Chapter Five- The Empty Seat At The Back Of The Classroom

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I try calling Stella a thousand times; it goes straight to voicemail. I leave millions of voicemails and texts.

"Hi, Stella. Can you phone me back when you get this?"

No call.

Me: Tell me if I did something wrong.

No text back.

"I'm worried, Stella. Call me! Please!"

No call.

Me: Or text me if u feel more comfortable.

No text back.

"I'm sorry..."


I'm playing around with my stuffed crust pepperoni pizza that I've only taken a little nibble from. I have no appetite because Stella still hasn't called or texted me back and I'm worried that she's either in trouble or she's deliberately ignoring me.

"For goodness' sake, Storm! Pepperoni pizza is your favourite yet you've basically eaten none of it," Mum complains, rubbing her forehead, frustrated. It's clear that she's had a tiring and bad day because ever since she returned from work, she's been in a bad mood and moaning at every little thing.

"Maybe she's sick. Do you feel well, Storm?" Dad asks, much more patient.

"She's probably sulking because her weird friend left with no warning," River explains, an amused smirk forming at the corners of her mouth," It's probably for the best! She looked fishy!"

"You're a day early for fish and chips, sis," I joke bitterly.

"Ha, ha! Very funny! You know what I mean. You're covering for her," River sarcastically accuses me," Spill!"

"I thought you're studying to become a doctor, River, not a detective," I reply smugly.

"Wow! Talking about a different subject! Definitely suspicious!"

"Back off!"

"Shush, you two! Do you think a person who has had a tiring day at work today would like to come home to peace and quiet or an argument?" Mum hushes us.

"An argument," River and I answer at the same time.

We share a mischievous smile between each other.

"I give up on yo two! One minute you're at each other's throats, the next you're causing mischief together!" Mum sighs.

"Well, none of us are perfect, Sylvie," Dad defends us.

That's the last that is said as we tuck into our pizzas.


"Wake up!"

River launches a pillow at my head, which is still lying at the head of my bed.

"What time is it?" I groan, rubbing at my sore head and my half-closed eyes sleepily.

"Time for me to drop you off at school. Mum received a call from Mrs Riley, saying that you've had a horrible start to the school year, not mentioning that you were late on the first day and you've had a 30 minute DT already," River explains.

"She's a snitch," I mutter darkly.

"All teachers are. Now, get up before I throw another pillow at you," River threatens, holding another pillow at above her head.

I sigh before dragging myself out of my bed and to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I finish, I walk across the landing to my bedroom. The smell of cooking has filled the air not only downstairs but upstairs too. I change into my boring uniform before delicately applying my daily concealer, mascara and lip gloss.

"Come on, we need to go! You're a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl, not a makeup artist," River complained, watching my make-up application from the doorway of my room.

"Well, of course you're saying that! Look at you!" I defend myself, still peering at myself in the mirror.

Her face is bare of makeup. Sometimes, I really wonder how it is possible that two sisters can be so different. Appearance wise, we are similar with the same shoulder-height, blonde hair, the same hazel eyes and both of us average height(because of our parents). However, when it comes to the subject of personality, we live on two different planets.

River is the nerdy goody-two-shoes that is adored by adults, children and teachers - unlike someone else I know - and passed her GCSE with flying colours before tormenting herself by studying more science in college. Now, she's causing herself more of a nightmare by choosing to study medicine for five years at university and she's currently starting her fourth year. Following in the footsteps of our parents, River is studying to become a doctor and her hobbies/interests are reading, writing, working out(because she loves being healthy, though I find that hypocritical when she always complains about me finishing the packet of chocolate digestives) and researching.

Now, let me tell you about me. I am the popular and naughty girl that is only loved by children(adults and teachers hate me) and can be smart when I put in effort. I love drama and would like to study that in college because I want to be an actress when I grow up. Mum and Dad disapprove of the idea; they want me to be like the golden child and become a doctor. Imagine how horrified they would be if I told them that after college, I'm planning to move to London and attend a university specialised in acting there! Obviously, I will have to tell them eventually, even though I'm capable of packing my bags and leaving them a brief note. Minehead has always seemed so boring because it's too quiet and most of the residents here would find that an advantage but I believe the opposite. The more I stare at photos of London, the larger that persistent urge to go there becomes.

