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Before you had even realized you had slept, you were being woken by the soft drumming of rain against the hospital window. The sunlight was hidden behind grey clouds, and you could only hope that the storm would pass.

You turned to your side, hoping to block out the dreary mood the weather provided you with. You wanted to get over this loss, not stay trapped by regret forever.

"Mom," you mumbled, voice just above a whisper, "dad, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

You knew they would forgive you, no matter what. That was just the type of parents they were, and you admired that about them. They always loved you, regardless of what you did.

Like that time when you dropped out of school. They didn't stop you. They supported your decision because all they wanted was to see you happy.

You loved your parents. You loved when your mom would make you breakfast before she left for work so you wouldn't have to eat the same thing everyday. You loved her cooking. You loved when your dad wrote you little things of daily encouragement on sticky notes that he stuck around the house in every room he knew you'd have to visit.

You missed them. You missed their smiles, and the sound of their voices. You missed the way they would come into your room and kiss your forehead when they thought you were sleeping.

Not once did you think that losing someone would hurt so much, but here you were, in pain at just the thought of never seeing them again.

With these thoughts on your mind, your time in the hospital passed by slowly, mostly due to the fact that there wasn't much else to do than think.

Once your burns had healed (although a few large scars remained), the nurse you had been seeing every day since you arrived walked in with a kind smile.

"Well, (Y/N)," she began, hugging her clipboard to her chest with her right arm, "it's been a long time since you came to the hospital, and now, you're free to leave!"

You were silent. "I don't have anywhere to go."

"Actually, someone's here to pick you up!"

Not sure what to say, you stared blankly before the words finally formed. "Who?"

"Oh, well, I didn't ask his name, but he's dressed real funny!" She laughed lightly and smiled at you.

She sure smiled a lot, you noted as you pushed aside the thin white blanket before moving to sit on the side of the bed. You were hesitant to step down onto the floor, afraid to find the tile was uneasily chilly.

The nurse caught onto your thoughts and placed a pair of slippers beneath your feet. "I'll go get your things for you, (Y/N)."

"Thanks," your voice was soft and almost shy as you stepped into the shoes, stretching your arms. Not moving much in a month wasn't good for your joints, you decided. Even though it wasn't unusual, you figured that the way your muscles were feeling couldn't be good.

The almost overly polite nurse walked back in with your suitcase, and you grabbed the handle, hearing the wheels fall into the spaces between the tiles on the floor with a bump you weren't too fond of.

"I can walk you out, if you'd like," she offered, and you shook your head.

"No, I'll be okay, thanks."

You knew that was a lie. You still hadn't gotten over the death of your parents, and you certainly didn't know the person who came to retrieve you. Or at least you didn't know them, yet, but you weren't sure you wanted to.

When you walked to the front desk, and saw for yourself just who came for you, the shock you felt consumed you.

"Who are you?" You demanded, having no intention of leaving with the stranger.

"My name is Mephisto," he smiled and gave you a gentlemanly bow. "I am an exorcist who once worked with your parents."

You bit your tongue to keep yourself from saying anything he might consider insulting, but you couldn't help but think he was dressed rather oddly.

Looking around the room as most people were staring, you deducted that they would agree with you.

"Now, (Y/N), your parents called me not long ago to inform me of your enrollment to my exorcist school, and we are pleased to have you at True Cross Academy!"

You shook your head. "I'm not becoming an exorcist. Not after what happened to my parents."

"Well, sure, the blue flames of Satan killed them and burned your house down, but that doesn't necessarily mean the same will happen to you," he defended, but you weren't having it.

"I'm not becoming an exorcist," you repeated firmly.

"Oh, my, your parents would be so disappointed," he sighed, and you felt something you didn't understand. It was like you were sad, and angry, and insulted all in one, and you hated it.

"Don't bring them into this," you growled. "I can make my own decisions, you stupid clown!"

"My, my, I do apologize," he laughed, and you could've sworn you never wanted to punch someone more than you did in that moment. "I never meant to anger you! But I did bring someone I think you know quite well!"

Mephisto stepped aside, and the person standing behind him took a step toward you. You were hesitant.

"(Y/N)?" The person looked hopeful as they examined you. "It's been so long!" A smile blossomed on their face, and you couldn't stop yourself from doing the same.

You don't recall their name, or any memories you shared with them, but something about the person before you felt familiar enough to let yourself relax.

"Do you remember me?"

You shook your head, "no, sorry..."

"It's fine! You haven't seen me in years, it's understandable!" They soothed and hugged you, a movement you'd usually reject, but after the loss of your parents, it felt comforting.

"Thank you for coming here," you replied to them with a gentle voice before resting your head on their shoulder.

