Chapter 1

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The picture is Katrina Finch ^


I smiled at Zac Efron as we walked hand in hand down the beach. I giggled as I realized he was dressed like Danny Zuko from Grease. I looked down at myself shocked that the clothes I was wearing a second ago were gone and in their place were clothes like what Sandy Olsson from Grease wore. We stopped walking and I turned to face him. I found myself saying. "Zac is this the end?" I asked softly.

He shakes his head saying. "Of course not. It's only the beginning." He said before a big wave come over us and splashed down on us.

I bolted upright waking up shivering and I looked down realizing I was drenched from head to toe. I looked around my room my eyes narrowing when I found the culprit of this heinous crime laughing his ass off,
my older brother, Blake.

"Blake what the hell!?!" I exclaimed as I pushed the wet hair out of my face. The idiot just laughed at me harder.

He stopped laughing enough to tell me that I have to leave in thirty minutes and walked out of my room chuckling to himself.

With a scowl on my face, I got out of my bed hurrying to my bathroom. I quickly get out of my wet pajamas and hop into the warm shower. Finishing in the bathroom I head back into my room glaring at my wet bed. "I'm so going to get him back." I thought to myself as I put on my underwear. Walking into my closet and pulling out a band t-shirt and slightly loose jeans. Just braiding my blonde hair as it was still wet and slipped on my converse. Not bothering with contacts I put on my thick-rimmed glasses.

I look at myself in the mirror accessing my look. I nod in approval at my ability to totally transform myself into a completely different person than who I really am. Speaking of I'm Katrina Finch but my friends call me Kat. I'm 17 years old and a senior in high school. I've got blonde hair and brown eyes which makes me pretty average but I'm not complaining. You see I like being average and going unnoticed. It makes it easier for me to do what I love which is to street fight. Yep that's right I'm a girl street fighter, be jealous.

Lol. I'm only kidding.


But yeah I street fight. Not because I have to or I need the money. I do it cause as bad as this sounds I love fighting. I live and breathe just so I can step in the ring but only a couple of my closest friends have the privilege of knowing about it.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs into the kitchen. My mom was finishing up with breakfast while my dad read the news from his phone. "Morning mom," I say giving her and smile. "Wow, Kat I guess you've forgotten about your old man." My dad said with a hurt look on his face but I knew he was only joking. I rolled my eyes giggling. "Of course not Daddy. I was just saving the best for last." I say giving him a quick hug before sitting down at the kitchen island. It was clear to everyone that I was a major daddy's girl and I don't mind it one bit. I smiled as my mom put my plate of strawberry pancakes in front of me. "Thanks, Mom," I say before digging in. My brother was across the counter eating like it was his last meal. "God Blake, can you be any more disgusting?" I asked disgustedly as I look at him.

"Can you be any more annoying?" He asked with a smirk thinking he'd won. "Can you be any more of a mooch always asking mom and dad for money?" I smirk as his fades away at my words and glared at me. I just laughed getting up and putting my dishes away. I went into my room grabbing my phone and backpack throwing my hoodie on as I left the room walking back downstairs.

"Bye Mom. Bye Daddy." I say kissing my parents cheeks. I send my big brother a wave as I left the kitchen heading to my car. I smile when I see my baby. She's older but I still love her.

Hoping in and starting her up I make my way to school. Luckily for me, I got to a rich kid school where cars like mine were common so I still manage to stay under the radar. I pull into the parking lot and pull into my spot. Fortunately for me being Class President has its perks and I get a front parking spot but unfortunately it's right next to her. Her is none other than the head cheerleader, and Queen Bitch, Olivia Henson. How being captain of a team that just prances around in short skirts and crop tops warrants a front parking spot I don't know. I park in my spot and cut the engine getting out. I smile as I finally get a hell free morning as she's not here yet.

