Ch. 14: Watching Looking Sharp

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The screen was turned off as everyone was still silent from the shocking reveal of the last episode.

King was the most quiet. And all he could hear was a soft static in his ears as his entire world view was shaken to the core.

"King?" Luz asked.

Luz reached out and shook him a bit, making him jostle in place before turning to her.

"What?" He asked softly.

"Are you...okay?" Luz asked.

He just shook his head.

"I....I don't think I am. I thought that when I learned what I am, I'd feel happier but instead, I just feel..." King stopped talking as he put a hand to his chest, his heart hurting to much from this. "Sad...and alone. More alone than ever before."

Before King knew it, he begun to cry as Eda and Luz hugged him.

"Hey buddy. It's gonna be okay. Before you know it, you aren't going to be alone for long." Luz said, smiling a bit. "Soon you'll have a big Titan Sister."

"Really? Who?" King asked.

"King, who else?" Eda asked.

"Me, ya big dummy!" Luz said, giving King a noogie. "Just need that blood and boom, Titan!"

"But what-"

"No butts! Except yours being tickled right now by your big sister!" Luz said, tickling King to make him laugh someone.

"Ahahahahaha! Stop! Ahahahahaha!" King said before laughing so hard.

"Okay, settle down you two." Eda said, mockingly stern.

Though Eda was being somewhat strict, she was happy that Luz was doing her best to help King process this information. But that also made her ponder on how everyone else in this theater was dealing with King being revealed to be a Titan.

"Holy abomination, she had a Titan this whole time!" Darius whispered to Eberwulf and Raine.

"This changes things." Raine whispered back.

"Oh My Titan, I tried to buy him once!" Boscha said, somewhat panicking to her friends. "I tried to BUY the last Titan from Luz!"

"Yep." Skara said, snickering a bit, "I guess he was right, you can't afford him."

"I know. It's so ironic!" Boscha shouted, grabbing her hair.

"Okay, okay, Boscha. Calm down." Amelia said, taking Boscha's left hand and patting it gently.

Both looked at each other as Boscha quickly calmed down, before blushing and looking away.

'Just ask her out already!' Skara and Cat thought as they groaned.

Meanwhile with certain coven heads, they were taking this news SLIGHTLY better.

"The owl lady had a GOD in the making in her care and she never knew it?!" Adrian shouted, gesturing to the Owl house trio.

"It would seem so." Mason said.

"If I had the chance to give him a physical examination of heath, I would treasure it." Hettie said.

"RUFF! (Not before I meet him! Beast to beast!)" Eberwulf barked at her.

"I think it's safe to say that anyone that wants to do that, will have to go through the Owl Lady." Darius said.

The coven heads looked at Eda, who gave them a side glare that made them shiver. Staring down Belos was scary... staring down the Owl Lady when you plan to do something to her kids... terrifying.

As for the Owl Lady's sister, Lilith,.....

'THIS IS INCREDIBLE! A living, breathing Titan!' Lilith thought, gazing at King and quickly making a full body diagram of him for the history books.

Yeah, she was geeking out and getting carpel tunnel but she didn't care.

Adding this to all that she was learning watching the future, Lilith was planning on making a brand new book on Titans!

"If everyone has come to terms with this revelation, shall we continue?" Jss2141 asked.

"Yeah, probably the best option." Luz said.

"Plus, being a Titan would explain his squeak of rage. It was just his Titan roar before puberty." Amity said.

"Hehehehehehehe! Still funny." Eda said before the screen turned back on.

The next morning, Luz yawned as she woke up to her alarm and shut it off but nearly crushed it from her new strength. Though she didn't notice as she got up and walked to the bathroom.

"What was that? It sounded awful." Adrian said, picking out his ear.

"An alarm clock. It's suppose to be loud to help you wake up." Vee answered.

"Wake up? It sounds more like a torture device." Adrian said with a shiver.

'Oh! I want one now.' Terra thought.

She walked over to the mirror and began brushing her teeth, before noticing that she had four sharp canine teeth. Luz spat toothpaste at the mirror before wiping it clean and gazing at her mouth, opening it to see just how developed her new canines were!

"On no! This is not good" Luz said before holding her chin and smiling, a tinkle coming from her canine. "But on the upside, I do look FIERCE! Ruff ruff!"

