Chapter 4. Melting her heart.

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???:"A decision will be made on this chapters mes amis. Chose carefully!"


Ah, the weekend has arrived. I can finally rest my eyes. It feels so good to sleep without-

???:"Y/N, I'm hungry."

Sometimes, I get these weird voices in my head telling me weird things about food. Like, go make yourself something man...

???:"Bro please, I'm starving."

Sigh... Just five more minutes...

???:"Y/N, I have tentacles. If you do not get up I will touch-"

Y/N:"I'M UP, I'M UP!"

I immediatly got up from my futon, making Shoji burst into tears. The guy sleeps in my bed and says these things, what an ass.

Y/N:"Sheesh man, what a way to start our new chapter!"


Y/N:"Nothing. Let's just get going."

Before that, I checked on the time. 9:00 A.M. Damn early bird...

We both walked out of my room and towards the kitchen. Mother was there, talking with someone through her phone. She waved at us and resumed her talk.

Shoji sat on the table, waiting for me to make something. I sighed and decided to make us something to eat. Damn slacker...

Mother:"So, how's Jeanne?... The grail? Ah yes, I guess it made sense that she was the next one to obtain it after our retirement... oh? She's moving here? I'm sure Y/N would like to see his aunt."

Aunt Jeanne is coming? Nice, she can teach me a couple of things.

Shoji:"By the way Y/N, with who are you meeting up in the end?"


Shoji:"I see. You're really going for that speedrun huh?"

Y/N:"Shut up you."

I made some bacon and and a glass of milk for both of us. After putting the bacon on two dishes, I sat down de with Shoji, enjoying our breakfast.

Shoji:"You told her to come here?"

Y/N:"Yup. Should be here in a couple of hours."

Shoji:"I'll be gone by then."

Y/N:"No worries mate, take your time."

I looked at mom who was still talking to someone. After listening closely to the voice in the phone I recognised it. She's talking to dad.

Mother:"How's Ann?... That's great, remember to make sure she doesn't eat all the ice cream. I want some of it too."

Mom has some... eating habits.

Mother:"I'm gonna have to leave dear, I have some things to buy at the mall. Hope you get home soon. Love you."

Mom hunged up and sighed. She glanced at Shoji and I.

Mother:"Shoji, do I have to take you to your mother's or..."

Shoji:"No it's okay, I'll go by walking. There's a park nearby where a couple of friends and I are meeting."

Mother:"Oh? Why aren't you going with him Y/N?"

Y/N:"W-Well, a friend of mine is coming here... if you don't mind."

Mother:"Ah, of course not. Who is-"

Someone ringed the bell. Mom went to open the door.

Shoji:"I'm over. I'll wash my hands and leave, good luck Todoroki. And remember to use protection."

Y/N:"What are you, my dad?!"

Shoji:"Call me daddy."

Y/N:"Screw you!"

Mother:"Y/N? Your friend is here."

Mom returned to the kitchen with Shoto. She leaned on the wall with her left eyebrow raised.

Y/N:"You're really early."

Shoto:"The early bird-"

Y/N:"Catches the worm, I know."

She smiled and showed me her schoolbag.

Shoto:"I have all our books. I'm ready."

Mother:"Oh! You two are just going to study? Nice, nice..."

Shoto:"What else were we supposed to do Miss. Pendragon?"

Shoto turned at my mother, looking at her very confused. Mother blushed and waved her hands, a little surprised by the sudden question.

Shoto:"N-Nothing, nothing! Since you two are studying, I'll leave you two be, gotta buy some things. Be good Y/N."

Y/N:"Yeah, yeah."

Shoji:"I'll also take my leave. I'm already late. Good luck Y/N."

Y/N:"Have fun my dude."

Shoji and mom leaved, mother going straight to our garage. Shoji leaved through the main door.

Y/N:"Sooo... what do you want to do?"

Shoto:"We have time. I would like to have some coffee while we chat."

Y/N:"Sure, go ahead, make yourself some."

While I was finishing my breakfast, Shoto went to get coffee. Sadly, it seems we had none left.

Shoto:"There's no coffee."

Y/N:"Crap. Well, we're gonna have to buy some. Why don't you make yourself comfortable while I go get some?"