I make way inside going to my locker. Trying to put up things I don't need for class away right now and get out the things I do. Just as I'm about to close my locker thinking I'm home free I hear the clicking of heels on the tile floor. I silently let out a few curse words and close my locker. I turn trying to get away unnoticed but unfortunately today is not my day. All of a sudden my books and papers are all over the floor. I quickly bend down to pick them. "Oops. I guess you should watch where you're going, nerd." She sneered in her nasal voice as her and her group of followers walks away laughing.

I roll my eyes picking up my thing.

Wow, nerd sooo creative. Is that really the best you can do? You could at least try to make up something that rhymes I thought cheerleaders were good at that stuff.

I sighed as a got up holding everything and rushed to my class not wanting to be late. Speeding down the hall I turn the corner only to run into a wall and for the second time today my books and papers went flying.

"Stupid wall," I muttered to myself and as I picked up the papers. "What did you say?" Asked a deep voice and I realized I did not run into a wall. I looked up seeing the owner of the voice to be the bad boy and suspected gang leader, Daxton Michealson. He was tall a good 6'4 and had dark black hair, with emerald green eyes. In his usual bad boy attire which is just jeans,
a t-shirt, and his leather jacket. Which even though it is very simple he makes it look hot.

Don't start getting the wrong ideas now. Just because I said he looked hot does not mean I like him. He's a rude, arrogant jerk and no matter how hot he is I would never go for a guy like him.

I get up looking at him with his black hair looking intentionally messy and his piercing green eyes staring at me. He smirks. "You like what you see?" I then realized that I had been staring and checking him out. I roll my eyes at him. "No I was in shock I had never seen someone so ugly."I fired out of reflex and his smirk dropped as the tardy bell rang. "I got to go," I muttered quietly before he could get another word out and run to my class.

As I was running I soon realized I was late. I had never been late before in my life. Omg, this is going to tarnish my perfect record. I got to my class and tried my best to sneak in but unfortunately, my first-period teacher was the meanest, bitchest teacher in my school Ms. Balzetch. It was like this lady had a steel rod permanently stuck up her butt.

"Ms. Finch you're late." Ms. Balzetch, my math teacher, sneered at me as I walked in. Honestly, I'd be real pissy too if my last name was Balzetch.

I kept my head down. "I'm sorry my papers fell," I muttered quietly silently praying she's in a semi-good mood.

"Since this is your first infraction I'll give you a warning but if this happens again I won't hesitate to give you a detention. Do you understand young lady?" She asked sternly pointing a bony finger at me. I nodded quickly not saying anything. "Good now take your seat." She said turning back to the class and I rushed to the empty back row of the class taking my seat.

I got out my notebook to start taking notes and as Ms.Balzetch was talking the door opened. Walking in with a smug look on his face was Daxton. I had completely forgotten he was in this class since he barely ever showed up.

"Mr. Michealson late again I see." Ms. Balzetch said giving him a stern look. "That's another detention."

Daxton just shrugged. "I'm used to it." He said before walking to the back of the class. I put my head down saying a silent prayer that he won't sit next to me. I cringe when I hear the sound of the metal chair next to me being dragged across the tile floor.

"I don't think we've met before I'm-" He starts to say before I cut him off.

"I know who you are. And that's why I want you to leave me alone, please." I muttered quietly throwing in the please at the last second.

"Ouch Kitten you wound me." He said with a pretend hurt look on his face while I looked at him confused.


He nods. "Yeah, your name is Katrina right. KATrina. KAT. KITTEN." He explained his logic slowly like I was stupid I opened my mouth to give to give him a piece of my very intelligent mind when something dawned on me.

"Wait how do you know my name?" I asked looking at him. He just gave me an, are you stupid,
look which just made me even more confused. He looked down at something on my desk and I followed his eyes to my pencil bag, that I've had since elementary school, with my name on it. I felt my face heat up at my own stupidity.

"Oh well anyways leave me alone I'm trying to listen," I muttered as I turned back into what my teacher was saying.


