Chapter 3: One Day At A Time

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The room was quiet, the sound of the clock ticking made him nervous, the room smelled of coffee and peppermint. He hated peppermint and it made him a little nauseous.

"How are we feeling today?" Dr. Williams asked, clicking her pen repeatedly. Cole sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

How was he feeling? This morning was a little rough, waking up from an nightmare and throwing up, trying to convince his best friend that everything is okay, and now hearing voices?...

"Okay I guess." Cole replied, not wanting to be fully honest. Was he being fully honest? Was he really just okay? He didn't even know himself, guess he was just feeling drained...

Dr. Williams stared at Cole, her gray eyes glued onto his fidgeting. He fidgeted with the sleeves to his hoodie, he tugged onto them.

Cole avoided eye contact with her, knowing that she'll figure something is up. His eyes looked everywhere but at her, he cracked his knuckles, feeling his bones move for a second.

"What is on your mind?" She asked, not wanting to confront him. Knowing that he is lying, knowing that there is more to it than Cole speaks, knowing that Cole Brookstone was indeed not okay.

But even if she knew that, what could she do? Cole didn't ask for help, he didn't let people in, all Cole did was push people away; lie to people to put them at ease.

"I'm having nightmares again." Cole spoke, mostly blurted. He wanted to slap himself, he wasn't supposed to tell her; but then again he knew he had to, how else was he going to get better?

He needed to get better, he had to get better. He was a ninja, ninja don't have nightmares. It wasn't a ninja's job to have nightmares, a ninja's job is to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Dr. Williams' eyebrows furrowed as she watched Cole bite his nails, his teeth really making the aggressive attack on his nails.

"Interesting, is it the same one?" Dr. Williams asked, Cole slowly nodded. Remembering the blood on his hands, remembering how tight he gripped his Scythe as he stared down at the people he had murdered. 

"Y-Yes." Cole replied, licking his lips. He suddenly felt hot, he sat up from the chair, taking off his hoodie.

When was the last time he even washed that hoodie? Cole rested the hoodie on his lap, staring down at the hole his hoodie kept hidden from him.

Dr. Williams set her pen down, she was older than he was, maybe in her fifties. Her gray hair fell to her shoulders as her bun came apart. She sighed, putting her hair up again.

"Why do you think you are having these dreams?" Dr. Williams asked, grabbing her pen again.

"I-I don't know." Cole admitted, biting his bottom lip. Why was he having these dreams? He had no idea why but he didn't want them, he just wanted them to stop.

"Nicholas, you've been seeing me since you were a young boy. What have I been telling you since then?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Cole frowned, slouching on the couch. He stared at his chipped black nails, chipping them even more.

Dr. Williams indeed has been seeing Cole since he was a young boy, at age seven when his mom died. Cole couldn't handle the fact that his mom was actually gone, and Lou didn't know how to deal with Cole's grief, so he did the only thing he could think of; Lou signed his son up for therapy.

"It's all in my head." Cole answered, eyes glued to his nails. Dr. Williams nodded, writing something down in her notebook.

"Correct, and if it wasn't for your dad paying me, I would've stopped being your therapist. But unfortunately I am retiring soon, you will be having a new therapist." Dr. Williams said, still writing in her notebook.

Cole's eyes widened, new therapist? Retiring? Cole was going to have no choice but to get used to a new therapist. What if he didn't want to see a therapist anymore?


"Do your father and I a favor and don't give your new therapist a hard time." Dr. Williams interrupted, giving Cole a look.

Why won't she just listen? Cole wanted to tell her something, let him speak. Cole took a deep breath, clutching his fists tight.

"But D-

"Cole, you've been having these nightmares since you were a child. Ever since your mother's death, you would think that you'd be over it by now." Dr. Williams pointed out, interrupting Cole again.

Those nightmares won't leave him alone, he doesn't know what to do about it. But he wasn't here, today, at his appointment to talk about the nightmares that he's been having since he was a kid, he had new nightmares and he needed to tell her about them.

But she wouldn't let him speak.

"What do y-

"You are now eighteen, you're a ninja, the master of Earth, you have good friends, a family, and a beautiful girlfriend, the best you can do is stop acting like this before you hurt them too." Dr. Williams scolded, interrupting him for the millionth time.

Dramatic. She was talking about for him to stop acting so dramatic before he hurts his friends. Cole frowned, looking away from his therapist.

"Okay." He said, not having the energy to try and defend himself. What was the point? Wasn't it all in his head?

"Good, now take these. These should last for two months, if you need more then you can get some at the Pharmacy. Good luck Nicholas, you have my best wishes." Dr. Williams explained, handing him a small bottle filled with white pills, and a paper of prescription.

Cole stared at them, his medication and the paper of his proof that he needed the certain medication. Proof that he wasn't okay and the only way to be okay was to take drugs just to ease the pain.

"Thanks." Cole mumbled, quickly taking the two things his doctor was holding for him before standing up from his seat.

"You remind me of your mother." Dr. Williams spoke, looking up at his eyes. Her heart stung, he had his mother's eyes.

"Cole, your mother was a kind woman. She was very strong, everyone loved her. It broke everyone's heart when she passed, we all miss her but we also have to move on." She added, shaking her head from frustration.

"It's been eleven years since her death. Get. Over. It. You have no idea how badly you're hurting people when you bring Lilly up, quit being selfish." Dr. Williams scolded, raising her voice up. Cole flinched, he hated when people rose their voice at him.

"Think about your father." She pointed out, staring at Cole with disappointment. Cole's eyes widened, he turned to look at her.