"Stop daydreaming!" River orders.

Her sudden exclamation makes me jump in shock, resulting in my fork dropping onto the floor. My older sister sighs as I pick it up and she hands me a clean one.

"What's going on with you lately, sis? Before, whenever a plate of food was placed in front of you, you would gobble it down in one min. Now, I cooked you one of your favourites brekkies and you've been in your own world for the last five mins," River complains, frowning at my full plate of English breakfast.

"Sorry," I apologise and to please her, I cram my portion of fried egg, bacon, sausages, baked beans, tomatoes, mushrooms and toast into my mouth.

"OK. Let's go!" River approves, grabbing her car keys.

I follow her out the door to her new red Fiat 500 that is parked in the driveway. Taking the front passenger seat, River marvels at her new car.

"What a beauty, huh!" she exclaims ecstatically.

"It looks like a car to me," I respond, yawning both out of boredom and tiredness.

"You don't get it, Storm. When you get your driver's licence and your first car one day, you'll act just like me."

"I doubt it."

River turns the key in the ignition before manoeuvring out of the driveway and onto the road...

As boredom fills me while I stare out of the car window, I switch on the radio and choose to listen to Capital.

"Can you switch it off, Storm? The radio distracts me," River asks, keeping her eyes on the road.

"But I want to listen to it," I argue.

"Storm, this is my car. Turn off the radio! Now!"

Her knuckles turn white as she grips the driving wheel, trying to contain her anger. Usually, River is good-natured and barely loses control of her temper but when she does, you don't want to be the victim. However, today, I'm careless and ignore the warning signals.

"No!" I rebel stubbornly.

"Is this what I get? I'm dropping my sister off at school and in return, I get shouted at," River shouts," I had things I planned to do before I go to uni today and I cancelled them to drop an ungrateful brat that I have for sister at school!"

"You're so clingy! You see Tom every day and you can't be without him for more than a minute!"

"You wouldn't understand because you flirt with every boy!"

That's it. My sister has just pulled the last straw. While the car is still moving, I open my door and jump out of my seat onto the road.

"Are you crazy? What's gotten into you to pull a stunt like that?" River yells, turning off the engine.

"Look who's being the ungrateful brat, now! You can go see your beloved boyfriend now!" I yell back, walking away from the road and onto the pavement. Ignoring the constant cries of my older sister, I make my way to school on foot...

"There you are, Storm! You have some explaining to do," Emma says, joining my side as I enter the school grounds.

"Yeah. Lots!" Sophie adds on the other side.

"Is this important?" I question grumpily.

The morning hasn't started well and the last thing I need right now is my two BFFs going into huffy mode.

"Of course it is! Sophie and I were waiting for you and do you know those two new cute boys in our year-," Emma starts.

"Noah and Oliver," Sophie interrupts.

"Yes, Noah and Oliver told us about this home welcoming party they're throwing. We asked who would be there-."

"And said your name. We were confused and they said you were chatting to them yesterday after school on the bus. Why didn't you tell us, Storm?" Sophie continues.

"Are you just best friends with me to use me to find out about parties?" I ask angrily.

"What's wrong with you today, Storm? You're so grumpy!" Emma questions.

"Exactly. Probably your most favourite topic you like talking about is parties," Sophie agrees.

"Sorry, guys. Just not in the mood for talking about boys, parties, clothes and stuff," I sigh.

"That reminds me! I need to go shopping if we're going to the party," Emma remembers.

"Girl, you find any opportunity to go shopping, even if it's for the most useless thing," Sophie laughs.

"You can't speak! You find any opportunity to go to the hairdresser's. Last month, you were even crazy enough to think you should get short hair."

It's true. Last month, Sophie was about to get her long, straight, ginger hair cut at the hairdresser's and would have succeeded if Emma and I hadn't talked her out of it. Ever since I've known Sophie, she's always had long hair so I fail to imagine her with the opposite. The bell disrupts my thoughts and the three of us climb up the stairs as fast as our legs can go.

A complaint for being late from Mrs Riley greets us but something else catches my eye. The empty seat at the back of the classroom.

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