Chapter 8

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I woke up surrounded by warmth and I smiled as I snuggled deeper into my warm pillow. I stiffen feeling the pillow squeeze back. I slowly opened my eyes to find that I wasn't in my room and that I, in fact, was not laying on a pillow.

I looked up to see my "pillow" still fast asleep. I quickly sat up pushing off of him resulting in him falling off the bed with an "oomph." Under normal circumstances, I would have laughed but I really couldn't get over the shock of waking up next to Daxton in just my underwear.


"What the hell?" Daxton muttered from the floor as he looked around his eyes finally meeting my confused ones. He smirked as if he knew something I didn't.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you know?" I practically growl at him.

"Obviously more than you judging by how confused you looked." He stated smirking as he stood up and it was then I noticed that he was in the same clothes from yesterday.

That fact relieved some of my nerves as I knew we hadn't had sex but that still doesn't explain why I'm half naked, why my hair is damp or what I was doing in his room.

"You're not funny. Just tell me what happened." I muttered as the slight headache I woke up with slowly grew.

Daxton smirked putting his hand under his chin like he was thinking before shaking his head. "Naw I'm good. I'll let you figure it out on your own." He said with a laugh.

"Well at least tell me what the hell happened to my clothes." I muttered with a frown.

"Oh yeah about that." He said going into his drawers and pulling out some clothes. "Here." He said throwing them to me. "You wasted chocolate on yourself." He told me and that confused me because why would I even have chocolate I hate it.

I muttered a quick thanks as I slipped on the t shirt and sweatpants that were both a bit too big. I groaned as my headache got worse and put my head in my hands.

"There's pain pills on the dresser next to you." I heard Daxton say from across the room and then I heard his door open.

I looked over and grabbed two pills and chugged the water bottle that was next to it along with the pills.

I groaned as I got out of the bed. I heard noises coming from somewhere and I followed it to the kitchen. In there was all of the guys laughing and joking while they ate and Penelope was by the stove cooking. My eyes widened at how big it was.

Penny looked up seeing the look on my face and laughed. "Yeah I know it's huge." She said setting down a plate of pancakes. "I suggest you come to eat now. I can only hold off the dogs for so long." She joked.

I mumbled a thanks as I sat down.

The guys were being absolutely obnoxiously loud and my patience was wearing thin. 

"Can you guys shut up already!" I yelled turning to them after I'd had enough, which in turn made my headache worse.

All of the boys instantly quieted down once they saw my face. I must look pretty scary. I thought once I saw the looks of pure terror on everyone's face.

I sighed. "Sorry you guys are just being really loud and I have a headache." I muttered as I finished up my pancakes.

Calvin shook his head. "Naw you're good Kat we aaaaaall know that you had a looooooong night." He said with a smirk.

I scowled over at him. "Okay spill. What happened last night?" I asked him.

Calvin was about to answer when Daxton covered his mouth.

"Nope nobody tells her. She helped herself to all that alcohol and now she's going to help herself get her memory back. Consider it your last phase of initiation." Daxton said throwing his trademark smirk my way.

"What the hell type of sense does that make?" I asked angrily.

Daxton shrugged. "My gang my rules." He muttered as he walked out of the kitchen.

I practically growled with frustration. "Is he always such an ass?" I asked aloud as I stabbed the countertop with my fork.

Everyone around me looked at me with wide eyes I furrowed my brows following their eyes to find my fork had bent from the force I used. My frown deepened. "Sorry, he just makes me so infuriated." I muttered while trying to fix the fork.

But he also makes your heart skip a beat or two.

Inner voice if you want to say something start by telling me what the hell happened last night.

Shoot if I knew I'd tell you.

Calvin chuckled softly as he stood up and rubbed my back. "It's okay Kat we all know how he can be." He told me as everyone else nodded in agreement. I gave him a small smile before finishing the rest of my pancakes. I got up to wash my dishes.

When I turned around I noticed Felix staring at me and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Yes?" I asked him causing everyone to turn and look at us.

"Do you wear glasses?" Felix asked as he looked at me weirdly.

I frowned nodding. "Yeah..." I said slowly trying to figure out what he was getting at.