Shoto:"I think I'll go with you."

Y/N:"As you wish. I'll get my jacket and we will both go to the nearby store."

Shoto nodded, patiently waiting for me to finish my breakfast. Once I was done, I washed my hands got my jacket and shoes and leaved with her.

Our walk to the store was mostly a silent one. It was not awkward tho, just a peaceful silence.

When we arrived, Shoto said she would go in and buy coffee for both. I nodded and waited outside. In the meantime, I looked at all the people walking around the place, doing their own stuff going to buy the things they need.

Someone caught my eye. I wasn't expecting to see her here.

It's mom but... she wasn't wearing her usual clothes. She also looked paler, had different eyes and hell, she looks like she could be my sister.

I approached her, a little confused by this new side of her.


She turned around and faced me. Her eyes widened, surprised to see me here. In her eyes, I can see... surprise, happiness and at the same time, sadness.

Y/N:"It's everything okay?"

She walked closer to me, stretching her hands towards me. Just as she was about to touch my face, Shoto called me from behind.

Shoto:"Y/N. What are you doing?"

I turned to look at Shoto. When I looked towards my mother once again, she wasn't there anymore.

What in the world...

Y/N:"It's nothing, I think I just saw... Whatever, let's move."


In her hands, there was a plastic bag with coffee in grain. It will do.

Once we made it home, Shoto and I went straight to the kitchen and made coffee for both of us.

Finally, we now have our drinks ready. With our coffee at hand, we both went up the stairs towards my bedroom. Shoto sat on my desk, putting her drink there. I placed mines on my nightstand since I sat on my bed.

Shoto:"Y/N. Want to watch a movie before we begin studying?"

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Shoto, do you really want to study?"


Y/N:"I'll take that as a no. C'mon, don't worry, you can be honest with me."

Shoto:"T-Then... I just want to get to know you better. Pass time with you and all of that."

Y/N:"Very well. Then, what movie would you like to see?"

Shoto:"Actually... let's do something else, we will watch the movie in the end."

Y/N:"What do you want to do then?"

Shoto:"They say, the best way to know someone is by fighting."

Y/N:"You wanna fight?"

Shoto:"No, but we can show each other our quirks, learn more from the other."


Shoto took a sip from her coffee and sat next to me, her coffee now resting on her lap.

Shoto:"I'll go first."

She opened her palm, ice all around the left arm. Shoto then did the same with her right arm but with fire instead of ice.

Shoto:"I have my mother and father's quirk. I can summon ice and fire at will. I can't use my ice without my fire due to hypothermia and viceversa."

After explaining her quirks, she deactivated them and took another sip from her coffee.

Y/N:"Mine is very complex to explain but the main part is, doing this."

I grabbed my little wooden sword from my pockets, making excalibur appear. Also, my hair changed to it's usual golden color and my eyes to blue.

Shoto:"So beautiful..."

Her hands moved to my hair, caressing it a gentle manner. I blushed a little. That was unexpected...

Y/N:"I-I can also... gain powers by bonding with others..."

Shoto:"That I know. Have you made some?"

Y/N:"W-Well yes. I have one with dad, mom, sis and Denki."


Her hands slowly moved from my hair to my cheek. She was staring at me with love in her eyes. My heart was going very fast.

Y/N:"From mom I got my holy energy, from sis my spells and from dad... I-I can't say that."

Shoto:"Family secret?"


Mom made me swear I would never use his power, under any circumstancies. I intend to keep the promise.

Shoto:"Well, I was wondering... perhaps, my beloved knight would like to have one more bond?"

With a quick move she placed her coffee on my nightstand and got very close to me.


Shoto:"Well, in that case..."

Closer and closer, Shoto moved her heads towards my face. I closed my eyes, accepting my destiny...

Shoto:"Too soon."

She whispered those words in my ear, giving me a shiver. Just when I thought she was just teasing me, Shoto grabbed my hand, caressing it.

Shoto:"I'm glad to see you feel the same but I want our first to be special. Let's not rush it, okay?"

Y/N:"I agree, I agree."

Shoto:"Yeah, bet you do. Even then... do you really want to do this? Do you want us to... be a thing?"

