may have move on from whatever use to do with them.

Linda:Their that one place we use to hang out but who know how much have changed.

As they head into Staropolis someone one the Advanced mother see some and may play a part on getting Linda's old crew together.

Linda: here we are the old Hangar Bay it's a nice cafe I know when I was in school where me and my friends go out to class and weekends who knows how much I've changed in there.

Dib:At least you had friends back then.

But when they went in unknown to them two of Linda's old friends see them and wonder if it a coincidence.

When Linda and Dib got into the old Hanger bay cafe the place it's decent but there's now a kid place at least Dib eligible enough to hang  there.

Linda: guess they've been some changes but that's too bad and you Dib this could be even though I now go in there could be more Awkward.

Dib:Me being the only kid among your old friends would be more cringing which I think are behind you.

When Linda turn around she see two that from her old days.

Linda:Cybran Bitbite Mally Ringer hiw it been?

Cybran: Oh am originally here to pick up my kids who are most done with their work for the day but you are a unexpected surprise.

Linda:Well that what introverted time travel well testing organic grade clothes will do to ya.

Cybran:Well it would be nice to inform my mother since you been in those class together.

Linda:How an I supposed to know you have to have an official host for that project I was worth the A at the time.

Mally:Well their are going to laye comers due to them having their own kids here as well.

Linda:I see so do you want to talk for old time sake?

Mally:And yesterday event?

Linda:So you heard.

Cybran:Well we are going to depart in less then a week before your so called husband turn Earth into another Ike.

When Dib got into the kid place he sees it's very advance even if they are in a droops when he sees the preschool zero-g pit sign and also see who seems to be the lifeguard training yes she is taking her job seriously Dib bless a bit on how beautiful she looks.

Dib:So that what having a Crush feels like.

When Dib got to where he ment to be which look like a hangout for book readers but while looking around most of the books are in English making him think there is a translator in the ship and picks up Playbook and what seems to be on man made humans.

Dib:This could be more exaggerated then I think.

After reading some of it so far Dib wonder if he a fluke compared to those are on a surface.

Dib:Am I the only smart one or have everyone become immune to learning?

???:Some humans accept the truth even if it hit them in the face until it's too late.

When Dib see who said that the person seem to be machine like like the Lifeguard he seen.

???: Am Dat Bitbite by the way.

Dib:Dib nice to meet you.

Dat:So what being you here?

Dib:Oh trying to pull off a madcap attempt to save Humanity with my mom and I was crazy enough to join.

Dat:Well my sister is going to get off of work soon.

Dib:Is she the lifeguard by any chance?

Dat:You must of seen Stacy on the way over here.

Dib:Hm hm hm guest so.

Dat: She does have this kind of effect on newcomers so who are you with?

Dib:Well my how is a mother Linda membrane don't know her maiden name when she used to live here.

???:My mom know her as Linda StarLuz and they well how should I put this she likes to rival on most school projects.

Dat: Your mom Regan blood moon was shall we say the bad wolf the school thick like your Rick.

Dib:As much as I like to be friends of the kids of those of my mom's acquaintance doesn't  always work well.

???:Me well my dad and I moved here a month ago so I don't know anyone here.

Then Dib turned around and see that another wolf a girl one of a different color who also holding what seem to be a book that she writing in.

Dib:Is that your journal?

???:Oh no just ghostwriting the family novel series.

Dib:At least you have your folks I can be proud of you unlike my dad.

???: purging is never the way also the names Andrea Furwind.

Dib:That a nice name.

Stacy:Dat mom here Rick so is yours and who are your and who are your new friends?

Dib:Am Dib and that Andrea and my mom here as well.

Stacy:Hmm didn't know that the deck Chief Laura has a son.

Dat:Ah hes Linda's.


Once Dib and the others are out of the kids place they see Linda with more of her old friends and someone that look like her who happened to be Laura.

Laura:Ah mom is he that the suppose of Clone got your pee brain husband of yours that you are talking about?

Dib:Mom who is she?

Linda: Remember when I told you I made something this is her.

Cybran:Same here but from different parents.

Stacy: Mom.

Dib: How did I not see that coming?

After hearing what Membrane is planning Linda's friends get the situation but there's nothing they can do with the ship depart in less than a week and it's clear that Dib like always have to do it himself.

Dat:Hey Dib where you going?

Dib:Oh stop a madman who happened to be my dad in a world that don't care nor believe no matter how hard I try to prove it all by myself.

Andrea:Well your not doing this along without me.

Dib:But I just met all of you and I don't think Dat's sister will let you three tagalong.

Stacy:Well even am reluctant to join am still against this but I've been recently ordered to do so I won't say who they are from.

Rick:And if you are going to take a bite at the man I want in.

Dib:Not how I would start making friends but it will do.

And then without further delay Dib and his new friends head off into membranes lab.

Stacy:Hope what you have planned will work Captain.

