Idea #25: Broken Light

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In an AU where Raine managed to steal the portal key back, Eda and then create a one way portal to get Luz home BY force. Meaning everyone, including Amity, had to say goodbye to Luz while she wanted to stay. And once she got back to Earth, she learns that her mother is happier with Vee as her daughter instead of Luz. This leads to Luz's heart, mind, and soul breaking beyond repair as she now had no place in EITHER world. So, she left Gravesfield and wandered for months before finding herself saved by a good hearted yet sadistic man, an underground fight manager. For years, Luz is trained and molded into an emotionless fighter that destroys any opponent, the taste of victory dulling the deep betrayal inside of her. Years go by until somehow, Eda returns to "bring her home" but soon discovers that the bright girl she once knew was now a broken monster. Can Eda save Luz or will she be another one of her destroyed victims?


The Boxer by JH, Webtoons

Kengan Asura and Omega

Luz's age and appearance:

19 years old. Dull brown eyes, brown skin, long black hair kept in a pony tail, 6 ft 2in tall, and slim yet powerful muscle type (Maki from Fire Force).

Her clothes are a simply black tank top, dark red sweatpants with a black stripe down the sides, and black high tops.


K (from The Boxer): an older man with a well defined body and pure white hair with a slightly receding hairline, thick white eyebrows, blue eyes and a wrinkled face.

Skills/Martial Arts:

Boxing, Sambo, Krav Maga, Lethwei, Taekwando, Karate, Judo, Savate, and Shoot Wrestling.

Awaken Ability:

The Fist Eye: a randomly inherited ability of incredible superhuman kinetic vision which allows the user to catch most things invisible to the naked eye or predict any and all attacks. While powerful, it's an exhausting ability and can lead to a loss of focus if overused.


Dead Lumity

Oneshot for Inspiration (Aided by MrHardcor3):

Luz struck a punching bag with all her strength, making the chain it was on rattle.

"Again." K said, standing to the side to watch Luz.

The woman nodded as she threw another punch, rattling the punching bag as the impacted BOOMED within the room.

"Remember, every strike should have the intent to destroy your opponent." K said to Luz with his arms crossed.

"Hmm." Luz hummed as she planted her foot, throwing a punch that TORE through the punching bag!

"Good, just like that." K said.

Luz nodded to him as she pulled her arm out, watching the sand fall on the ground with her dull eyes.

"That's enough for today, Luz. Head on home, your next match is tomorrow night and you'll need your rest for it." K said to Luz as he went to get something to clean up sand from the punching bag.

"Sure." Luz said as she turned to leave, heading to the locker room to change.

'Home... that's a funny word.' Luz thought.

Luz hadn't been home in a long time, having lost it all years ago and left to find a new place to call home but she never did. It was just a place to rest, eat, clean, and train on occasion.

She lost everything years ago, and she lost her ability to give a damn.

Now, after basically dropping out of school and giving up any dream, all Luz does these days is train and fight in underground matches. the death.

'Death comes for all, it doesn't matter when.' Luz thought as she left the gym, walking home through the city of New York.

She couldn't stay in Connecticut, not after everything that happened. No friends, no family, no magic. She was all alone..........until she felt that someone was following her down the street.

'Hmmm.' Luz thought as she walked a bit faster, heading down a line alleyway to see if who was following her would follow down here. 'If they follow me, then they forgo their life privileges.'

Luz hide behind a dumpster and waited, hearing footsteps coming down the alleyway a few seconds later.

"Where did she go? I just saw her come down here." A voice said, familiar but Luz didn't care at the moment.

"Maybe I could help find her? We're secluded so no one would notice." Another familiar voice said.

'There's two of them. I've fought more than that at one time.' Luz thought, remembering free-for-all matches.

Luz got ready to pounce when a musical note was heard, confusing her as the two people stopped walking.

"She's hiding behind that dumpster." One said.

'Shit.' Luz thought, letting out a sigh. 'And there's no way to get out except going through them. There goes my element of surprise.'

Luz got up from her hiding spot and faced the two that were following her, dropping into slouching position with her arms hanging down and her hands curled into fists. She glared with killer intent as the stared at her with hoodies in and the hood over their heads.

"Who are you two and why are you following me?" Luz asked them.

"We don't want to fight." One said to Luz with their hands up.

"Too late." Luz said.

Luz charged at the duo, throwing an uppercut as they moved out of the way!

"Kid, listen! You got this all wrong!" One said as Luz jumped at them.

"I don't think so." Luz replied as she kicked, making the strange put their arms up to block before they were launched into the alley wall!

Luz held them by the neck and lifted her fist, intending on ending this, when she saw the persons face.

"E-E-Eda?" Luz stuttered out, shocked for the first time in years.

Looking at Luz as her hood fell off, Eda groaned a bit from Luz's grip but smiled either way.

"H-Hey there, kid." Eda stuttered out, waving to Luz. "H-How you been?"

Luz didn't reply to Eda as she slowly lessened her grip on her neck, flashing back to all the good memories she had in the demon realm. The adventures, the friends, and love she found; it all came back to her.........before it came back to being forced to LEAVE.

"Eda......" Luz growled out as her anger rose, gripping her neck tighter than before.

"L-Luz?" Eda gasped out in pain.

"RAH!" Luz screamed as she threw her punch until it was stopped by a magical glow around her body. "LET GO OF ME! WHO EVER YOU ARE, LET ME GO!"

The other witch, standing behind Luz and removing their hood as they held a violin in their hand, was Raine Whispers.

