Chapter 7

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What didn't catch my eye was the gigantic flat screen tv or the amazing array of gaming systems but two of the five people in the room.

"What the hell!!!!" I yelled angrily.


As soon as Calvin and Penelope heard my voice their heads turned to face me, a mixture of shock and fear in their eyes.

Yeah, be afraid! I thought to myself. I was shaking with anger I was so pissed.

"How could you?" I asked angrily but you could hear the hurt in my voice.

"Let us explain," Calvin said getting up.

"Explain?!? What is there to explain!?! You betrayed me!" I yelled. "I knew it. I knew there was something fishy about all of this. How he just shows up out of nowhere. Never before has he been to a fight and all of a sudden he shows up to mine and wants me?!? Bullshit! How he just magically knew my dress and shoe size? Bullshit! How you both just happen to be "tired" and wanted to get some "sleep" the night I basically got beat up?? Bullshit! This whole thing is bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!!" I ranted ending with a huff. I ran my fingers through my hair closing my eyes and I can feel everyone's eyes on me but I couldn't care less at the moment.

"Are you done?" I hear a voice say after a moment and I turn to see Daxton leaning against the door frame with a bored expression on his face.

I stand straight holding my head high. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am done. I'm leaving." I say walking towards the door but he steps in front of me. "Move Daxton," I growled lowly leaning towards him.

"Make me." He smirked leaning towards me he breathes hitting my ear. "Katrina." He said and my heart stopped. At that moment in my mind, I went over the entire night trying to find a moment where I could have slipped up and I was proud to say that I didn't. Not once.

"My name is Elena and don't push me," I stated hoping that my acting skills could get me out of this one.

"Cut the act Trina he knows," Penelope muttered to me as I turned around to glare at her.

"One only my friends are allowed to call me that and based on tonight's events we are clearly not friends anymore. And two how could you tell him?" I asked in my normal voice completely shocked. Now I truly was betrayed.

The both of them quickly shook their heads. "No never. He figured it out all on his own." Calvin said quickly.

"Despite what you may think Kat I'm not dumb. And it's no coincidence that a certain annoying good girl and an even more annoyingly sexy street fighter share the same tattoo. Right here." He said getting closer to me and touching the spot on my stomach where my one and only tattoo lay. I did my best to ignore the immensely annoying butterflies in my stomach when he called me sexy and touched my stomach.

I pushed his hand away taking a step back to clear my head. "How'd you see my tattoo?" I asked him eyeing him suspiciously.

"You let your guard down while you're at school. There have been a few times when your shirt would go up and I'd catch a glimpse of that little devil you have hiding under there." He told me casually smirking. It was quite ironic that I, in fact, had a small devil tattoo on my stomach.

I had gotten it earlier in my career cause I was tired of people saying that I was too angelic and nice looking to be a fighter. So I got it to remind them and myself that there is a little devil inside this "angelic" body just waiting to come out.

"Now that that's out of the way sit down and shut up so your friends can explain why you're here," Daxton demanded and despite how pissed I was my curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to know what the hell was going on.

I rolled my eyes and turned around sitting in a chair by the tv away from everyone. I turned to my two "friends" expectantly.

Penelope sighed. "Uh, where do I start?"

I rolled my eyes. "How about the beginning? Like you know how'd you get into all of this."

"That's an easy one. We were born into it. Our parents are best friends. They started all of this together." Calvin explained nodding over to Daxton when he mentioned their parents. I had to admit I was shaking. I had never expected his loving amazing parents to be a part of something like this.

"Your parents? The sweetest people I've ever met are in on this earth?" I asked Daxton voicing my thoughts. He simply nodded his head as he stayed by the door. I rolled my eyes at his lack of responsiveness.

"It's a family thing his dad was the leader before Dax and his grandfather and so on. Like I said our parents are best friends and they grew up together. His dad recruited ours to help train the new recruits when they were still in high school. His mom went through med school and is a surgeon now. She was and still is able to treat injuries and perform emergency surgeries if need be. His dad took over the public family business when his father died so Dax had to step up." Calvin explained to me as he could still tell I needed more information. "Our dad stepped down from his spot when he had us but is still a member of course. We only got involved cause our dad said it would be safer for us to be informed as he still holds some power and some people might use us to hurt him. Plus we were already pretty good friends with Daxton when we were kids so it wasn't so bad."