Was she serious? She did not just say that, Cole had to be losing his mind. He clenched his jaw, licking his lips.

"My father? Heh, th-that's all I can think about. I can't even be in a bad mood in front of that man, you know why? It's because he'll give me a long lecture with how grateful I should be that I'm breathing, that I have th-thi-this gift!" Cole yelled, looking down at himself.

He rose both hands up in the air, smacking his hands on his sides. Cole sighed in frustration, shaking his head.

"What gift?! All I see is a mistake! My ghost powers are a curse, I died and nobody seems to give a shit! Why can't we talk about that? Why can't we think about that? I died. I died to get that stupid scroll, of course I don't regret it because then we wouldn't have been able to save Lloyd from Morro." Cole ran his hands through his hair, gripping it tight.

His scar was burning him again, he hissed in pain. Cole rested his hand on his scar, trying to cool the burning sensation down.

"I just want someone to notice! Why won't anyone notice? The Day of The Departed is coming soon and that terrifies me. It terrifies me because of wh-what happened last time!" Cole admitted, taking deep breaths.

His breathing grew heavy, his heart was racing fast and he could hear his ear ringing. Was he having a panic attack and he didn't know?

The more upset he was getting the more it seemed his scar burned. Cole held his head for a second, he ran his hand through his hair again.

"I was forgotten, nobody remembered me nor seemed to care! They only remembered me when they were trying to blame me for something that wasn't even my fucking fault!" Cole yelled, pacing around in a circle.

He laughed, shaking his head in defeat. Cole looked over at Dr. Williams, he pointed at her. His chest rising up and down, he bit the inside of his cheeks hard; trying to calm his breathing.

"Don't tell me to quit being selfish when I never was." Cole scolded back, wagging his finger at his therapist.

Dr. Williams kept quiet, she sighed miserably. Dr. Williams stood up from her seat and walked over to Cole, he looked at her confused.

Dr. Williams rested a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head with shame. Cole blinked twice, did she actually listen to what he said?

Out of all these years he's been seeing her, did Dr. Williams actually sit there and listen to what Cole had to say?

"I see that you're emotional, this is a side effect of your medication that I have seemed to miss." She stated, Cole's heart dropped as he stared at her in disbelief.

"What?" He asked, almost in a whisper. Unable to speak, lost at words, not able to accept that he heard what he heard.

"Don't worry Cole, I will get that fixed as soon as possible. I apologize for the error, I'm glad I noticed before you started telling other people about this... Certain feeling." Dr. Williams assured Cole, resting both hands now on his shoulder.

Cole stared at her, this had to be some kind of cruel joke. Why else would she say this? She wasn't that heartless, she wasn't that naive, she wasn't thinking with science over feelings... Right?

"You're unbelievable."  Cole snarled, he pushed her hands away from his shoulders, grabbed his hoodie, and stormed his way towards the door.

"You've just got to take it one day at a time." Dr. Williams said, adjusting her glasses.

"The medication will help with all of this nonsense, you'll feel much better after, trust me Cole, one day at a time." She added; not looking at her patient. Cole didn't look at her either, he couldn't even nod at her.

He walked out of her office, biting his jaw down as he quietly closed her door, even though he desperately wanted to slam her door shut.

But he knew with his strength from working out and his power, that he would do a lot of damage to her door and he wasn't in the mood to try and fix it since it was his fault the door was broken.

One day at a time? Did she have any idea how stupid that sounded? Cole couldn't afford to take it one day at a time, he needed to be better immediately.

He was holding the team back and he knew it, he wasn't helping his own case with ditching training time. Cole knew that his teammates, his brothers were probably already questioning where he's been sneaking off to.

"Nowhere fun," is all Cole would be able to tell them. It's not like Cole didn't want to tell them, he just didn't know how to tell them.

He wouldn't know where to start, he wants to tell them so badly, he really does but how can he when he doesn't even know what's wrong?

How could Cole Brookstone tell his family that he was seeing things and although they weren't real, they felt real?

He would never be able to explain that to them, they wouldn't understand. Worst case scenario is that they'll think he's crazy and won't let him be a ninja ever again.

The thought of that made Cole feel sick, he cracked his knuckles, taking a deep breath. He walked out of the building and sped walked over to his motorcycle.

Cole's phone buzzed, he quickly fished his phone out of his pocket and frowned at the text message.

Dad: We still up for today?

No. No they were still not up for today. Cole groaned in frustration, closing his eyes to catch his breath.

Every Tuesday, after seeing his therapist, Cole had to go visit his dad. Lou Brookstone, the famous dancer that everyone adored.

Although Cole loved his father very, very much. They both just seemed to never get along, Cole wanted to be a ninja, Lou wanted Cole to be a dancer, to follow into his dad's footsteps and take over.

But Cole hated dancing, he hated it so much that he ran away from home.

Of course they made up years later for that, Lou respected Cole's wish to be a ninja, but it didn't mean he was okay with the fact that Cole would just throw away the family tradition as if it was trash.

  Cole sighed miserably, sending a quick, "ya, omw," text to his father and put his phone back in his pocket. Cole sat on his motorcycle and started it, looking both ways before driving off into the street.

Cole gripped tight onto both of the handlebars to his motorcycle, driving to his dad's house. He stared into the streets of Ninjago City, feeling the cold air blow onto his face.

His hair, his black messy hair were out of his face, the burning of his scar was gone, the cold air had died down the heat.

But unfortunately for Cole, as distracted as he was, he didn't even notice how bright his scar was right now, how much it glowing at the sight of Ninjago City...

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