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yAYA!!! Get ready for angst, guys!!! Y'all better have a box of tissues nearby!!! The angst train is leaving the station! Next stop, your heart!!!


A few days had passed since you're special day with Rin, and you hadn't left your room since, too nervous to face him.

Your eyes closed and you pulled your legs closer to you, resting your head on your knees.

You don't know why, but your heart ached and your anxiety went rampant in your mind.

When a knock on the door rang through your room, you were slow to answer, pushing yourself off your bed, walking to the door.

Upon opening it, you were greeted by a boyish grin and a charming gaze.

"Hey," Rin smiled at you and nervously scratched the back of his head. "Can I, um, come in? Sorry for dropping by out of the blue," he chuckled, a layer of awkwardness coating his voice.

You nodded and opened the door for him, a smile beginning to pull at your lips, and he walked in, taking a seat on the floor.

"You can sit on the bed, if you'd like," you offered, and he shook his head.

"I'm fine."

The room was filled with an thick silence you didn't know how to break.

"L-let me make some tea," you walked to the kitchen, staring at Rin as you left. He was gazing out the window, an uncommonly serious look on his face.

Worry weighed heavy in your mind, and you trudged out of your room, barefoot. You grabbed two cups of tea and walked back slowly, careful not to spill.

You opened the door, placing one cup on the floor for a moment before picking it back up.

You closed the door behind you with your foot, and knelt across from Rin, setting a cup before him.

He stared at it for a moment. "I'm not really thirsty."

"O-oh, I'm sorry!" You scrambled to get rid of the tea, knocking the cup over in the process.

The liquid inside spilled onto the floor and Rin didn't even move to help. You grabbed a towel.

'Maybe he isn't helping because he knows I can handle it,' you considered.

You wiped up the tea and set your cup aside, letting out a soft sigh you didn't know you were holding.

"Rin? Is something wrong?" You couldn't take it. You had to know. Scenarios about how he must hate you, or how you must've done something to upset him, swam through your mind, sending your anxiety ablaze.

"Not really," he hummed and your eyes searched his features, but you didn't find what you wanted.

"Rin, did you get hurt?" You motioned to a small, purple bruise on his neck, and you swallowed hard.

"Huh?" He put a hand over the mark and looked away from you. "Yeah, I did."

You were shaking, but not in anger. You fought back tears that burned in your eyes, biting your lip to keep from crying.

'He's cheating, isn't he.'

You clenched your hands into fists on your thighs and turned your head down.

Mittens was rubbing his head against Rin's knee, and the boy was petting him affectionately.

"Get out." Your voice was quiet, too soft to be heard.

"What?" Rin looked at you, and you turned your head up to see his expression.

A look of anger had spread across your face, tears streaming down your cheeks and landing on your hands.

"I said, get out!" You yelled at him, startling Mittens. The little kitten darted under your bed to hide, and Rin's confused look turned into surprise mixed with horror.

"Get out!" You repeated, and he got up.

"(Y/N), what's wro-?"

"Now!" You cried, casting harsh glares in his direction.

He walked to the door, and you followed, cornering him in the entrance.

"(Y/N), I can explain-!" He tried to defend himself, but you cut him off.

"No more lies!" You pushed him out and slammed the door in his face, full of rage that diminished the moment you could no longer see him.

You slumped against the door and sighed, shoulders shaking. You slowly pulled your knees to your chest and covered your face with your hands.

You tried to calm yourself, but the soft sobs spilling from your form refused to cease.

'Everyone always lies,' you reminded yourself, rubbing your eyes desperately.

You didn't understand. You didn't know why you were always the one struggling to breathe, feeling as though your lungs were filled with water. You didn't know why you were always the one who got hurt in the end. Why was life so unfair?

You closed off your heart again, unable to bear the pain. How could he do this to you? How could he betray your trust and use you like this?

You looked down. Obviously, trusting him was a mistake. You knew you shouldn't have fallen in love with a demon.

Who was it? Who did he cheat on you with? You wanted to know. Rage boiled up in your stomach, but the fire was put out as more salty drops slipped down your cheeks.

You didn't have much, and you still gave him everything you owned. You gave him your heart, and there is no better thing to be won.

You pushed yourself up off the floor and walked slowly to your bed. You bumped the table, spilling your own glass of tea, but you couldn't care less.

You climbed into bed and hugged the pillow that still faintly smelled of Rin before throwing it across the room.

Mittens, worried, climbed onto the bed and curled up beside you, mewing as you cried.

"Not now, Mittens," you mumbled to the kitten, giving his head a little rub. "Now isn't the time..."

You let out a heavy sigh and looked out the window.

"I hate this world. I hate it so much."

You remembered Rin's 'I love you' from that night and scoffed.

"Did you ever?"

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