Moon Four | Closed

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The dusty piles of ashes that once littered the ground of the forest and camp have been washed away- for the most part. Herbs are beginning to grow back in small amounts, meanwhile, prey has still been dangerously scarce. While there has been a few spottings of potential kill, the regular amounts of prey this time of year has been decreased. As the winter season is approaching, the number of prey will drop even more. For now, it's still safe to hunt in the fields that hold small rodents and birds.

As the forest takes it's time in recovery, a new threat is on the rise.

The wolves have emerged from the badlands and they're not happy. After the fire occurred that demolished the forest and it's prey, the vicious creatures are seeming to place the blame on the dog pack with the promise of revenge.

A war is coming.

Pack News
• The wolves are more active than ever in the forest.
• A rouge by the name of Fergus has shown interest in joining the pack.
• The pack is on edge after the run-in into the small group of wolves.

• Ash and Arrow are missing
• A few dogs are recovering from a wolf attack
• Alpine is getting very sick
• Fawn has had her three pups
• A loner was spotted in the territory by Tobias and Phoenix

Season & Weather
Early - Winter :: 38°F
The air is cooling significantly, and all of the leaves have fallen from their trees. There's no sign of snow yet, though, the colder temperatures show that it's preparing for the winter season.

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