Idea #49: The Phantom and the Exorcist (Human AU)

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Amity is a half ghost superhero known as "Ms. Phantom" and protects Bonesborough from the constant ghost attacks until one day, a new girl moves into town and starts dealing with ghost PERMANENTLY. Now, Amity will have to work twice as hard to save the town from the ghost and save the ghost from one known as "The Exorcist."


Danny Phantom

Jujutsu Kaisen

Amity's human appearance:

Beta Amity

Amity's ghost form:

Pale blue skin with purple eyes and flaming pink hair. Wearing a black, sleeveless jumpsuit with MP on the chest, elbow length hot pink gloves, and matching thigh high boots.

Amity's ghost powers:

Ghost sense, flight, invisibility, intangibility, ectoplasmic energy manipulation (beams, constructs, and absorption), pyrokinesis, and duplication.

Amity's friends/team:

Boscha, Willow, Gus, Amelia, Cat, Skara, and Hunter

Oneshot for Inspiration:

The bell for Bonesborough High School rang as the students of Mr. Darius's first period science class were getting to their seats. Some were still talking as the teacher walked into the room.

"Alright, students, settle down. Before we begin, we have a new student joining us today." Darius said, walking to his desk and picking up a clipboard. "Please welcome, Ms... Luz Noceda."

The door was opened as everyone gasped in shock, seeing a 6-7 foot tall teenager with brown skin, hazel eyes, and long black hair in a pony tail walk into their class room. Not only that but her clothes shocked them a bit too as she wore military black boots, baggy cargo pants, a black short sleeve shirt that revealed her muscular arms, and a gray camouflage vest! She also had a unique necklace with various religious symbols on it. Everyone was silent as Luz walked to Darius's desk and stood next to it, towering over him.

"Hey." she said simply, giving a neutral expression.

The girl in question had wild green hair that reached her back, palish white skin, and golden eyes. She wore a purple shirt with long sleeve and blue jeans along with black high tops.

"Well, if anyone doesn't have any questions, you may take your seat, Luz." Darius said, pointing to the back of the class. "There is an open one right in the back next to Ms. Blight."

'Oh joy.' Amity thought, rolling her eyes at this.

Luz nodded to Darius as she walked towards the back of the classroom, seeing the green haired girl sitting next to an empty seat. They met their gazes for a moment before Luz sat down next to Amity, not saying a word.

"What? No "hi?"" Amity asked as she turned to Luz, finding no response from the taller girl. "Fine, whatever."

'Rude ass giant.' Amity thought, turning back to the front.

"Now class, turn to page 84 in your books and we'll get started." Darius said.

Suddenly, the loud speaker went off.

"Attention students, please remain calm, there is a Ghost attack happening." The principal said, "Again, please remain calm and remain seated, we are going into lockdown."

Hearing this, some students began to panic as metal covered slid down over all of the windows.

"Alright, students! Remain calm and exit to the school bunker." Darius said, trying to calm them down.

'This can't be a ghost attack. My ghost sense hasn't-' Amity's thought was cut off as a wisp of pink air came from her mouth. 'It's real. I gotta get clear and deal with this.'

"Ms. Blight." Darius said, making Amity look up at him. "Can you please make sure Ms. Noceda reaches the bunker safely?"

"Uh... yes sir!" Amity said, saluting for some reason.

'What the fuck am I doing?' Amity thought.

Luz chuckled at the idiotic move as she got up, waiting for her to get up as everyone else was rushing out of the classroom.

"Quit laughing and follow me." Amity said, getting up quickly and grabbing Luz by the arm. "Come on."

Luz said nothing as she let Amity drag her out of the classroom, seeing everyone rushing in a panic down the hallways.

'I could use this to get away and deal with the ghost.' Amity thought as Luz glanced around the hallway.

'I just need to get away from her.' Amity thought, glancing at Luz.

The two went down a mostly empty hallway to the school bunker before Luz stopped by a bathroom.

"I gotta take a leak." Luz said, breaking away from Amity.

"What? But this is an emergency." Amity said, even if this could be the perfect cover for her.

"So? Just because this place has a ghost problem, doesn't mean I have to care." Luz said, walking into the bathroom.

'You say that but that depends on who the ghost is.' Amity thought with a groan. 'At least now, I can sneak away and transform to deal with whoever it is.'

Amity ran to her locker before getting inside and closing it. A flash could be seen through the locker.

Phasing out of the locker, Amity/Ms. Phantom continued to fly out of the school before she floated in the sky.

"Alright, who's causing trouble this time?" Ms. Phantom asked, becoming visible and looking around.

"Right here, Welp!" A male voice said, firing a energy net at her!

Ms. Phantom was caught in the net and pulled down to the school roof!

"WHOA!" She let out before crashing into the roof.