Y/N:"Yeah. I like you. A lot."

Shoto:*Giggles* "I like you too."

With a smile on our faces, we hugged each other. I can feel... something very strong forming inside me. Yeah... I did bond with Shoto.

It feels weird. A clash of fire and ice, constantly trying to melt and freeze each other but failing to do so. At the same time it feels... balanced, perfect symetric even. The two powers are just as strong, keeping each other at bay but also in control. Perhaps they are not fighting just... coexisting...

What in the world was that?

Y/N:"Shoto I think our bond is very strong!"

Shoto:"I'm happy to hear that."

Y/N:"Can we test something? Together?"

Shoto:"Let me guess, you want to toy with your new powers, am I right?"


Shoto:*Sigh* "Okay, let's go then. But first, our coffee."

Y/N:"Oh, yeah, I forgot."

I was about to stand up and grab our coffee but Shoto did it first. She grabbed our cups and sat on my lap, cuddling with me.

We both drank our coffee in peace, talking about random topics every once in a while. Shoto mentioned how she wanted to be a hero after seeing my mother on T.V, which made me remember about her weird appearance...

What was she doing there anyways?

Once we were finished, we both walked downstairs and putted our cups in the kitchen. Shoto and I were about to walk to my garden till I recieved a call. It was mom.


Mother:"Hello honey. Are you home?"

Y/N:"Yes, what's wrong?"

Mother:"Nothing. I... I have to go to the airport. Your father and your sister have to go to England."

Y/N:"What? Why?"

Mother:"Remember the test you had to go through to make sure you were worthy of your quirk?"

Y/N:"Yes but that's a law only applied to English people, we live in Japan."

Mother:"Problem is, your sister has to go to England for her college and..."

Y/N:"I see. When will you return?"

Mother:"4 days. I promise. In the meantime, aunt Jeanne will be there."

Y/N:"Thought you hated 'undisciplined french people' mom."

I heard Shoto snort.

Mother:"And I still believe she's a bad influence. If she starts talking about our 'lord and saviour' or tries to sell you a bible, call me."

Y/N:*Giggles* "Fine."

Mother:"Be careful my little lion."

Y/N:"You too mom."

She hunged up. I putted my phone away and looked at Shoto, who was patiently waiting.

Shoto:"All good?"

Y/N:"Yes. Mom and Dad will leave Japan for a couple of days. In the meantime, my aunt will 'keep me safe' I guess."

Shoto:"So, want to finally test your power?"

Y/N:"Sounds weird when you put it that way... but sure, let's go."

Now, we finally walked outside, to my garden. I grabbed my wooden sword and activated my quirk. It immediatly transformed to Excalibur.

Shoto:"You won't be able to use my quirk the way I do it so using your sword is a good idea."


It all felt so... natural. I spun my sword around and it immediatly got surrounded by flames. In fact, I was no longer wielding Exalibur but a bigger version of it, made by flames. The sword was very big yet it feels like a feather...



Shoto:"Why don't you throw an attack."

Afraid that I may burn the flowers, I looked at the sky and tried to slice the air. All the flames were sent to the sky, forming an enormous fireball. It was a good decision to aim at the sky since the fireball was as big as a car.

Excalibur returned to it's normal shelf. That was a little exhausting...

Shoto:"That was very cool. By how big it is, that fireball must be very deadly."

Y/N:"Yeah but it takes a lot of effort to do that. Damn I don't feel so good..."

Shoto:"Are you okay?"

Y/N:"Yes, I'm just-"

???:"Y/N, are you here?! What the hell was that?!"

A female voice, speaking in a french accent came from inside the house. Shoto stood up in surprise, not expecting that. She stood next to me, not knowing who she is.

The girl went to the garden in great distress, sword ready.

Y/N:"Jeanne it's fine don't worry. I made that fireball."

Jeanne:"You... did?"

Her sword dissappeared along with her clothes, now wearing her casual clothes.

Jeanne:"How did you do that? You made a new bond or something, my little knight? And who is this beautiful girl?"

Y/N:"She's my gi- I mean, she's m-my-"

Shoto:"I'm his girlfriend. Shoto Todoroki, pleasure to meet you Mss. Jeanne."