I nodded silently taking all of this information in.

"Next question. Why? Why'd you do all of this?" I asked turning to them with a frown.

"You're in danger Katrina," Penelope said worriedly.

"Yeah cause that's news." I rolled my eyes scoffing.

"We're serious. We wouldn't have brought you into this world if we didn't have to. A lot of people either want you on their side or they want you dead." Calvin further explained.

"I'm a big girl I can handle myself," I stated crossing my arms.

"We know you can but we're your friends and we want you to be protected." I rolled my eyes. "Very bad people have been coming to the gym looking for you." I sat up straighter at that.

"When? And how do they know where I train?" I asked urgently.

"They don't but they know you roll with us and it's not hard to find out where we work. Most of the time you're at school when they come but one time they were there while you were training. That's why we had to leave so suddenly. And why Daxton was there that night. We spent all day trying to convince him you were a good asset. Finally, he said he'd watch you fight and then talk to you about joining afterward. We knew you'd be stubborn about it and say no but we thought we could explain things to you to change your mind. What we didn't plan for was that idiot ambushing you and forcing you to join." Penny glared at Daxton who shrugged.

"I saved your life. You're welcome." He stated.

I choose to ignore him for now and got up walking to my friends. "No matter how much I wish you would have just talked to me and explained everything I know that you did this to protect me."

Calvin had the hint of a smile on his face. "So we're good?" He asked giving me a thumbs up.

"We're good," I state nodding before he crushes all three of us in a hug and I laugh as I squeeze them back.

After a moment a someone clears their throat. We pull apart and the twins blush. I turn to see two very attractive men one blonde and one redhead sitting on the couch that I surprisingly neglected to acknowledge before.

"Sorry, Trina this is Grant and Felix, mine and Cal's boyfriends," Penelope told me as she smiled at her significant other.

The blonde one stood up and held out his hand which I shook politely. "I'm Grant and I'm honored to finally meet the girl who can put my girl on her ass." He said jokingly referencing the time I beat Penelope in sparing.

I laughed. "She told you about that?" I asked amused.

He shook his head laughing with me. "Naw Cal did as soon as he saw me." He told me still laughing.

"So you all knew about me?" I asked them curiously.

The redhead stood up nodding. "Yeah, they talk about you all the time. Not that you were a street fighter but the other stuff. Especially my Calorie. I low key get jealous sometimes cause he never shuts up about you." He said wrapping his arms, Calvin.

"Calorie?" I asked confused.

"Yeah cause he fills me up plus he tastes good." The guy who I assume is Felix said with a smirk as Cal blushed deeply. I was just speechless as Penelope gagged.

"Ugh, gross way too much information. I seriously did not need to know that." Penny groaned and shivering in disgust.

I just shook my head trying to get the unwanted images out of my head. "Uh well, it's nice to meet you both," I told them with a genuine smile. "But I should get going I'm seriously beat."

Daxton spoke up then walking through the door. I honestly didn't even notice that he had left. "Not so fast. There's one more person you need to meet." He said as my jaw dropped seeing the person who followed behind him.

"Blake?" I asked at the same time as he went."Kat?"

"What are you doing here?" We asked.

"I asked you first!" We yelled.

"Stop that! No, you stop." We said in perfect unison before we both just stopped talking and glared at each other.

"Wait. How do you two know each other?" Calvin asked confused as they had never met my brother before as he was older than all of us.

"He's my brother," I say with an exaggerated sigh.

"She's my sister," Blake said with a frown.

"So you're her annoyingly disgusting brother who despite having a place to yourself continues to mooch off your parent's kindness?" Penelope asked quoting me as I fought a smirk.

He glared at me before Felix spoke. "And you're his weak nerdy kid sister who can't walk on a flat surface without finding something to trip on." I glared back at him at this.