"What in the hell was that?" I think to myself.


I frowned as I look around and glare at the culprit who is making that infernal noise. Daxton just smiled at me innocently. "What does this bother you?" He asked innocently as he clicked the pen a couple more times.

I kept glaring at him. "Yes, it does bother me," I mutter. "So can you please stop?"

"I can stop." He said and I turned back to the front of the class paying attention again. "But I don't want to." He said before clicking the pen ferociously.

"Stop with the clicking!" I say loudly.

"Miss Finch I will not allow you to interrupt my class twice in one day and go unpunished. Detention after school." Miss Balzetch said glaring at me.

"But.." I started to say before she interrupts.

"Do you want to make it today and tomorrow?" She asked interrupting me. I look down having to practically bite my tongue to stop myself from talking back. "No, ma'am," I muttered.

"Good." She said before she starts teaching again.

"I guess I'll see you in detention," Daxton whispered to me and I just glared at my notebook. When the bell finally rang I rushed out of the class hurrying to my next class.
I spent the whole day ducking and dodging both Olivia and Daxton. When the bell rang for the end of the day I sighed in relief but frown when I remembered I had detention. As I was walk to the detention room I realized something. This is my first detention. "This is all his fault," I muttered to myself frowning as I walked.

"Who's fault Kitten?" A voice said behind me causing me to jump. I turned around to glare at him.

"Your fault. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been late and I wouldn't be going to detention right now." I say with a glare.

"Oh my gosh, the world is going to end cause the good girl got a detention." He said sarcastically I just roll my eyes and head into the detention classroom. The teacher was asleep as were some of the students in here. I sighed taking a seat in the back putting in my headphones and putting my head down.

In the middle of Drake's verse in Only someone ripped my headphone out of my ear. I looked up and there was no surprise as to who thought it was okay to mess with my music. Daxton.

"What?" I muttered annoyed.

"I'm bored." He states looking at me.

"So not my problem," I say giving him a why should I care look and snatched my headphone back putting it in my ear again. He looked like he groaned and then walked away. I smiled to myself as I put my head back down. All of a sudden I felt something hit my head. I look up in time to take a ball of paper to the face. "Ouch. What was that for?" I asked rubbing my forehead where the ball hit.

He just shrugs smirking. "Told you I was bored." He said as he threw another ball. I slapped it away. "Quit it," I whisper yell. He just threw another one. "Stop," I whisper louder and then I get a book I was reading out of my bag and throw it.

With my luck, he ducks and you'll never guess who I hit.

That's right our sleeping teacher.

Oh, fucking hell.
Right now I'm waiting outside the principal's office waiting for my parents to get finished. That was a real dick move calling my parents. All he had to do was let me explain what happened but no just cause I supposedly "assaulted" a teacher my parents had to notified. Really this all wouldn't have happened if the teacher would have been doing his job and watching us students. Wait never mind I wouldn't even be at school right now if it weren't for stupid Daxton Michealson. Stupid arrogant, self-righteous, sexy, jerk.

Wait. Whoa. Hold up. Did I just say sexy?

Yeah, you did.

Well, I didn't mean it.

Yeah, you did.

Okay yeah, I admit he is quite attractive but still a jerk none the less. Just because I think he's attractive doesn't mean I like him.

Sure girl whatever you tell yourself. You know that if you met him at the fight club you'd so hit that.

No, I wouldn't he's a jerk. Total turn off.


My thoughts were interrupted when my parents came out of the principal's office.

"Again Mr.Francis we're very sorry and so is Katrina." My mother said giving me a stern look. I nodded quickly.

"Good and I trust this won't happen again?" He said looking at me and I nodded muttering a quiet yes sir. He nodded as I got up following my parents outside. I can already tell that I'm in deep shit.

"Really Katrina? If the detention wasn't bad enough you hit the teacher with a book?" My mom said to me.