Jeanne:"Oh, really?"

Jeanne stared at Shoto, who got a little nervous by my aunt's attitude. Truth be told, the smile she has almost looks... threatening.

Jeanne:"Why don't we go inside and talk? I would like to know her!"

Y/N:"C'mon Jeanne, don't be like that. If Shoto doesn't want to she-"

Shoto:"No, don't worry dear it's okay. We will talk."

Jeanne:"But first I would like to catch up with Y/N. Can you wait inside please?"

Shoto:"Of course."

Before doing so, she planted a kiss on my cheek and then left. Once we were alone, Jeanne approached me, getting really close to me. She then hugged me, laughing in happiness.

Jeanne:"It's been so long! Last time we saw each other I was still graduating!"

That's right. Sometimes, I forgot she's just 4 years older than me. The only reason I call her "aunt" is because of a joke between she and I. You see, Jeanne has the tendency of calling Mom "Sister Artoria" just to annoy mother. When I was little, I didn't understood the joke so I asked her if she was my aunt. The rest is history...

Y/N:"Yeah. I recall being taller than you?"

Jeanne:"I've grown a little. Now we're as tall! Be honest with me, is she doing something to you? That fireball-"

Y/N:"No no no! I truly made that fireball! I bonded with her and got her powers. Problem is I can't control them too well yet."

Jeanne:"We will have time to train." *Pouts* "You dare to bond with someone else before me?!"

Y/N:"S-Sorry about that."

Jeanne:*Giggles* "It's okay. Let's go inside, shall we? I wanna get to know this 'girlfriend' of yours."

Oh boy...

Timeskip brought to us by Jeanne, praying to the T.V so it starts working.

When we walked inside, Jeanne sat next to Shoto and kindly asked me to make her some hot chocolate. In the mean time, she would have a friendly chat with Shoto.

The face Shoto made when she saw me leave to the kitchen was... well, let's just get it done.

Once the chocolate was made I also grabbed some biscuits in case she wanted to eat something too.

When I returned I announced my presence. Jeanne was smiling, a face of happiness upon seeing the chocolate. Shoto's face was pale, as if she has just seen a ghost. I sat in between both girls and gave Jeanne her chocolate.

Y/N:"Jeanne, what did you do to my girlfriend?"

Jeanne:"What do you mean? We had a friendly chat about boys, am I right?"

Shoto:"Y-Yes ma'am."

Y/N:"If you say so..."

Jeanne:"Oh! That reminds me, how are things between you and Mordred?"

Shoto:"Who's Mordred?"

Y/N:"No one?"

Jeanne:"That bad? Sheesh... you two were always fighting each other... I liked that!"

Y/N:"Jeanne, you were always very weird." *She pouts* "Now can we talk about something else?!"

Jeanne:"Oh! Why don't we watch a movie instead! There's-"

Shoto's phone rang. She took her phone and looked at who was calling, her face immediately dropping.

Shoto:"Excuse me for a second."

Y/N:"Of course..."

She stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Jeanne:"She looked a little..."

Y/N:"Exactly like when you 'talked' with her. What did you do to her?!"

Jeanne:"Nothing I swear! We just talked!"


Wait, maybe Jeanne knows about...

Y/N:"So, Jeanne, can I make you a question?"

Jeanne:"Of course!"

Y/N:"Have you seen mom today?"

Jeanne:"No. We talked through phone. Well, if your mother's barking can be considered 'talk', that is. Why? Already miss her mommy boy?"

Y/N:"It's not that. I..."

Jeanne:"Hey you can tell me anything. What's wrong?"

Y/N:"I saw mom. She was weird. It almost looked like-"

Shoto interrupted me by coming back with a dissappointed face.

Shoto:"My apologies Y/N but I have to go. Father requires me for some... training of his own. I will grab my things and go."

Y/N:"Sure. Text me when you arrive."

Shoto:*Smiles* "You're worried I may not reach home safely?"

Y/N:"Can't I worry?"

Shoto:"Yes, yes you can."

She gave me a kiss in the forehead and went to grab her things. Jeanne was just looking at the scene unfold with a smile. A normal one this time, or at least, I can't feel anything weird behind that smile.