Blake was the one to end our stare down and turned to Daxton with a frown. "Daxton what the hell is my little sister doing here and why is her hair black?" He asked him extremely pissed.

"She's Penelope and Calvin's friend, remember the street fighter that needed our protection? Well, you're looking at her." Daxton said with his signature smirk.

Blake scoffed turning to me. "You a street fighter?Pftt... please. For real why are you here? Are you one of our new hackers or something?" He asked me with a smirk. I clenched my fists as I stepped towards my big brother.

"Blake I'm not afraid to kick your ass," I said through clenched teeth. It really irks my nerves when people underestimate me but when my brother does it my anger gets to a whole new level.

Blake rolled his eyes. "Please. I want to see you tr-" He couldn't even finish his sentence before I had flipped him on his back with my foot on his throat but not pressing too hard and my hands twisting his arm back to give him pain but not too much.

"Ow ow ow! Okay, I get it. Let me go." He whined as I smirked shaking my head.

"Say it," I demanded as I pulled his arm a bit harder.

He looked at me confused before shaking his head. "Nope never in a mi- Owwww! Okay okay. Katrina is the best sister ever I'm extremely lucky to have her and I'd be nothing without her." He said quickly and to which I let him go. He only said that because that's what he always makes me say whenever he "traps" me and I "can't get out".

"I was looking for uncle but that works too," I say with a smirk as I reach down to help him up.

Blake just glared at me and slapped my hand away. He got up by himself rubbing his neck and shoulder.

"How's it feel to get your ass handed to you by your little sister?" Grant asked with a laugh as I smiled smugly. Blake responded as maturely as his little brain could muster and that was by flipping him off.

"Shut up. And she only did that cause she caught me by surprise." He said stubbornly.

"Gotta stay ready to keep from getting ready," I said with a smirk. "Big Bro."

"Go to hell." He muttered glaring at me as I rolled my eyes at his lame comeback.

"So now that you've had your fun can I go?" I asked Daxton knowing he had set all of this in motion just to mess with me.

Daxton opened his mouth to speak but someone cut him off. "No, stay here for the night. That way we can get to know you and you us plus it's late anyway." Felix said quickly. He was right it was well past two in the morning and it would be nice to get to know my best friends boyfriends. There was a little fact that Daxton would be here and I honestly still didn't trust him.

"I vote she leaves." My brother said to which we all ignored him.

I sighed turning to look at Daxton to see if this was okay since this was his house. He simply shrugged looking as if he didn't care. I looked back to see my friends giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Alright fine," I say resulting in cheers from everyone but my brother and Daxton.

"Okay let's get back to the game," Grant said as everyone besides me and Daxton made their way to sit down by the tv.

I was making my way over to one of the chairs when someone grabbed my hand. "Hey Kitten." He said lowly making me look up at him confused.

Daxton looked at me for a moment before leaning in to whisper."Good job tonight." He told me before letting me go and walking to sit with everyone else.

I stood there shocked for a second. Did Daxton Michelson just tell me good job? I thought to myself turning back around to see him staring at me smirking and winked when he caught my eye.

I flipped him off before going to sit with my friends reminding myself over and over to stay as far away from him tonight as remotely possible.


I woke up surrounded by warmth and I smiled as I snuggled deeper into my warm pillow. I stiffen feeling the pillow squeeze back. I slowly opened my eyes to find that I wasn't in my room and that I, in fact, was not laying on a pillow.

I looked up to see my "pillow" still fast asleep. I quickly sat up pushing off of him resulting in him falling off the bed with an "oomph." Under normal circumstances, I would have laughed but I really couldn't get over the shock of waking up next to Daxton in just my underwear.


Hiya, Guys!! How's it going? Good? Great!! Hope you enjoyed this update. I know you guys are probably furious with the amount of time it takes me to update but I try to make each update perfect for you guys so bear with me. And I hope these updates are worth the wait. Well anyway, love you guys lots!! Talk to you soon!! Muah!! 😘💋

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