'Great, it's Skulker again.' Ms. Phantom thought as she looked up to see the "greatest hunter" of the Ghost Zone floating before her.

"Glad to see I can still catch you off guard." He said with a grin.

"You got lucky but your luck has run out!" Ms. Phantom said, focusing her energy and bursting out of the net. "You should know by now I don't give up that easily."

"Me either!" Skulker shouted, producing an arm cannon from his left wrist and green blade from his right wrist!

Ms. Phantom concentrated energy into her hands as she prepared to fight one of her oldest enemies again. The two charged at each, ready to fight until-


A sword was thrown between them, making them both lean back as it stabbed into the roof!

"Oh, today is my lucky day." The new voice said, "Two for the price of one."

Ms. Phantom and Skulker turned to the voice, seeing a woman crouching on the edge of the school roof. She was clad in black body armor with a reflective helmet and a white hooded cloak on her shoulders, on her chest was a cross but it was made from countless religious symbols from around the world. She looked up to them as a sort of pressure was exerted, making both of them nervous and sweat from the danger this woman seemed to be.

"W-Who are you?" Skulker asked as the woman turned to him.

"Who I am doesn't matter." the woman said, her voice disguised by a digital filter. "The reason I'm here is what matters."

Within the blink of an eye, the woman appeared by her sword and grabbed the handle!

'She's fast!' Ms. Phantom and Skulker thought, turning to her.

"And that is to put you both to rest." the woman said, slashing with the sword!

'Why does everyone think I'm with them!?' Ms. Phantom thought.

Ms. Phantom moved back as Skulker blocked, being sent skidding across the roof!

"Such strength! And from a human?!" Skulker asked in shock.

"I'm not your average human, I am an exorcist." The woman said, charging at him again!

Ms. Phantom flew into the air and turned invisible, wanting to see more about this "Exorcist."

"Eat rockets, humans!" Skulker shouted, deploying rocket launcher form his shoulders and firing!

The exorcist chucked as she reached into her cloak, causing a glow to appear before she pulled out a second sword! A katana to be exact!

'Child's play!' She thought before blitzing through the missiles, slicing through every one with ease!

'Woah, she's good.' Ms. Phantom thought.

Skulker quickly put away the missile launchers and switched to laser cannons, but the exorcist sliced them to pieces with ease! Skulker was shocked by this as his scanners quickly analyzed the swords, finding out their materials.

"What?! Those swords are Nth metal?!" Skulker shouted, quickly moving back!

"More than just that. All of my weapons are made of and blessed of various materials to exorcise any dangerous supernatural entity. including ghosts!" Exorcist shouted, rushing at Skulker again!

She swung her swords at him, but he dodged each one by a hair.

'Nth metal alone is a deadly element that could harm ghosts but with all of them other methods mixed with the metal, just one cut could be fatal to my after life!' Skulker thought as he flew into the sky!

Skulker's running? But he never runs.' Ms. Phantom thought in surprise.

"Think you can run from me?" Exorcist asked, putting both swords back into her cape and summoning a silver chain with a Star of David at the end!

Exorcist spun it at high speed before she threw it at him, wrapping it around him and causing him pain.

Ms. Phantom's eyes widened, shocked by this as the dust settled on the roof.

Skulker groaned as his robotic body was heavily damaged and he couldn't use his powers to phase out because of the Nth metal in the chain.

'If I don't think of something, I'm going to actually die!' Skulker thought as Exorcist walked towards him.

"Check mate, ghost. Time to face oblivion." Exorcist said, reaching into her cape and pulling out a hunting knife. "Any last words?"

"Just......four." Skulker said as he turned his gauntlet and pushed two buttons at once. "Self-destruct and eject!"

The gauntlets flew off and exploded, knocking the exorcist back. A small green ghost ejected from the head of Skulker, revealing his true form that flew off as the rest of the body destroyed itself!

"Wow, Skulker has a self destruct? I never knew that." Ms. Phantom comments as she saw the tiny green ghost fly away in fear. "Hehehehehe."

'Damn, that's still funny.' She thought, always finding his true form funny.

Suddenly, Ms. Phantom was wrapped in the chain and thrown to the ground.

"WHOA! Ugh!" She grunts, her invisibility fading as Exorcist walked up to her.

"That one might have gotten away but at least I still have you." She said, her suit damaged a bit from the explosion.

"What? Look, I don't know who you are but I am a good ghost! I fight to protect Bonesborough!" Ms. Phantom said, struggling in the chain.

"I know and I don't care. A good ghost is still ghost, an unresting spirit that must be sent to the afterlife. And in the name of the gods of this world, I'll will exorcise you." Exorcist said, pulling out a sword from her cape.

'Oh man, today just isn't my day!' Ms. Phantom thought with a gulp.

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