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Thank you so much to the people who are voting and commenting, you're so sweet!


WARNING: This chapter contains gore and descriptive graphic content. If you are uncomfortable with such topics/subjects, DO NOT READ. You have been warned!


You stood at the end of the hallway alone, thoughts running through your mind faster than they ever had.

Did you do something wrong? Why did he run from you? Were you wrong to reply? Was it all a mistake?

You wanted to cry. This was just awful. He made you feel like such an idiot as he left.

You let your knees give in and fell to the floor, bunching up your skirt in your fists, wrinkling the pink fabric.

Your shoulders shook as the sound of footsteps disappeared in the distance. You felt embarrassed, and you didn't know why. Maybe it was because he kissed you. Or maybe it was because he left, just like everyone else.

You knew it from the start and you shouldn't have let it go this far.

You were never good enough, and when he leaned in, it filled you with false hopes.

Hopes that maybe, just maybe, someone liked you - truly liked you - but you were too nervous to see that you were wrong.

You hated this; being used, left, alone. You should've pushed him away, cut things short before he went and hurt you.

You felt hot tears roll down your cheeks but you paid them no mind. Maybe it would make you feel better, you hoped.

But it didn't, and you knew it never would. You were used to it.

'I've always been alone,' you reminded yourself as you started to rub at your eyes with the heel of your palms.

You were tired of crying. Tired of feeling weak and breaking down after something as small as this.

It didn't matter to you anymore. You didn't like Rin, so why did you care so much?

Why did you like it when he kissed you?

You sat there silently staring off into the darkness for what felt like hours, not even the ticking of a clock to soothe your raging mind.

"I can't do anything right," you mumbled just above a whisper, slumped against the wall as you stared almost hatefully at your arm and the scars that adorned it.

You promised you'd never do it again, but now, you weren't so sure you could keep it.

You didn't want to remember the fact that your best friend was leaving True Cross Academy as you were at school.

You weren't ready to say goodbye; not ready to be alone again.

Once was already enough.

Your breathing slowed as you calmed yourself, and horrible things you could do to your body raced through your mind.

You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard a door open, voices filling the hallway as the sounds echoed through the corridor.

You could barely see the people who walked out through the unnerving darkness created in the room. The shadows crept along the walls as though they were alive.

You felt like the darkness was ready to swallow you whole.

Specific features were hard to make out, but you could identify a few voices. Rin's, to be exact.

His laughter - probably at a joke - danced along the corridor, filling your mind with thoughts of him, and him alone.

A warm feeling blossomed inside of you; one you couldn't explain with words, but you didn't need them.

You didn't like Rin. No, he was rude, and dense, and mean to you.

The voices grew louder, and you immediately knew they were headed your way.

You fished in your skirt pocket for the key to your dorm, shoving it in the lock of the closest door.

You didn't want anyone to see you like this; clothes and hair disheveled, eyes red and puffy from crying.

Your teeth sank into your bottom lip with worry as you turned the knob to the door, rushing into the room.

You leaned back against the door to what was now your dorm room. A sigh of relief escaped you, and you let your eyes fall closed.

You didn't want to see how empty your dorm was with your friend gone. You didn't want to see their bed made and untouched, their books missing from the shelves, their desk no longer crowded with papers, their laptop taken from where it was sitting between piles of textbooks like a king on his throne.

You didn't want to see the painful reminder of just how alone you were now.

You allowed your legs to cave beneath you, slipping down to the floor. You were shaking almost weakly, and you didn't know why.

You turned the smooth key over in your hand, finding it somewhat soothing. With your free hand, you pushed your hair back on your head and let your heavy breathing fall patterned once again.

You felt tired, like you hadn't slept in a long time. You let your head fall back against the wooden door, the motion followed by the soft 'thunk' of your head.

An hour passed before you were startled by a knock at the door. If you listened closely enough, you could hear faint scratching like a pet begging to be let in.

You got to your feet slowly and opened the door just a crack so you could peek through.

You didn't even have time to look before the person on the other side forced it open. You stumbled back, just barely dodging the door.

A girl like you'd never seen stood in the entryway, her long dark hair falling down her shoulders. She stared at you with wild eyes.

You could feel the pounding of your heart in your chest louder than ever before.

The blade of the knife she held reflected some of the sunlight filtering into your room through the open window. The glint of the silver caught your eye and panic rose within you.

She charged forward faster than you could escape, plunging the knife into your navel, tearing it up to cut open your stomach like she was gutting a fish.

You screamed from the pain of feeling your flesh ripped apart, blood pouring out of your new wound as the girl howled with laughter.

