Part 2

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John reached his house as he fell on his bed passing out...

While John was out cold the snake man looked at John's house lusting for his blood as he was about to get in the house...a huge tree came flying at him as it crashed his face...he staggered and look up only to see Cornelia.

Cornelia: now you're attacking innocent people!? Oh you're so dead!

Will: Cornelia...calm down...Cedric isn't worth it...we kick his ass until he can't move...if we did kill him we would be like him.

Now the snake man called Cedric charged at them...Shagon(Matt)acted quickly and shot electric beams from his eyes at Cedric...Cedric evaded the attack as he tried to talk to them as will zapped him as he fell down as he tried to talk to them.

Cedric: h-he's mine!

Cornelia: shut up!!

Cornelia used telekinesis on him as he floated in the air as will looked at Irma then haylin

Will: Irma! Haylin! You know what to do!

Irma: got it!

Haylin: consider it done!

But before they do anything he managed to escape their grasp and went into a portal as it closed.

Cornelia: I hope whoever's inside is safe...

Taranee: we should go and check.

Matt: let's go.

They went inside the house and looked around as they heard a violin.

Haylin: it's creepy in here...

Will: I'd be lying if I say it isn't...

Then they saw a guy with black trench coat playing a violin...

?: hm...?

Once he noticed them as the violin then Turned into a katana sword and looked at them.

Will: who are you...? 

They were shocked to see that he looked a lot like John...but before they can get anything from him...he disappeared!

Irma: he's gone!

Will: in thin air!

Matt: did you see how he looks a lot like John!?

Taranee: maybe his father...?

Cornelia: or twin brother.

Will: Anyway we need to get some answers John tomorrow as for now we head home.

Soon they left John's house as the guy reappeared again.

?: fools.

<the next day>

John arrived at the school as he saw will.

John: hey will.

Will: hey john! Where were you yesterday?

John: I decided to give you guys some time...not wanting to be a burden...

Will: you really should've stayed.

John: sorry...anyway where's Matt...?

Will: he's on his way. Oh and by the way I want to introduce you to one of our best friends!

John: and who would that be...?

Will: that would be Cornelia's best friend... her name is elyon brown.

John: sure I don't see where the problem is...

So will went to Cornelia as they saw Cornelia and elyon laughing will greeted them as elyon looked at John

Elyon: um will I'm sorry but you haven't introduced us to him.

Will: I was getting to that...elyon this is John vale...John this is elyon brown.

Elyon: pleasure to meet you.

John: the pleasure is all mine.

Elyon smiled a little as John smiles back as they stared into each other's eyes...soothing blue (elyon) and a disturbingly pale blue (John) but both liked it...she liked how pale his eyes were...and he like calm and soothing her eyes were, will and Cornelia took notice of this as they were smiling at them.

Cornelia: alright love birds break the staring contest.

Will: that was very uncomfortable.

John blushed a little as elyon looked away.

John: s-sorry.

Elyon: I'm sorry I didn't mean to...

Cornelia: how about we go inside before the history test begins...?

They walked in the school as they got the history test...John was the first to finish, he got it so fast that he shocked the whole class (especially taranee) he gave his paper to mr Collins and sat back but then...a knock was heard as mrs knickerbocker opened the door.

Knickerbocker: excuse me mr Collins but I need mr vale for a moment...

Dean then looked at John as John got up and walked to the door...will looked at knickerbocker and noticed a guy with white hair standing next to her...and then she recognized him as the SAME guy from yesterday!, John then went to the office as he and the other guy sat down.

Knickerbocker: alright I'm cutting to the chase...where did both of you came from...? A lot of people have said that there's a white haired people were causing trouble in the city.

?: and you thought that is was us because we have white hair...

John: i mean c'mon we just arrived here's just not logical to cause all these problems.

?: correct.

John: I don't know what you heard mrs knickerbocker...but it's not us.

Knickerbocker: well I apologize for the inconvenience...i hope you have a good day.

Then the guy and John left the office as John went back to class and the other guy left the school...John sat back as Matt looked at him...eleyon was smiling at his presence...then the bell rang to the other classes, now it was time for the lunch break will came to John as she saw him sitting with Matt as she sat with them.

Will: hey guys

Matt:hey will.

John: hey...

Will: have you heard about the battle of the bands next month!?

Matt: yeah it's gonna be awesome!

John: I'll give it a try.

Elyon then joined them as she sat next to John.

Elyon: hey john...hey guys.

John: hey elyon...where are the rest by the way?

Will: oh they're busy

John stayed silent because he knew that she could hear his thoughts

Matt: so tell me...who was that guy?

John: who...?

Matt: the guy who has the same hair color as yours.

John: oh that guy...he's my uncle.

Matt: oh...when we first saw him we thought that he's your twin or something.

Then will necklace started to glow...

Will: 'Perfect timing as always!' Sorry John but I have to go.

John: yeah sure...go ahead.

Will and Matt left John and elyon alone.

John: do they do that all the time...?

Elyon: yeah...sadly...are you free tomorrow...?

John: well that was quick...will introduced us and now you're asking me for a date...

Elyon blushed hard once John knew her plan

John: yeah I'm free tomorrow...

Elyon: can you meet me at library right at the corner...?

John: sure.

Elyon: thanks really are sweet.

John chuckled at her comment as they continued on their day until it was time to leave school where elyon saw a guy with a RED trench coat with white hair.

Elyon: who is that

But then he left before John could reach her.

John: what is it elyon...?

Elyon: I saw a guy with white hair staring at me...?

John:What was he wearing?

Elyon: red coat.

