Idea #17: Hunter and the 10 Rings

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After finding a rare portal spell, the golden guard of the Emperor's Coven takes an unofficial journey to the human world and explores. Through his journey, he stumbles upon an ancient tomb with relics far beyond what he expected to be in the human world. With these relics under his control, Hunter will discover there is more power in the human world than he could have imagined and he has to choose whether to keep it for himself or give it to the Emperor.


Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings

Hunter's New Weapons:

The Ten Rings

The Ten Rings Abilities:

immortality, enhanced strength, emission of concussive energy blasts, and be used projectiles through telepathic control.


Hunter X Emira

Oneshot for Inspiration:

Laying on the ground, Hunter groaned in pain as he slowly opened his eyes to gaze at the sky.

"Where am I?" He asked as he got up.

Looking around him, Hunter saw his staff were close by and grabbed it as he took in his surroundings. The area looked like a mountain forest and no signs of civilization near but this was different from the forests he had seen before. The leaves were greener and the mountain looked too healthy.

"There has to be someone nearby. Maybe they can tell me where I am." He said, as he started walking, "Because this sure isn't the Boiling Isles."

After 35 minutes of walking, Hunter stumbled upon an old village devoid of anyone but there had to be somebody here.

"Hello? Anyone here?" He asked out, looking around the village.

Hunter looked around for anyone that lived there but found nothing. It was a bit frustrating since he though this would had some form of natives.

"Come....." a voice said as the winds blew, putting Hunter on edge as he looked around for the source.

"W-w-who's there?" He asked as he held his staff at the ready to blast anyone or anything that snuck up on him.

"Come..." the voice said again as the wing blew against him, making Hunter turn to see an old house with a small cyclone around it. "Come....."

Hunter stared at the house for a few moments before he gulped and made a choice.

"This is going to be stupid, but it might be the only way I can get home." He said to himself.

He decided to follow the voice and wind to the empty house in search for a person or a way back to the Boiling Isles. He pushed the door open slowly with his staff and peaked in, seeing it was devoid of life like the rest of the village but there was something in the air the beaconed him to come inside and look around. The house looked very strange yet intriguing inside as it's decor seemed traditional and ancient. But something seemed out of place, something that kept drawing Hunter in before he reached an empty room with a pedestal in the center.

"Hmmm." Hunter hummed as he saw a small chest on the pedestal, curious to why it stood alone in the room.

Walking over to investigate, Hunter used his staff to reach the box and pushed it up to open before putting up a magic shield. He waiting for a few seconds for anything to happen before he lowered it.

'Okay, so it's no booby trapped.' He thought as he looked inside of the box.

Sitting in the chest, Hunter saw that 10 large rings/bracelets with strange carvings were inside though as he gazed at them, he felt some sort of......connection with them. As it they were the ones calling out to him, something he questioned further as they began to glow with a red energy.

"Even by demon world standards, I don't think this is normal." He said.

Reaching his hand out, Hunter saw the box shake a bit before 5 of them suddenly moved onto his arm and shrinking to fit! They weren't tight or anything, they almost fit like it was natural.

"Woah." He said as he looked them over, feeling strong all of a sudden as well. "These are definitely not normal......and definitely shouldn't be left here."

Moving to hold his staff in his other hand, Hunter held his other arm out for the other 5 rings/bracelets to fit onto his other arm.

''I don't know where I am, what these are, or what's going on but I don't have time for this. I just need to find a way home.' He thought as he turned around to leave the house.

Sensing his desire, the ten rings/bracelets around his arms hummed with red energy before hey consumed him in a blinding red light!

"Aaaah!" Hunter shouted as he shut his eyes from the light.

Feeling his eyes burn for a few moments, Hunter rubbed them as the light died down and slowly blinked them open to see.....he was back in his room in the Emperor's Coven! They rings/bracelets had brought him home.

'What....but how?' Hunter thought as he gazed at the ten rings/bracelets on his arms, wondering and worrying what other mysterious powers they had.

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