Idea #3: The Power of Judgement

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Luz Noceda, age 27, one of the most fierce and merciless judges on the Boiling Isles. No one could stop her judgement of any and all criminals, not even Emperor Belos himself. The reason why? It was because she was cursed with a curse unlike any other, a curse that let Luz see the sins and morality of a person. In her youth, she learned to convert the darkness and sins of others into magic power for her to use.

Her court is not decided with words and evidence, it is decided with trial by combat where Luz will brutalize any one on trial before sending them to prison or worse, give them the death penalty herself. This cursed power made it difficult to bond with others, even her own mother and friends, leaving Luz to a life of solitude.....until one day, she crosses paths with the head of the Emperor's Coven. A lilac haired woman named "Amity Blight."


Jujutsu Kaisein, Hiromi Higuruma.

Luz's Appearance:

Long black hair kept in a dreadlocks, dull hazel eyes, and a black business suit with a black tie.

Weapon of Choice:

Form shifting gavel.

Amity's Appearance: (image belongs to Mr.Jellybeans on Twitter)


Luz x Amity

Oneshot for Inspiration:

Bonesborough Courthouse, a place were justice is served to criminals of all shapes and sizes but the justice served is different than most people with think as court was in session right now. The Emperor's Coven was present in the crowd as the criminal stood before the judge. There was no jury and there was no witness stand, there was only the a judge stand and a large ring before it.

"All rise. Court is now in session with the honorable and merciless, Judge Luz Nocdea presiding." A bailiff said as Luz walked to the judge stand.

"All rise." Luz said in a professional voice as everyone rose, before she banged her gavel. "You may be seated."

Everyone sat in their seats as another bailiff brought in a man with chains on his arms and ankles. He had a bland tan skin tone and has a varied types of piercings, along with a metal necklace. His eyes and hair color are that of a calm brown. His hair spikes, in several places, like a series of blades and possesses sharp teeth.

"Giriko Chains, you stand accused of assault, attempted murder, and unlawful use of magic. How do you plead?" Luz asked him.

"I would say not guilty, your honor but we all know that's a lie." Giriko said with a smirk as he looked into her eyes. "See judge, I WANTED to be caught and I WANTED to be brought before you."

"And why is that? If you know of me and my abilities, I would've thought you'd be smart to stay OUT of my courtroom." Luz said as her eyes flashed red, her curse activating.

"Oh I know about your abilities and I want to see them myself! I wanna see just how strong the Mistress of Dark Justice Is!" Giriko said with a large and crazed smile!

The crowd gasped, this man was insane and wasn't afraid to show it. Murmurs we're heard around the courtroom as the Emperor's Coven at the ready to take him into custody, until a pressure washed over the crowd and made everyone fall silent.

"Very well, Mr. Chains. If you wish to see my power, then I find you guilty on all accounts." Luz said in a cold tone as she raised her gavel. "Your sentence is Life in the Comformitorium.....if you win."

Luz slammed her gavel down, the clash of wood echoing through the courtroom as a magic dome appeared over the large ring.

"Ms. Coven Ladder, what's going on?" A rookie E.C.M. asked as he sat next to the leader, Amity Blight. "This doesn't seem like a normal court settlement."

"That's because it's not. What you are seeing is Judge Noceda's court, a battle between judge and convict for the verdict or the freed of the criminal." Amity said with a grim look on her face. "But no criminal has ever won because of her curse and her magical genius."

"Magical genius?" He asked as Judge Luz rose from the stand and discard her judge's robe.

"For as long as anyone can remember, she's been cursed to see the sins and morality of anyone that gazed into her eyes. And then she turns that into magic power to make herself stronger and faster." Amity said as Luz stepped into the ring, her gavel in hand. "That's why there's no jury or witnesses, she can instantly know what they did by looking at them and then she delivers the sentence."

"But why the battle?" The E.C.M. asked as Giriko was released from his chains.

"She thought they got off to easy, so she went to his majesty with this proposal and she hasn't disappointed yet." Amity said with a frown. "Personally, I think it's because Belos himself fears her curse and the power she could receive from looking him in the eyes."

"What are you standing there for, judge?! Come on! Let's get this party started!" Giriko said as he held his foot up, magic chains appearing on his leg and spinning with destructive ferocity!

"Don't worry, Mr. Chains. You'll get what you desire but be warned," Luz said as her gavel began to glow. "The outcome will not be what you think."

The gavel changed shape in Luz's hands, slowly becoming a two handed war hammer!

"May the combat trial of Judge Luz Noceda and Criminal Giriko Chains begin!" The bailiff shouted as Luz and Giriko charged at each other!

Luz's hammer head clashed with Giriko's chained as the crowd watched in shock!

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