"Luz, stop! It's us! Your friends!" Raine said to Luz, plucking the violin to make Luz let go of Eda.

"Friends? Friends?!" Luz shouted as Eda moved away from Luz. "You can't possibly think you're my friends after you abandoned me and forced me back here!"

"What do you mean?" Eda asked, rubbing her neck. "We got you back home, away from Belos, back to your mother."

"A mother who chose a basilisk disguised as me over ME! Said Vee was the daughter she always wanted! Sweet and normal!" Luz shouted at them, struggling in Raine's magic hold.

"What?!" Eda and Raine asked in shock.

"She's kicked you out?!" Eda said in shock.

"And after that, after being rejected by the only person I truly cared about in THIS world and being rejected by the people I THOUGHT cared about me in the other world, I was left broken and wandered from Gravesfield for who knows how long!" Luz shouted as her anger began to overflow. "My trained, K, found me and took me in! Giving me some form of life as an underground fighter!"

"An underground fighter? You fight like a savage just for big bucks!?" Eda asked in surprise.

"Yeah, that's the ONLY highlight, you gray haired shank!" Luz shouted at Eda, making her gasp as Luz has never insulted her like that. "The day you sent me back was the day that I lost everything that was important to me! All because you forced me to come back here!"

Both witches were saddened by this, not expecting this to become of Luz when they sent her back 5 years ago. They didn't expect her to become so full of anger and sadness.

"Luz, kid, we never meant for that to happen. We just........I just wanted to protect you." Eda said to her.

"We all did. That why after we defeated Belos and exposed him, we didn't stop looking for a way to bring you back ho-" Raine was cut off by Luz.

"FUCK THAT! You all made your choice 5 years ago! Now, all I want to do now that I see you, is beat you until you know EXACTLY how BROKEN you all left me!" Luz shouted as she was slowly overtaking Raine's magic hold.

Luz broke free and ran at Eda, tackling her. Eda hit the ground as Luz knelled over her, pulling her fist back with murderous intent in her eyes. Intent that broke Eda's heart at seeing her like this and she was to blame.

"Luz, pleas-"

A music note went off, catching a small explosion of smoke to fill the area. Eda found herself pulled up while Luz was shoveled away as Raine got them out of the alley. When the smoke cleared, Luz got up and looked around for them, only to find they had escaped and she was left alone.

"Grrr!" Luz growled as the sky rumbled, a storm moving in to the city.

'The next time I see them, ANY of them, they're dead!' Luz thought as the rain began to fall, walking out of the alley towards her home again.

As she did, the two witches watched from a distance.

'What have we done?' Eda thought.

They didn't think Luz could become like this, so angry and dangerous. But they didn't know how dangerous until they saw her match the next night, having followed her and stayed hidden from a greater distance. And this time, they weren't alone.

If anyone could could help Luz, it would be her.

"Are you sure she's here?" The third one asked, wearing a hoodie as Eda wore a bandanna and glasses while Raine wore a fedora.

The trio were currently in the audience of a secret underground arena, building inside an abandoned warehouse with dozens of people watching an octagon in anticipation.

"Yeah, we're sure. So keep an eye out for Luz, ready for something you won't like." Eda said to Amity, warning her.

"What... what do you mean?" Amity asked, now  a grown woman with link magenta hair.

Before Eda or Raine could answer, the lights of the secret arena went out as the only light that shined was over the octagon. A female referee walked into the arena with a microphone in hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the opening fight of the evening!" She shouted as the crowd cheered for the fight. "In the left corner, with a record of 45 wins and 8 loses, give it up for the Queen of Death, Reina de la muerte, LUZ!"

Entering the octagon without her shoes, Luz was glaring at the one she would face as her anger from yesterday has festered within her. If she didn't let it out soon, there would be terrible things would happen.

"And in the right corner, with a record of 31 wins and 20 loses, he's the Fist of God! Marcus Archer!" The referee said as a man stepped into the octagon.

He had peach white skin, short brown hair, and blue eyes as he stood about as tall as Luz. He wore a had a muscle frame bigger than Luz and wore skintight black muscle shirt with beige cargo pants. He had an arrogant smile as he looked at Luz, thinking it would be easy because she was a woman with a slimmer body frame than him. He didn't care if their win and lose ratio was different, he was sure he'd beat her easy because of his experience.

"Fighters, at the ready!" The referee said as held her hand up, moving outside of the octagon.

Luz moved into her slouched stance as before as Marcus got in a boxing stance, bouncing on his feet.

'I'll end this in a minute.' Marcus thought as he moved closer to Luz.

"........And FIGHT!" the referee shouted!

Marcus charged at Luz, who stood still as she glared at him, before he threw a punch!

"Ha!" He shouted before he was punched in the jaw, completely missing Luz.

Luz growled as she didn't stop, unleashing a flurry of punches all over his body before ending it with a rising kick to the chin! Everyone was silent as Marcus coughed blood and collapsed to the ground, unconscious and injured beyond belief.

"I-It's over! The Queen of Death wins the match!" The referee said as Luz turned to leave, feeling a bit better now that her pent up rage was gone.

The crowd slowly began cheering for Luz, amazed by her merciless beatdown of her opponent as the three witches hidden in the crowd were silently horrified by Luz's fighting. It was savage, it was monstrous, it wasn't.................Luz.

'Luz, what have you become?' Amity thought as she cried in silence, horrifying that the girl she still loved had become like this.

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