A bucket was summoned near Amity. Something she saw and hated, especially since she was blushing and felt her hand beginning to melt.

'Keep it together! Keep it together!' Amity thought, clenching her melting hand and forcing it to solidify.

From the coven heads, Darius saw this and was impressed by how fast Amity was managing to control her abomination transformation. Either by will or dumb luck.

Her eyes, she can explain as contacts. And she doesn't need to be seen eating, plus Luz can hide her muscles to an extent, but how can she hide these!? One of them even pokes out when she closes her mouth!

"Anybody inside?" Vee asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Jeez Luz, way to wake everyone up." Willow said, with a sarcastic eye roll.

"Hey, I didn't know I was being loud, I'm sorry." Luz said.

"You can be pretty loud in the morning, mija." Camila said.

"Well, my body is changing in the future, I'm entitled to a small freak out." Luz explained.

"This is from BEFORE you became a Titan. All that upbeat energy causes you to stomp unintentionally." Camila said, blankly.

"That's explains a lot." Eda comments, remembering most mornings in the owl house.

"Just me, sis! I'm brushing my teeth!" Luz said, putting her toothbrush away. "And I got another change."

Vee opened the door and saw the sharp canine teeth that Luz has.

"So, I guess Titan's are mainly carnivores, because I've never seen a goat with teeth like this." Luz said.

"Goats, really?" Camila asked.

"It was the only animal I could think off that eats everything!" Luz said.

"What are goats?" Skara asked.

"I can answer and show you." Vee said before transforming into a goat. "It's a horned mammal on Earth that can climb mountains, herd sheep, and possibly break bones with their strong horns. They also have iron stomachs that let them digest almost anything they eat."

Eberwulf looked very interested by this and clapped, wondering what other creatures Earth/the human realm had to offer.

"Okay, ignoring the size of those things in your mouth, but how do you know King is a goat?" Vee asked, starring at Luz's teeth.

"I don't, but they were the first herbivorous animal that came to my mind." Luz said before gesturing to her mouth. "Anyway, back to the problem at hand, I have fucking fangs!"

"Don't sweet it, kid. Fangs look good." Eda said, smiling with her own golden fang shining.

"Now I look more like you, Eda." Luz said, smiling.

"And me!" King said, pointing to his fangs.

"One big tangy family." Eda said, hugging them.

'Yes, one big family.' Camila thought, smiling at Eda's parental nature.

This would be a fun discussion for later on.

" kind of look like a vampire with those fangs." Vee said, looking closer to at Luz's mouth.

'She looks like she could tear a steak apart like a wolf.' Vee thought.

"I've been wondering this but are their vampires in the demon realm?" Luz asked.

"Yes, but they're sort of a minority. Like a one in ten chance of meeting one in person." Amity explained.

"Oh, because they can only come out at night?" Luz asked.

"Well, depends on the percentage they have." Amity said, tapping her chin. "Some vampires are mixed species, so they can go out during the day."

'Okay, that's great to know!' Luz thought with a grin.

She always wanted to meet a vampire in real life, now she can!

"Two fangs on top, two on the bottom, I could literally bite someone's hand off.!" Luz said, imagining it before holding her hair! "What am I going to do!? I can hide the others things about me but I can't hide these! One literally sticks out of my mouth when it's closed!"

"Nothing wrong with that. You'll get used to it." Eda comments.

"I don't know, but we can figure it out." Vee said before quickly saying. "Except impersonating you again. I don't hate it but I'm finally starting to accept myself and my own identity."

"You're precious." Camila said, smiling in at her second daughter.

"MOM!" Vee shouted with a blush, turning back to human form.

Camila just giggled before hugging Vee.

'Huh, so that's what motherly love looks like.' Amity thought, feeling jealous of Vee.

"Vee, the bus arrives in 30 minutes." Luz said, tapping her wrist like she has a watch. "I don't have time to think of something!"

"Vee? Luz? What's going on up there?" Camila asked from downstairs.

"Titan's Blood, mom!" Luz shouted back.

"As always it seems." Camila said, breaking the hug.

"It's a valid excuse there!" Luz said.