"I'm sorry," I muttered looking down hoping that would get me some sympathy.

"That's a start but you're grounded for a week. No going anywhere except to the library after school and you're going to write that teacher a letter saying how sorry you are." My mom told me and I nodded pretending to be bummed out. In reality, it wasn't really a punishment cause I never went to the library anyway. I would go to the gym next door to work and train.

My mom was usually the enforcer of rules and the deliverer of punishments. My dad once said he didn't have the heart to punish us so he just left that part up to mom.

She nodded before her and dad headed to their cars cause they both had to get back to work. My mom is an emergency room surgeon at the hospital while my dad is the district attorney.

I got to my car and found a note under the windshield wipers. "Nice throw Kitten." I rolled my eyes as I got in my car crumpling it up and throwing it in the back seat. I sighed as I made my way home completely done with the day. I couldn't help but smile when I pulled into my driveway looking at my house.

You could say that I'm a rich kid knowing how much my parents make but my parents aren't like that. They didn't want the mansion with two pools and six bedrooms and a home theater room. They just wanted a good home to raise their family.

I got out of my car heading into the house. I trudged upstairs falling onto my bed. I got out my phone to text my best friends. Well, they're my only friends but still, they're my best friends.

One is Calvin but I call him Cal-Cal cause it gets on his nerves. I met him when I was 14 while looking at the gym. I didn't work out there but I was interested. He saw me looking and we started talking. He eventually talked me into applying for a job there. After that, he introduced me to his sister Penelope my other best friend. Ever since then we've been inseparable. They're about one year my junior. They just graduated last year which completely sucks.

From: Kat
To: My Hoes 💋
Ugh, you'll never believe what happened to me.

From: Cal-Cal😋
My Hoes💋
What happened bae?

From: Penny-bear 🐻
My Hoes💋
Yeah, girl spill.

From: Kat
My Hoes💋
Long story short I got detention and now I'm grounded 😡 I still get to go to the "library" though. 🤗

From: Cal-Cal😋
My Hoes💋
Well come tomorrow since it's Friday and explain how goody Katrina got detention.

From: Kat
My Hoes💋
Okay, I got to go the rents are home. Luv you guys 😘😘 ttyl.

From: Penny-bear 🐻
My Hoes💋
Alright and luv you too 😘

From: Cal-Cal😋
My Hoes💋
Love you too 😍

I smiled as I put my phone away hearing my parents walk into the house. Well, it was most likely just my dad as my mom often had to stay later. I walk downstairs to see my dad put a box of pizza on the kitchen counter his phone connected to his ear. He got himself slice before kissing my forehead as he heads to his office. This happens all the time when my dad had a big case. He would be too busy with the case to cook dinner and just bring pizza. I grabbed my two slices and went into my room. I decided to finish my homework while I ate.

By the time I was done I was exhausted. I laid on my bed and a thought occurred to me. Who dried my sheets? I knew it couldn't have been my mom or dad cause they leave almost right after I do. I smiled closing my eyes as I realized my brother must have done it.

I started to drift off into dreamland.


I was in the middle of a field. it was breathtakingly beautiful. I could feel someone looking at me and turned around to see Daxton.

"Hey Kitten miss me?" He whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.
I found myself wrapping my arms around him and nodding. He leaned down to kiss me and I was leaning to kiss him. Just as our lips were going to touch. I heard a loud. "Bringgg!!"

~End of dream~

I sat up straight in bed breathing heavily. My mind was racing. Mentally thanking my alarm for ending that nightmare.

Why was I dreaming about him? What would have happen if my alarm didn't go off? Why do I wish that it didn't?

The one thing I did know was that I needed to stay away from him.


That's the first chapter guys tell me what you think. It will depend on how this first chapter goes how fast I write the other chapters. Anyway, i hope you guys like it. I have a better sense of where this book is going to go then I did with my other books. So I think it will go a lot better. Alright that's about it. Bye!💋 ✌

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