That was all John needed to know to know who she walking about...

John: he's a big deal...anyway let's move...

Elyon: who is he?

John: I'll tell you everything let's go.

They left the place as John was trying to stay composed as he was going in a quick pace as he was whispering something.

John: I told them this was a bad idea...

Elyon: what's going on!?

John: I told you I'll tell you everything now stay calm and keep up with me...

Just when they covered more ground Cedric appeared out of nowhere

Cedric: you two will come with me.

Elyon was scared shitless at this point as John stood in front of her.

John: elyon go to this location and I'll meet you there.

Elyon ran as fast as her legs could to the location John gave for John it was time to show cedric his skills.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

John charged at cedric at an amazing speed as cedric tried to catch up with him, John kicked cedric in the face but...cedric caught him and started smack him onto the ground multiple times as he knocked the air out of John and threw him to a wall as John went through it...John slowly got up as he got smacked with a left hook from Cedric as John flew to a lamppost breaking his left arm...John yelled loudly as cedric grabbed him and threw him at an oncoming train as the train hit John making him pass out. (Marking this as his first ever defeat)


Elyon was running as fast as she could as she reached the location John gave her as she got in the house then...a katana came flying at her as she fell, she looked around with horror in her eyes as she saw John's "uncle" and the VERY COLD look in his eyes as he asked her two simple questions.

?: who are you and where did you come from.?

Elyon: please you have to help John please please PLEASE!!! He's fighting That monster! I beg you to please help him!!!

At that point elyon was crying her eyes off for John's sake then the man spoke again.

?: where...?

Elyon: h-he's n-near the

Elyon was sobbing hard as the man got up slowly and left.


John woke up with a loud thud then he looked around to see a man setting on a throne.

Cedric: I brought the boy my lord...

?: splendid!

John: does anyone have bandages and some anesthesia my arm is killing me.

Cedric: how dare you speak to lord Phobos like that!!

Phobos: cedric! That's enough...he won't do us any good if he's dead would he?

Cedric: I'm sorry my lord.

Phobos: now throw him in the underground dungeons.

Cedric: as you wish my lord.

Cedric picked John up as he took him to the underground dungeons as John arm was getting worse as cedric arrived at the dungeons, he then threw John into a hole as John Fell hard on his back.

John: aghk!!! Shit!...w-where am I.

?: who are you...?

John looked for the voice as he saw a brown haired boy (about John's age) with brown eyes.

John: so you're my inmate huh...? My name's John.

Caleb: I am Caleb...and your arm needs serious treatment.

John: no shit now what?

Caleb: the rebels and the guardians are coming...

John: rebels...? So we getting out of here...and who are the guardians.

Caleb: you'll know everything later.

John: I can't wait to get out of this hell hole.

Then Caleb and John noticed something as it was a small passling.

?: please do not hurt blunk!

John: just come out... we're not gonna hurt you.

Blunk then came out with a very big smile on his face.

Blunk: you mean it!?

John: yeah...and you could use a shower...

Then they heard a loud roar from above as they saw cedric and few of his men were heading somewhere as they heard a loud explosion.

Caleb: they're here...

John: who...?

Caleb: the guardians.

John: and they're not the only alone...

Caleb: what do you mean...?

John: you'll see

Irma then flew to the hole as Caleb called her.

Caleb: hey down here!!

Irma: wow the hole is talking to me...

Caleb: we're in the hole.!

Irma: oh...anyway get ready!!

Irma then used her water powers in the whole as the hole got filled with water as Caleb, blunk and John got out of the hole...seeing John shocked Irma...and vice versa.

Irma: John?!

John: I-Irma...!?

Irma: what're you doing here!?

John: I should be asking you the same question.

Before Irma could a answer a roar from cedric was heard as he charged at them but...John's "uncle" came out of nowhere as he slashed Cedric's chest

John: m-master Vergil!

Vergil: you...Go and take him.

Irma saw the cold look and the way he talked as she did what asked without thinking...Caleb followed them as Vergil looked at cedric and his men...Vergil then charged at them as they did the same as they this point John closed his eyes to rest...

Irma: guys you won't believe it but John is here!

Taranee: you mean the white haired boy!?

Cornelia& Haylin: what!!!?

Will: are you serious!?

Irma: but he's a very bad shape.

Will: what happened...?

Irma: I'm not sure...but his arm is not fine.

Will: we need to fix him.

Irma: let me say this real quick... John's uncle is scary.

Will: the guy from school is here!? Why didn't you tell us!

Irma: he said that he got this!

Will: and you left him alone.

Vergil: I prefer working alone.

They were shocked to hear his voice...but he was covered in blood, cuts and bruises.

Taranee: how did you survive!?

Vergil: like what brother said "there's more than meets the eye" one more thing...John's girlfriend is in his house.

Cornelia: already!? But who!?

Will: elyon said she's going out with him today...*gasp* did anything happen to her!?

Vergil: go and find out.

They followed Vergil back to the house.

Elyon was worried about John she sat down while looking

Elyon: John...please be alright...

Just when she said that...Vergil came in carrying John in his arms...

Elyon: JOHN!!!!

Vergil: quiet...he needs rest.

Elyon: w-what happened...?

Vergil ignored her as he put John on the bed and left...

Elyon: where are you going ?

Vergil: no time for goodbye...

Elyon: what does that mean...?

Vergil: tell him... not to put his life in someone's they're bound to steal it.

Elyon looked at Vergil as he then faded away

<few days later>

John: he's what!!!?

(A/n:And I'll stop it here, tell me what do you think about this chapter until then see ya!)

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