"You're that girl from the club ally aren't you?" He asked me as I frowned confused before chuckling softly nodding.

"Yeah, that was me." I told him laughing at his amazed face.

"I knew you looked familiar. Girl you kick ass." He told me grinning.

I laughed shaking my head. "That was nothing if you really want to see a fight come to my next match in two weeks. " I told them.

"Yeah, you both should come to watch. It's supposed to be a good fight too." Penny stated as she sat down next to me.

Calvin shrugged. "I don't know about a good fight but this one should last more than a few seconds." He said with a laugh.

Felix laughed. "I'm free and more time I get to spend with Cal the better." He said with a smile making everyone roll their eyes.

Grant shrugged. "Sure why not? I've always wondered how those underground fighting places worked." He told us.

"I think I'm going to head home guys." I told them with a yawn as I wanted to shower and probably get some more sleep. "I'll see you guys at training tomorrow." I said to Cal and Penny. I got up to leave before I realized something. "Uh, guys where are my keys?" I asked out loud.

Penny got up and walked to the wall where a few sets of keys were hanging. "Here." She tossed a set at me. I looked at them frowning. "These are my car keys." I muttered confused.

Daxton chooses that moment to come back into the kitchen he had showered and changed into some new clothes. His hair was still kinda wet from the shower and it made him look even sexier than usual. And his tight t-shirt wasn't helping me either. It was while I was not so covertly checking him out that I noticed his smirk saying that I was caught.

I heard someone clear their throat and looked back at Penny. "I went and got it for you last night. Don't worry your bike is in the garage I made sure nobody touched it. Just come to get it before you leave for the fight. It works out really that way we can all follow from here." She explained to me and I sighed in relief knowing nobody touched my precious baby.

"Thanks now I can just be going home." I said smiling gratefully that she didn't mention earlier and effectively changed the subject. I waved at everyone. "Bye, I'll see you guys around." I said to them as I left out the front and smiled seeing my car.

I got in my car and drove the few minutes to my house. Thankfully both of my parents were gone so I had the house to myself. I went inside and straight to my room to shower. I washed my hair even though most of the black was gone I still had to make sure. Once I was done in the shower I got out wrapping a towel around me and my hair.

As I lifted my head up I looked in the mirror and almost screamed. I had two big ass hickeys on the sides of my neck.

What the hell?

I moved closer to get a better look just to be sure and sure enough, they were hickeys. I tried really hard to remember what happened and I vaguely remember making out with Daxton in his room.

Oh my gosh. How are you gonna make out with that super hot guy and can't even remember it properly?

Shut up let me think.

It was slowly starting to come back to me. After the guys got bored with their game they decided to play a few rounds of never have I ever. I was holding my own as usual not losing but definitely not winning. Then we played truth or dare with more alcohol. I remember my brother was farther gone than I was and he somehow spilled chocolate on my dress. Daxton offered to help me clean up taking me to his room. I must have managed to shower and get dressed again cause the next thing I remember is laying in bed with Daxton and we're talking really close. Then we were kissing and making out but he stops us saying something I can't really remember. After that I'm out I guess cause then I woke up.

I groan softly at my own stupidity. I can't believe I let this happen.

I can. Have you seen that man? Besides, we all know a drunk girls actions and words are a sober girls thoughts.

Nobody asked you and that's not even how the saying goes.

I shook my head frowning as I got dressed in my pajamas and dried my hair.

"Stupid annoying inner voice." I muttered to myself as I laid down in my bed. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep again as I was still so tired.

I hope he doesn't talk to me tomorrow. I thought to myself as I felt myself drifting away but in the back of my mind, I knew that my hopes and wishes would go unanswered.

Okay, guys super super sorry about not updating in soooooo long. And I took all of your votes into consideration by the way and I'll make a chapter giving better details about what happened that night. But maybe I'll do it from Daxton's POV?? I don't know yet but let me know what you think. And tell me how you feel about this chapter I love you guys and all the support you give me so please don't stop. And if you think I can do something better please comment and tell me I wanna be the best writer I can be for you guys. Anyways bye guys.


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