"Compared to your other excuses, yes." Camila said.

"Others? How bad were they?" Vitmer asked.

"BAD." Camila said.

"What is it now?!" Camila asked loudly!

"You don't wanna know!" Vee shouted back.

'Too late for that.' Everyone thought.

"I know but please, just tell me!" Camila shouted.

"The bathroom is about to be very crowded." Amelia comments.

Luz and Vee looked toward each other, silently agreeing that just telling her now was better than something bad happening because they didn't.

"Luz has sharp canine teeth, like a werewolf! One even sticks out of her mouth when she closes it!" Vee shouted.

"QUE?!" Camila asked before rushing up the steps.

"Wow, listen to her hustle." Boscha said, impressed by this.

"It's called a "worried mother."" Luz said.

"I know, I have two, but even they can't move this fast." Boscha said.

"Latinas are built different." Luz said, before shivering. "They have the most amazing mothers... and the most terrifying when angry."

"Pfft! Please, your mother couldn't scare a newborn." Adrian said, scoffing.

Feeling insulted, Camila got up and marched over to the illusion coven head.

"Excuse me, sir. Could you REPEAT that?" She asked, glaring at him.

She got close... very close... close enough that Adrian felt scared.

"I...I said t-that you are a-a lovely lady!" Adrian said with a nervous smile.

"That's what I thought you said." Camila said before returning to her seat.

"Wow! Humans are more interesting than I thought!" Terra comments with a grin.

"Very impressive." Darius said

'I like her style.' Hettie, Orson, and Mason thought in approval of Camila.

'Oh boy.' Luz thought as Camila practically barged in and made Luz open her mouth!

"DIOS MIO!" She shouted as everyone else rushed to the bathroom too. "This isn't good. We need to hide those somehow."

'Good luck with that.' Eberwulf thought and found this ridiculous.

Why hide what makes you so vicious and cool?

"Well, unless they can retract, then we can't." Luz said, pulling away from her mother.

"Or maybe get some pliers and pull them out?" Vee suggested, joking.

"NOT FUNNY, VEE!" Luz shouted at the joke.

"It's kind of funny." Vee comments while giggling.

"Just wait until you go to the dentist and we'll see who's laughing." Luz said.

"That reminds me, I need to set those kind of things up." Camila said, tapping her chin.

"Dentist? But my teeth are fine!" Vee quickly said.

"Is somebody afraid?" Luz asked with a grin.

"No! Shut up!" Vee said to her.

"You're scared of the dentist!" Luz said, teasing Vee.

"Girls, behave." Camila said, sternly as they both stopped teasing/arguing.

"Hehehehe, remind you if anything, Lily?" Eda asked, grinning.

"No comment." Lilith said with a grin.

"Okay, let's calm down! You getting angry won't help." Camila said, putting a hand in both of her daughters' shoulders.

"Getting angry at what?" Gus asked as the witches looked into the bathroom.

"Luz's new teeth, we can't hide them for school." Vee said as Camila showed them.

Gus thought about it.

"What about an illusion?" He asked.

"That could work but without a glamor charm or a concealment stone the illusion would break from the slightest rough contact." Lilith explained.

"My thoughts exactly." Adrian said, smirking as his tail stood up in pridefulness.

This surprised few witches at seeing Luz's new teeth, seeing her mouth was now that of a beast because of the sharp canines. Quickly getting I see his shock, the illusionist of the group made his thoughts known.

"Uh, I may be able to make a concealment stone real quick." Gus said, grabbing his chin. "It could last for a few hours, not permanently like if a professional makes one, but it might be able to make a quick fix."

'Wait, what's that around his neck?' Adrian thought, looking closer at future Gus on the screen.

Mainly, the necklace around his neck. Suddenly, it hit him like a Slitherbeast.

"How do you have my mirror charm!?" Adrian yelled.

Everyone jumped from this sudden scream as they all looked at Adrian, who stood up and pointed at Gus in his seat.

"Me?" Gus asked.

"YES, YOU! That charm around your future neck is my magic amplification tool! How did you have it?!" Adrian said as he pointed back to the screen.

"I can explain this if you'll sit down." Jss2141 said before a door opened.

"We both can." Mr. Hardcor3 said, coming back from his personal matter.

