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Rin gave your hand another gentle squeeze and rubbed your knuckles with his thumb to reassure you. "You'll do fine," he whispered, giving you a boyish grin that sent butterflies wild in your stomach.

You nodded to tell him you understood, but you weren't as confident as he was. Rin made plans to hang out with some friends while you took the test, and your anxiety began eating away at you.

Yukio set the paper before you, and the letters seemed to spill across the page in some language you couldn't recognize, but you knew these words well.

You did your best to calm your typhoon of thoughts, and read the first question slowly.

'What plant is applied to the skin to cure burns?'

Aloe, was your first answer, and your confidence seemed to heal your anxiety wounds as you finished each question correctly.

You handed the paper to Yukio, hands shaking - he still frightened you - and left without another word.

Mittens needed you, so you rushed back to your dorm, doing your best to avoid any more human interaction on the way.

You honestly weren't too fond of people you didn't trust, but Rin was different. You trusted him. Maybe it was because he always managed to relax your nerves with just the brush of his finger against yours.

You inserted your key in the lock of the cram school door and opened it, walking into your dorm room. You loved how the keys made it easy to access any room in a matter of moments. It made uncomfortable conversations an uncommon situation.

Mittens mewled at you from where he lay on your duvet, curled up comfortably. You took your shoes off in the entrance and left them messily on the floor. You'd probably trip over them at a later time, but that didn't matter to you in the present.

You made your way to your bed and laid down beside the kitten, who stood, stretched his paws, and padded over to the pillow beside your head. You used your thumb to pet the cat's head, causing loud purrs to spill from the small animal.

"You're loud," you whispered to your new companion, and he let out a mewl as a reply. A soft smile pulled at your lips, and you continued to rub the kitten's fur back as he closed his eyes in bliss.

You were surprised by a knock on the door, and got up to answer it. It was Yukio. Your face paled, but you tried not to show your fear.

"Rin wanted me to let you know that he'll stop by tomorrow, but he's busy right now. That's why he sent me."

You didn't have Rin's phone number - honestly, you weren't sure if he even had a phone.

"Alright..." you nearly whispered the words in response to Rin's younger brother, and slowly closed the door.

You wondered what Rin was so busy doing, but this was Rin. He was probably just reading a manga, or something.

You heard Yukio's footsteps descend down the hallway, and let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding.

Mittens padded over to you and rubbed his head against your leg to comfort you.

"Thanks, Mittens," you smiled and bent down, picking the cat up, cradling him in your right arm. He seemed to knead the air for a moment and you pressed your left pointer finger to the palm of his pad. He curled his paw around your finger and you couldn't help but let out a little laugh at how cute it was.

He mewed for his dinner and you set him down, opening another can of food for him. You used a spoon to scoop it into his dish, and he began eating as soon as he could.

You were too tired to make yourself dinner, so you made your way to your bed and laid down after dressing yourself in your pajamas.

It was getting colder out as the days went by, and you sighed. You stood back up, peeled the covers away from your mattress, and laid down beneath them.

Once you were comfortable, Mittens ran up, jumped onto your bed, and curled up on the pillow beside your head.

You gave his head a gentle rub, and allowed your eyes to close, letting your mind drift into a deep sleep.

What woke you the next morning was the bright hue of sunlight drifting into the room through your curtains.

You pulled the pillow over your head to block it out, but your mind was already awake. You sat up with a yawn, and your stomach growled.

Skipping dinner wasn't your best idea, you realized a little too late. Mittens was laying miserably by his food dish, and you were confused.

You looked to your clock, wondering if it was still morning, but to your uttermost shock, it was early afternoon. You slept in.

You apologized to your kitten and fed him his breakfast, petting him gently. "I'm sorry, I slept in..."

You sighed and didn't even bother changing out of your pajamas as you trudged to the dorm kitchen.

With very little strength in your body, you tiredly made toast, and sat down. The kitchen was unusually quiet, considering everyone was away.

You stared blankly at the wall and sighed, wondering when your life got so eventful that just sitting there in silence seemed boring.

Maybe it was when you met Rin. After meeting him, your whole world changed. He saved you. He loved you.

He loved you despite the scars - mental and physical - despite the weight you carried in your heart. He loved you, and you truly believed that would never change.

In fact, you hoped it never would. You clung to that love he had for you - it was your life source, your reason for being.

Rin was your everything.


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