"It's no problem. When Mephisto told me you were getting out of the hospital today, I figured we should at least get to know each other again," they were all smiles and warm gestures.

They reminded you of your parents. You felt loved by this person, and you didn't even know their name, but this was enough for you.

You broke down and wrapped your arms around them as they rubbed your back to calm you.

"It's alright, it's alright," they hushed softly.

They felt warm, different from the nurses and the doctors. They felt real, there in your grasp, and you didn't want to let go in fear that they might disappear, leaving you to wake in your bed only to find it was a dream of all the things you wish you still had.

"(Y/N), I only have today," they nearly whispered in your ear, causing a shiver to run up your spine, and you felt your skin prickle with the cold. "Come to the school with me?"

You wanted to say no. Saying yes was like admitting defeat to Mephisto, who was practically blackmailing you into the school - into becoming an exorcist.

"..." You took a moment before you replied with a hesitant "yes" against all your thoughts screaming for you to reject.

'This is all I have left,' you reminded yourself as you took the hand of the person you felt so close to, and the warmth you felt from them was real - they were real. 'I can't let this go. I don't want to be alone anymore.'

They gave your hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance, and you reminded yourself that you could do it.

"Okay," you repeated louder. "I'll go. I'll become an exorcist."

"Bravo!" Mephisto cheered, and something inside you wanted to hit the man who was untastefully dressed in an overwhelming amount of purple that didn't blend well with the fact that he looked like a human grape. He irked you, and you didn't understand why.

"By the way, (Y/N)," the person smiled at you, "my name is..."

You bolted up in the soft bed you slept in, drenched in a cold sweat. You couldn't help but reflect on your dream. "How memorable," you mumbled and wiped your forehead with your shirt sleeve.

"What do you mean?" For a moment, you didn't recognize the voice of the person who spoke, putting you on alert, but you relaxed when you realized who it was.

"You scared me," you sighed in relief, letting go of a breath you didn't realize you were holding. "I just had a dream of when we met again a month ago."

"Really? How odd! I had the same dream!" They laughed lightheartedly, and you smiled.

"Liar!" You teased them playfully, and they sulked.

"You're never wrong!"

"You're never truthful," you sighed, but your smile stayed. "Anyway, you should be getting ready for school," you found yourself scolding your friend as they rolled their eyes.

"'You should be getting ready for school'," they mimicked and stood up with a light laugh. "Yeah, yeah. No need to remind me!"

"If I didn't, you'd sleep in until noon!" You chided, and they laughed again. "Just get ready and get to school, you goofball," you smiled.

"What about you? Aren't you also working to be an exorcist?"

"I'm sorry to say, but I get ready a lot faster than you do."

"Yeah, whatever," they huffed and grabbed their clothes before walking to the bathroom to change.

You took your uniform off the back of your desk chair and held it up to inspect the outfit. "I can do this," you nodded to yourself and stripped yourself of your pajamas before dressing yourself in the white blouse, pink skirt, and scarf. Or was it a tie? You honestly didn't know.

When you finished, you dusted off imaginary dirt and grabbed your toothbrush.

"School won't be that bad!"

"I mean, it's not like you've flaked out of classes every day for an entire month," they replied and opened the bathroom door so you could brush your teeth.

You walked in and did just that with a huff. "Well, excuse me for having anxiety," you rolled your eyes with a sigh and spit out the toothpaste in the sink before rinsing your toothbrush and setting it down on the counter.

"Yeah, I know, you've reminded me every day now," they nodded with an expression you were unfamiliar with. But you knew it meant they were a bit uncomfortable.

"Do you think I can do this?"

They joined you at the sink and brushed their teeth after you. "Of course I do, (Y/N). I've been telling you that for a month. Besides, you've missed a lot of class, so the first few days are gonna be a little hard."

"..." you didn't reply and made a beeline for your bed instead. "Never mind!"

They grabbed your arm, linking it in their own. "Oh, no you don't! You're coming to class with me!"

"Please don't make me," you begged, nervous and tense. "I don't want to go!"

"You have to go! If you don't, you'll get expelled and thrown out on the streets!"

"Living on the streets might be better than facing my anxiety!" You tried to run, but they were stronger.

"C'mon, (Y/N)!" They pulled you out of the dorm room against your will, much to your discomfort, and escorted you to the exorcist training classroom in seconds with help of the magic key Mephisto gave the two of you.

"Here we are! You'll never believe me when I tell you this, but the teacher is our age! He teaches Demon Pharmaceuticals!" They fawned, "he's actually pretty cute!"

"That's nice! Gotta go!" You attempted to bolt for the door, but their grip on your shirt held you back.

"Let's go!" They dragged you into the classroom room against your begging and pleading.

The moment they opened the door, all eyes fell on you, and you froze in horror.


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