"Where have you been?" Jss2141 asked.

"Therapy." Mr. Hardcor3 said, "Something I should've gone to long ago... can take a long time before you can admit to yourself that you need to get help."

"Aah, I understand. Being honest with myself, I think I need some therapy too but it can wait." Jss2141 said before shaking hands with Mr. Hardcor3. "Good to have you back. I was just about to explain/spoil the future a bit."

"You know how I feel about spoilers." Mr. H said.

"I think you're going to like this one, because it involves Adrian losing to a kid." Jss2141 said, grinning.

Mr. Hardcor3 seemed to beam at that suggestion.

"Hmm... proceed." He said with a nod.

Jss2141 smiled as he turned in the intercom.

"Alright, spoilers ahead but these are good spoilers. In the future, Hexside will revolutionize and allow anyone to take multiple tracks!" He said into the microphone.

"Multiple tracks?!" Every witch and Luz shouted in shock.

Right before the human girl smiled widely.

"I'M A TRENDSETTER, BITCHES!" Luz said, before getting hit on the back of the head by a sandal.

"LUZ!" Camila yelled, very angry at the swearing.

"Mom! Ow!" Luz said, rubbing her head.

"Watch your tone and your mouth, young lady. Or I'll hold you down and wash it out with soap and water!" Camila said, slapping the sandal in her other hand.

'Soap and water? Is that human torture?!' The witches thought in surprise.

"Moving on from that threat, Adrian will lead a squad of coven scouts to try and force Hexside into brands but it will all go array when a certain illusion prodigy lets his magic go out of control." Jss2141 said as an arrow appeared above Gus.

"That doesn't explain why he has it!" Adrian said.

"We're getting to it, you irritating prick." Mr. Hardcor3 said, "You tried to use the amplifier to search through his memories, but it backfired horribly, because he's stronger than you ever will be. In the end, you actually traumatize yourself."

"WHAT!?" Adrian yelled, "That's impossible, you're lying!"

"Ugh that voice annoys me, can I shoot him?" Mr. Hardcor3 asked.

"It's tempting but a gunshot is harder to heal someone from than cutting with a blade." Jss2141 said. "Let's save killing him for afterwards and give Gus his tool as I heal him."

"Deal. And a heads up, I'm totally beating Odalia to an inch of her life in the next fic though." Mr. Hardcor3 said, "Now let's get back to this."

"What do you need for that?" Luz asked.

"Some kind of small stone, like a necklace or something." Gus said.

"Perfect." Luz said, heading to her room to find something.

"I'm pretty sure I have a few that I haven't touched in a while." Luz said, "Any of them could work."

"Wait, use this." Amity said, taking off her crescent moon necklace.

"What? But Amity, that's your favorite necklace." Luz said in surprise.

"Then who better to give it to than my favorite girl?" Amity replied with a smile.

Amity heard sniffling and looked at Luz, who was on the brink of crying.

"Luz?" She asked.

"I don't deserve you!" Luz said, hugging and crying on Amity, "You're so perfect and I'm a mess!"

"Maybe... but you're my mess." Amity said.

Amity kissed her forehead as Luz kept crying.

Luz smiled back as Amity handed her necklace to Gus and he looked it over, tapping it a bit before nodding.

"This will do nicely. I should be able to make it a good enough concealment stone, just give me a few minutes." Gus said with a smile.

Willow patted Gus on the shoulder.

"You're a good friend Gus." Willow said.

"I know." Gus said with a smirk.

"But please don't get a big head." Willow added.

"Well, you better hurry, the bus shows up in 15 minutes." Luz said, still not knowing the exact time since she didn't have a watch.

"That means you better get ready fast." Camila said, heading back downstairs to make breakfast.

"15 minutes should be more than enough to get this ready." Gus said, walking downstairs with the necklace.

"Have you ever made anything like a glamor charm before?" Lilith asked.

"Not outside of reading and just trying it in my own at home." Gus said.

"Damn kid thinks it's so easy." Adrian said, rolling his eyes.

In the control room, Jss2141 had to wrestle gun from Mr. Hardcor3.

"Wait for it! Wait for it!" Jss2141 shouted.

"NO! He needs to die now!" Mr. Hardcor3 shouted.