When Shoto left, Jeanne stood up and stretched. Some of her bones made a 'pop' sound.

Jeanne:"Tell me little knight, has your mother trained you properly?"

Y/N:"Of course she did, she's the Saber after all."

Jeanne:"Well, wanna be trained from a Ruler, my dear saint?"

Y/N:"It's been a long time since we did something together. Sure! Let's do it!"

Jeanne:"Then follow me, I know a place."

The so called 'ruler' stood up and walked outside. I followed her, making sure to lock the main door behind me. She walked towards her own car. Some kids were around it, amazed by it. I don't blame them, what the hell?!

Y/N:"T-That's your car?!"

Jeanne:"You would be surprise by how wealthy the pope is."

Y/N:"No kidding..."

Jeanne:"It was so hard to find a white one tho... kids nowdays are so attarcted by darker colours..."

Y/N:"I also prefer white."

Jeanne:*Giggles* "I know! Wanna go in?"


We both walked to the car, the kids making a way for us. I felt like a celebrity, even if I kind of am, I guess? Jeanne sat on the driver's seat while I got shotgun. I was looking everywhere, as if I was a little child in a toy store. Jeanne chuckled, amazed by my behaviour.

She started the engine and drived to where I suppose we're gonna train.

Y/N:"Where are we going exactly?"

Jeanne:"When I arrived, I decided to drive around, see how the town is. I founded an abandoned dojo inside the woods. We will train there."


My phone vibrated. I grabbed it and checked my messages. It's Shoto. Heh, she did text me after all.

'Hey. Made it home. What are you doing?

Gonna train with Jeanne. She's driving right now. You should've seen her car.

I think I did. A couple of kids were around that expensive white car. Is it hers?


I see. Are you enjoying the ride?

A lot.

We talk later, when you arrive home? Gotta deal with Endeavour right now.

Sure. I'll call you. Promise.

Good. I'll be waiting then.'

Jeanne:"Your girlfriend?"


Jeanne:"Since when are you two a thing?"

Y/N:*Chuckles* "We started dating an hour before you arrived."

Jeanne:"Damn, I was too late to block her then!"

We both laughed a little. I did miss her, Jeanne was one of my few friends back on England. She decided to graduate in England just to see me more often. She's really cool. Hope she's staying for a long time this time.

Y/N:"Jeanne, why did you came to Japan?"

Jeanne:"For you, of course! That and someone had to replace your mother so..."

Y/N:"Wait, you're gonna be the next Saber?"

Jeanne:"I would never do that, you should be the next Saber. In the meantime, I will act like one. Y'know, give All Might some competition and all."

Y/N:"No offense but... are you as strong as mom?"

Jeanne glanced at me and smirked.

Jeanne:"I see you're eager to have a demonstration of my power."



We arrived shortly at the forest this dojo should be in. The place has a lot of tall bamboo trees. Both of us went out of the car, locked it and started walking through a small dirt road, Jeanne taking the lead.

In the distance a dojo was on sight. It was a little damaged but I suppose that's due to how old it is.

We walked inside. I explored the place a little. There's a stand for katanas, all of them made by wood. There's also broadswords and rapiers which surprised me since these types of weapons are not commonly seen in Japan.

Jeanne:"Your training will be simple. Try to defeat me."

I turned around to see Jeanne already in her armor, equipped with a broadsword. Her left hand has a gold light in it, as if she was preparing a spell or something.

Activating my quirk I quickly grabbed a katana from behind me, transforming into Excalibur.

Alright Y/N, against Jeanne, let's give it our all.

Author notes:"This song man. 10/10. Sorry to ruin immersion but I had to say it."

I charged at Jeanne who simply made a side step. Infusing my sword in light energy, I made a single attack, throwing waves of holy energy at her. Jeanne slashed every each one of them, destroying them. I rushed her once more, trying to slice her. Jeanne ducked and bashed me with her shoulder, pushing me back slightly.

Jeanne:"C'mon Y/N, you can do better."

Pumped up, I threw an attack after the other, Jeanne either parrying them or dodging them. Eventually, I made a mistake and Jeanne punished it. She grabbed my wrist and attacked me with her sword. I managed to also grab her wrist, stopping her in time.

