First day

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A year ago luz just learn her and her siblings are gifted. So when her and her mom were in princip room and counclier/principal name mr bump. Suggesed luz and her siblings to study at the owl academia a academy that helps gifted students. So they are now students today is first day.

As luz walks in school wearing her uniform which was a dress shirt jacket and pants and sneakers. With cloak around her neck. With bi pride pin on cloak. As she walk she saw this girl older then her walk up in scary way.

In luz mind is going hurt me what if she notice my pin oh god i can't stand.

Hey there like your bi pin you supporter.

Huh what you mean no i am bi.

Oh no way cool well i am boscha i will be your freshman buddy.

Huh freshman what now.

Oh it something ten grade and up students can volunteer to help freshman feel comfortable in school settings.  So any questions come to me  okay.

Luz just nods her head.

Oh you shy it okay i wouldn't bit.

I am luz sorry you kinda scare me.

Oh i get that alot.

Anyway luz need any help.

Yes where principal office.

I know where that is. I can take you boscha offer a hand.

Luz took it thank you boscha.

So as they walk luz notice something alot pride related stuff. Hey boscha is pride month here.

Pride what month.

Luz pointed to decorations.

Oh that it rainbow heart week it where we show our love to our lgbt peers families friends even lovers.

Oh so like pride month but week long.

Oh seriously that cool why whole month.

Well in earth we have people that hate lgbt and the month show support lgbt battle for acceptance.

Now that dumb don't worry luz no one will hate you isles. I am actually pan myself.

Oh that cool thanks boscha.

No problem anything else you like know. They say as they walk.

Well ah eariler i bump into another girl who look sad with purple hair.

Oh that amity advice be kind to her today been not good day for her.

Oh i see something happen.

Well i can't say but something very bad happened when she was little.

Oh i get it hope she finding help.

Boscha smile you know i can interduce you two if you like. I feel you both be greate friends.

You really think so.

Yep oh were here principal office. They stop at office door. Okay i good see you later luz.

Bye boscha she waved.

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