You fell to the floor and the girl straddled your hips, raising the knife above her head before she brought it down fast.

You were crying, tears streaming down your cheeks as you pleaded for her to stop, your blood seeping through your clothes.

The blade found its new sheathe in your stomach once more as you felt your organs ooze from the open, slit-like wound in your torso.

The girl stood, looking proud as an insane smile spread across her face.

You could feel your consciousness being torn from your body, slipping away from you.

"Rin Okumura is mine," she growled as your eyes fell closed. Then you were gone, just like that, the pain no longer agonizing as a took a more fuzzy feeling, and the world faded to a black.

You wouldn't miss it. It was never good to you, anyway.

Just when you thought it was all over, when you thought you were finally dead, you woke, drenched in a cold sweat. You were leaning back against the door, as you were what felt like only an hour earlier.

The sunlight cast through your open curtains had a gentle, orange-yellow hue. You took a shaky breath as you attempted to calm your nerves.

"What a nightmare," you mumbled aloud despite knowing there wasn't anyone around to hear you. "I'm not meant to be at this school..."

You felt a scream crawling up your throat when a knock at the door shook you to your core. You didn't want to answer it. Not after the dream you just had. But god, you were thankful it was nothing more than a dream.

"W-who is it?" You hesitated to ask, but you knew you'd trust yourself to answer the door if you were familiar with the voice.

"(Y/N)?" Their voice was lower than a girl's. What would a boy be doing in the girls' dorms? "It's Yukio," he added his name.

You stood and tried to fight your anxiety. You didn't particularly care much for Yukio. In fact, he frightened you. Despite your hesitance, you opened the door, and sure enough, there he was.

"You forgot your bag in my class," he was straightforward and got right to the point of his visit. He handed you your small bag - which contained all of your most important belongings - and you took it, hugging the item to your chest. "I hope you stay longer next time."

You felt anger bubble inside you, tears starting to form in your eyes. It felt as though he was mocking you; mocking your anxiety, and you hated it.

"Stop it," you whispered. "Stop making fun of my anxiety!" Your voice rose to a yell and you slammed the door in his face like you hated him. Maybe part of you did. He didn't seem like a nice guy to you. He was someone you didn't get along with, and you knew you never would.

He stood outside your dorm room for a moment, confusion twisted into his otherwise blank expression, before you could hear his footsteps echo down the hallway, getting further and further away.

You hoped he never came back.

When you remembered your bag, you quickly looked through it to check if everything was there.

A sigh of relief escaped you when you found nothing to be missing. You don't know what you would do without your things.

The photo of your parents, your phone, your wallet; they were all important to you.

You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge, setting your bag down on your - not unusually - empty desk.

Your eyes scanned the room, silence thick in the air with the exception of your breathing.

You didn't want to sleep in fear of another nightmare. They're all you've been having since you arrived at the school.

You sighed and got to your feet, walking to the window. You pushed the curtains further open and gazed out at the school; True Cross Academy.

It was huge by your standards, and by a lot of other people's standards too, you assumed. But maybe not.

Since the school was expensive and hard to afford, it was rare that people without enough wealth to cover the tuition ever attended.

Which lead you to believe that you were one of the only people in the school that wasn't used to such large-scale buildings.

You pushed the window open and climbed out to sit on the windowsill.

There was a gentle breeze at that hour, blowing your hair around. You didn't mind it and looked down.

You were up high on the top floor, roughly five flights up. You'd surely fall to your death if you slipped.

Honestly, the thought didn't bother you. Death was coming for you one day, and you knew it. So why care if it wanted to take you now?

You didn't even value your own life. You laughed almost sadly and shook your head.

"I'm so sorry," you whispered under your breath, moving your hands to the edge of the windowsill as you let your legs sway back in forth like you were kicking them into the abyss.

You started out at the sunset before once more casting your gaze down to the ground far below you.

'Should I jump? Should I just end all this suffering?' You debated with yourself, not quite sure of the right answer.

Giving up wouldn't fix anything. You knew that. But everything just seemed so pointless and you didn't know what to do.

Jump? Or keep trying? A seemingly endless debate started to cloud your mind, driving you crazy.

You weren't sure you could take it anymore; the nightmares, the classes, the school, the anxiety, everything.

You moved a bit closer to the edge of the windowsill as you sat there on the edge.

Then, with one swift motion, you pushed yourself off.


Hey guys! Sorry for the gore! I'm sorta making filler chapters? I'm sorry. ;-;

I just need a decent amount of time to pass and other events to tie the story together so please hang in there for me!

I love you all so much! Thank you for the support!

I hope you enjoy this book!


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