Jeanne:*Laughs* "Well, your reaction time is on point."


Jeanne:"Having fun I see?"

Y/N:"I missed this a lot!"

Jeanne:"Likewise, Y/N."

Jeanne made a spartan kick, pushing me back. I recovered myself and got ready to defend myself. Her speed was amazing, she was already behind me! I managed to block a slash by blindly put Excalibur behind me. Suddenly, she appeared in front of me, already throwing an attack aimed at my torso. I walked back in the nick of time, avoiding it by a miracle.

Knowing I will eventually get hit I thrusted my sword in the ground and casted a holy barrier around myself, buying myself some time. Jeanne smirked and opened her left palm, letting me see her trump card.

A banner appeared on it, the banner was made out of a beautiful golden light. She placed the banner on the ground with fury, sending a wave of air all around the dojo. Her hair was floating around due to the wind, even my barrier was starting to break a little.

Like this, she looks like an angel...

My barrier broke after Jeanne's next attack who was a simple slash that threw a wave of golden energy my way. The barrier break and I had little to no time to duck, avoiding getting defeated. Jeanne was now slightly faster than earlier and managed to catch me off guard, appearing in front of me just to knee my face, stunning me a little.

The Ruler grabbed my wrist and threw me over her shoulder, my arm still on her grasp she pressed her broadsword on my neck.

Jeanne:"I think this battle is over?"

Y/N:"Not yet!"

I used my magic to appear besides Excalibur, escaping her. I grabbed the sword and retreated, avoiding Jeanne who was ready for that and almost caught me again. This time, I was going to surprise her.

Using Shoto's quirk, my blade was all infused with fire. I threw all of it towards Jeanne, making an enormous fireball. She widened her eyes, not expecting that. The fireball hitted her, exploding. Smoke was all around, not letting me see the results of my work.

Jeanne:"Not bad! Almost hitted me!"


She was besides me, leaning on me. How did I not notice?! When I glanced at her, her eyes were of a pure blue, they were shining too much. Hell, it almost looks like I'm staring at the ocean iself.

Jeanne:"Quit staring! You're embarrassing me!"

Y/N:"P-Pardon me, it's just... h-how did you-"

Jeanne:"I already told you, I'm stronger than you think! So, we should call it quits?"

I noticed the sword pressed on my stomach. If she wanted, she could've hurted me badly. I sighed and nodded, deactivating my quirk.

Jeanne:"Your skill in combat is good, but we gotta improve your reflexes. You're quite slow."

Y/N:"Should I be proud of this or..."

Jeanne:"I fought stronger opponents than you, yet you were one of the few that managed to surprise me! Yes you should!"

Jeanne placed her arm around my shoulder and guided me back to the car. Truth be told, I was very exhausted. Those fireballs... yeah, I'm gonna have to ask Shoto to help me with that.

We went inside the car and Jeanne started driving back home. I was sleepy after all of that, never thought fighting a pro hero would tire me so much...



Y/N:"Why did mom and dad left?"

Jeanne:"Oh, they have to take care of some problems with a new Grail, nothing much."

Y/N:"Grail? What grail?"

She widened her eyes, as if she just made a mistake.

Jeanne:"O-Oh! A Grail for... your sister's... graduation! Don't worry my little Saint, nothing's wrong!"

Y/N:"Whatever... hey, wanna have pizza? Mom doesn't let me eat pizza often so..."

Jeanne:"It'll be our little secret!"


Due to my exhasution, I closed my eyes and decided to sleep while I can. It felt like I slept for a couple of minutes when in reality, I slept for half an hour. We were finally home. Jeanne and I went out of the car and walked inside. Not wanting to do anything for a while, I dropped to the couch.

Jeanne grabbed her phone to order some pizza. In the meantime, I grabbed mines and called Shoto who caught the phone in a matter of seconds.


Shoto:"Hello. You sound exhausted."

Y/N:"Yeah... Jeanne didn't go easy on me..."

Shoto:"Sounds painful."

Y/N:"That's the funny part, she didn't land a single hit on me. Well, kinda. It's just... using your quirk is hard."

Shoto:"We will train your stamina tomorrow."


Shoto:"Don't sweat it, I'm happy with being with you."


