Idea #10: The Bone Girl of Bonesborough (Witch AU)

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Being born is a simple thing, the start of a new life of a future witch, but what would happen if a witch was born in the same day the Titan feel? The answer: They would be blessed or cursed with magic no one had ever seen before.


Undertale, Sans and Gaster.


Heterochromia iridium, brown (right eye) and dull blue (left eye but glows when Luz uses her magic). Wears white and blue hoodie, the hood being white and shaped like a cat skull, black shirt underneath, with black cargo pants with white X on each side, and white flats.


Bone Summoing, Gaster Blasters, telekinesis, teleportation, Gaster hands


Luz X Amity

Oneshot for Inspiration:

Standing on stage in the Hexside auditorium, Luz stood with her hood on and her hands in her pockets as Principal Bump sat in the audience. It was that time of year for student auditions and Luz was the last one of the day. If she passes, she can attend the next semester but if not, she can try for the other magic schools.

'Let's hope that's not the case, I want to be in my home town for school.' Luz thought as Bump cleared his throat.

"Now, Ms. Noceda, I've heard rumors about you and your unique magic but I do not trust rumors, I trust what I see with my own eyes." Bump said as he tapped a clip board with a pen. "Now then, show me what you can do."

"Gladly sir." Luz said as she pulled out her right hand, snapping her fingers.

Appearing in thin air, several bones surrounded Luz and began spinning like saws while 7 hands appeared in front of her and a large car skull with glowing eyes appeared behind her!

"Grrrr." It growled as its mouth brewed with magic energy.

"Aaah!" Bump screamed a bit, surprised by their sudden appearance and he could feel magic energy radiating off Luz.

Power possibly equal to Belos, but she was just a child!

"Good enough for you?" Luz asked as her left eye was glowing, bright blue as she smirked a bit down to the principal.

"Y-Yes. I think this will suffice." Bump said with a nod, quickly writing down the results. "You are now accepted into Hexside School of Magic and Demonics."

"Sweet!" Luz cheer as she snapped her fingers, making all of her bone magic vanish! "Where do I pick up my uniform?"

'This school year going to be interesting, VERY interesting.' Bump thought as he led Luz out of the auditorium.

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