As everyone left, Luz went back into the bathroom getting ready for school. Meanwhile with the rest, besides Camila, they would possibly spent all day at the cabin to think of plans to get back to the demon realm via a new portal.

It would be significantly easier as they now had a Human Titan to help.

Once Luz had gotten dressed for school and quickly eaten breakfast, she walked to the front door as Gus came over with the crescent moon necklace.

"I did it!" Gus shouted in glee.

"Good for you...Buddy." Hunter said, patting Gus's shoulder awkwardly.

'He's getting there.' Darius thought.

"Allow me to introduce your first glamour charm. It's not perfect but it should get you through school without anyone noticing your fangs." Gus said as Luz took it from it.

"Thanks, Gus. I don't now what I would do without you." Luz said, putting the necklace on.

"I think it goes without saying that without you, everything would've been far worse." Gus said, smiling at her. "You've done a lot for the Isles, and us, Luz."

"You have. The day I met you, was without a doubt one of the best days of my life." Willow said with a grin to Luz.

"Mine too!" Gus added.

"And mine, without knowing it." Amity admitted.

"Don't think too much about it, Gus. You guys and the Isles did just as much for me as I did for you." Luz said, smiling as she somehow felt her feel appearance become normal again. "You all gave me a place to belong, to feel accepted even if I wasn't a witch like you guys. I should be thanking you guys more than you should thank me."

The four friends couldn't resist the urge to have a group hug.

"Well I think-" Gus was suddenly cut off.

"Hey, as nice as this is." Hunter said, leaning against the door frame, glancing to the side. "Luz, the transport worm is here."

Luz turned around to see the bus coming down the street, cursing under her breath.

"Thanks, Hunter." Luz said before screaming into the house. "Bye mom, bye guys, bye Batata! I'll see you after school!"

If Camila was being honest, having the house so full was... nice... it had just been her and Luz for so long, that the house just feels empty most of the time.

Before leaving, Luz looked into the glass in the front door and saw her teeth were back to normal and her eyes were even their original hazel color again.

'Gus, you are a genius.' Luz thought before walking to the bus.

Luz got on the bus and sat down, unaware that she was being watched by a 400 year old gooey colonizer.

And there goes any of the good mood.

"Belos." Luz growled.

Amity took Luz's hand, calmly stroking it with her thumb to help calm her down.

'I must wait for the perfect moment.' Belos thought.

He followed her to the school, all the way, she was none the wiser.

When Luz arrived at school, she walked off the bus with a peep in her step while whistling a small tune. She was never really a fan of November, but after having the craziest weekend of her life, she was fine with a bit of normalcy.

Even though today may end in a very PARANORMAL way.

And fear once against crept up into the audience watching it. No one knew what would happen, but one thing was for certain... nothing good was about to happen.

"Oh, this one's over?" Mr. Hardcor3 said, "We'll get the next one loaded in a minute."

He took his finger off the speaker and looked at Jss2141.

"How's the eye?" Mr. H asked.

"Swollen." He said, "Did you have to use the brass knuckles?"

"Don't touch my gun." Mr. Hardcor3 said, holding his gun.

The two beaten and bruised authors sat back down after the fight for the gun.

"Hey... thanks for always being there when I needed you." Mr. Hardcor3 said, "I'm not lying when I say I consider you my best friend."

"Yeah, I feel that way too. Having a friend be there to listen when you need it means more than anything." Jss2141 said before patting Mr. Hardcor3 shoulder. "So, still feel the urge to shoot Adrian?"

"Yes. A little dulled down but still yes." Mr. Hardcor3 said as he cocked his gun.

"Well, I won't stop you this time. He's all yours before the next one." Jss2141 said, moving his hand back.

"Thanks. Maybe I'll pull the sniper out next story and see if I can get both him and Odalia in one shot." Mr. Hardcor3 said, imaging a sniper rifle in his hands.

"I'd pay to see that." Jss2141 said, grinning.

"And you'll be getting it for free, Jon." Mr. H said with a grin.

"I better, Mark." Jss2141 said, slapping his friend's back a bit. "Now go on, go shot that prick."

Mr. Hardcor3 grinned as he quickly left the room and cocked his gun.


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