A man's voice was heard in the background. He was shouting at Shoto, unamused.

Shoto:*Sigh* "Gotta go. Old man doesn't want me to slack off."

Y/N:"See you later then."

Shoto:"Yeah, see you later. Be safe."

She ended the call before I could answer her. I sighed and dropped the phone on the couch. I was so tired I simply laid there. It was comfy, to be honest.

Suddenly, Jeanne sat next to me, putting my head on her lap. I didn't even heard her...


Jeanne:"The pizza is coming. Want to watch the T.V for a while?"

Y/N:"Mind if I just... close my eyes? I'm tired."

Jeanne:"Of course. Don't worry, sleep. I'll be here. Always will."

I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to sleep a little. Her hand ruffled my hair, caressing it in a soft manner.

Her lap is very comfrotable...

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N walking through a world filled with water, swords all around the place.

Jeanne:"Y/N dear, time to wake up."

Jeanne:"C'mon, don't be lazy!"

Jeanne:"If you don't wake up, I'll eat the pizza."

Hell no!

I got up and walked towards the kitchen, attracted by the smell of pizza. When I went in, Jeanne already had the pizza in dishes, waiting for me to devour them.

Not being able to wait any longer, I quickly sat in front of Jeanne and started eating. The girl giggled and took a bite of her own portion.

Jeanne:"This reminds me the time I bought pizza when your mother came to visit me on France. I didn't even got to take a bite and she already ate two pieces."

That's mom to you.

Y/N:"Sometimes, I do feel like she has the appetite of a lion."

Jeanne:"Amen to that. Do you like it?"

Y/N:"A lot. Sooo good..."

Jeanne:"Glad to hear that. Don't mention this to your mother or else she's gonna-"

Her phone rang. Jeanne grabbed it and looked at who was calling her. She smirked.

Jeanne:"Speak of the devil..." *Picks up the phone* "Artoria! What's good?... I see... yeah, he's here... eating pi- a salad... yeah don't worry, I know how to take care of your son, I'm an adult too."

Heh, I doubt it.

Jeanne:"Of course, don't worry... is everything alright over there?... I understand... it doesn't matter if you win the war or not, just make sure someone like Archer does and be over with it. You and Shirou managed to get out of this nonsense, don't be stupid. Besides, the grail is in Germany now, let them deal with it, you live in Japan now."

I tilted my head, not understanding what they were talking about. Jeanne winked her eye, a way of saying 'nothing's wrong'. If she says so...

Jeanne:"Yeah, I agree, Shirou is an idiot, yet you married him... Make sure Ann wishes something good then, knowing that girl she may wish for sweets and that's all." *Laughs* "That too, yeah... very well, see you in 4 days then. Be careful Artoria."

Y/N:"All good?"

Jeanne:"Your mother being her overprotective self once again."

Y/N:"Is sis having trouble in the graduation?"

Jeanne:"How to say it... she wanna be on top and she has quite the rough competition."

Y/N:"In Germany?"

Jeanne:"That's just your mother worrying for stupid things, don't worry. Just focus on your pizza or else I'm gonna take the rest!"

Y/N:"Oh you're it now!"

We both eated the rest of the pizza without interruptions. After that, cleaned the place and went to watch some T.V together till it got very late. It was 12.00 P.M and the need for a proper sleep appeared.

Y/N:"Jeanne, I think I'm gonna call it a day."

Jeanne:"Oh sure thing. I'll stay here for a while. This episode is getting interesting..."

Y/N:"Y'know where you can sleep?"

Jeanne:"Oh, yeah, don't worry. I have the perfect place to sleep in my mind. Don't worry."

That sounded dangerous.

I nodded and went to grab a pijama. I was still dressed in my casual clothes. Also, I smell funny, so after grabbing a new boxer and a pair of sockets I went to the bathroom and had a shower.

Once I was clean and dry, I got dressed and went to my room, putting the bedsheets over me. The warmth of my comfy bed was making me very sleepy. Still, I had a question that was left unanswered.

What to do tomorrow?


What path will you walk, Paladin?


Go around town (???)

Meet up with Denki (IMPROVE BOND WITH DENKI)

Choose carefully...

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