Once Dib and his friends got into his dad's lad and the whole place is seemly vacant.

Dib:Ok but they just have very dumb guard here and will turn a blind eye to anything out of the ordinary.

Stacy: sounds like Scare Tactics and conditioning.

Dat:She right and this place is like a knowledge vault keeping the population of history and maybe the whole world arrogance.

Rick: Face it your positive dad is a info Pig.

Dib:Mom breaking up with him seem to be more than the right call.

Once Dib and the others put the signal jammers on they head where they need to be.

Andrea:Guest it time for the story climax.

On the way over they seen alot of Membrane experiments that's true made humans know better but they came into a dark hallway and when Dib turn on the light he and the others see what seem to be tubes of him and Gaz.

Stacy:were you and your sister suppose we meant to be in those?

???:And not ment for the public to know.

When they turn around to see who said that and it was Membrane of all people.

Dib:So me and Gaz are close of you and mom.

Membrane:More or less but with your so called mother turn the world upside down I have to accelerate my plan in Gaz is the first of my mood experiments.

When Membrane step aside they see Gaz with a very unsettling grin with a bat in her hand.

Dib:Do you have any humanity for what you are doing?

Membrane:I only cut it out of the equation so they will have better results of progress.

Dib:Cutting cold Turkey never works.

Andrea:Yeah and those that use mind control will always backfire and get out of hand.

Then Andrea open her book dose seemly activate a cloaking device.

Membrane:Hmm not bad for now but this is just a sample.

Dib's team did nice getaways to the can get you where you need to be and what they found it's got to be the tallest of all the bad ideas Brr as the main hive to Membrane.

Dib:So that Brr but what does the stand for?

Membrane:I just like the name that all.

Once they turned around membrane have them corn with his mind control followers that have those headbands on them.

Dib:Why are you doing this dad? Having a computer to mine until the population is crazy even for you.

Membrane:A small price to pay and to be fair am only the harder and he's the shepherd.

Brr:Ture but your the genius.

Dib:Is he your sidekick or your yes bot?

Then what seem to be a mobile drone came out of one of the walls.

Dib:One of his enforcer?

Membrane: No just something he uses to directly talk to anyone.

Brr:I only play yes Bot only to that ego maniac so you can be happy and also what was your mission leader doing?

Stacy:Sending in backup.

The Stacy turn on what seem to be a portable generator and Linda and her friends came out of it with a very disappointed look.

Linda:This is disappointing even for you and Brr how can you put up with him also would Zim be within your group?

Dib:Hmm come to think of it he had been under the radar unless he got out of Dodge since this is only me for now The Seekers can't see where they are first deployed.

Linda:Hmm make sense now without further delay.

Then Linda pull out from her pocket what seem to be a high frequency color and buy a flick of the switch it let out a high-pitched ring disrupting the mind control bands and destroying Brr at the same time but not without him whisper into Linda's ear and dose covering Dib eyes and so did the other mothers in the group and when Membrane look around and see why.

Membrane:I understands what your doing.

Then all that were under the control of Professor membrane ran out of the lab........ streaking! Except for Gaz.

Membrane:I never been so humiliated in all my life.

Linda:Membrane it over time to move on like we are soon.

Dib: I hate to do this as much as you do but you leave me no choice.

In his frustration membrane looked at Andrea and even if he knows better than to take it out on a girl he have Gaz do it for him but Dib intervene.

Dib:I will not let you do this Gaz even if we are per program not to hurt our dad no matter how much he neglect us.

Gaz:Don't care just going to do it for fun.

Dib:Guest not having mom's had really made a monster and I never let you have your way.

Gaz:Oh Yeah you and what Army?

Then Dat and Rick stand with Dib with Stacy to support them and his brother and that made Gaz even more angry and goes for the attack and Andrea I need foot seems to be Green Smoke emerald green smoke to be exact and once Gaz went in while Dib and the others went out the other side Gaz ran all the way out of the lab screaming.

Linda:What did you do Andrea?

Andrea:Show her inter Beauty.

Reagan: superficial beauty or beauty Beauty?

Andrea:Lwt say the truth of her beauty.

Dib:I know Gaz doesn't like pretty things but that's just her after all.

Then Dib Linda and both of th heir friends head home leaving Membrane in the dark and all alone.

Oval outro:As must as he deserves it the story didn't end there an attempt to go out to Star opolis that nut membrane turned into a ship and try to control it but here's the funny part it crashed into Ike when I came in just to finalize the documents.

Even if here under orders I like to explore more of this place someday because even if it does seem like the end of Dibs story with Zim but it seem to be a new one beginning with Andrea but when I was about to leave who seem to her dad gave me what what seems to be the business card to to a book publishing business.

Ovalsan: True ending new beginning or what if you decide.

(Vote if you think that should happen comment if you think otherwise or share if you think this is only the beginning.)

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