Ch. 2: Watching The Truth

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The room was silent, if this was the future, then the Hexsquad didn't like it.

Luz opened her eyes and began breathing heavily, frantically looking around.

"I... I'm in my room." Luz said.

A collective breath was released as Luz was clearly alive.

Luz remembered what happened and lifted her shirt and seeing... nothing... not even a scar. Luz was so confused and grabbed her phone. Before even unlocking it, she began panicking. She saw her reflection and notices that... her eyes weren't their usual color. She unlocked her phone and opened her camera app. She looked at herself with it, seeing her eyes being blue, the exact shade of the Titans blood. She heard the door open and saw Hunter, heavily scarred.

"... Damn, those are beautiful eyes." Amity whispered, choosing to ignore Hunter's scars for the moment.

"Thanks..." Luz said, ignoring Hunter's appearance a bit to focus on her own new eyes.

"What happened to you?!" Darius shouted, looking between the Hunter in his seat and on the scream.

"Ruff ruff!" Eberwolf said, rushing over to Hunter and sniffing him over for the same injuries.

"I... don't know." Hunter said.

"Luz?" Hunter said, walking over to her, "You... you're awake!"

He hugged her, almost afraid to let go of her.

"Hunter? What happened? Where's Belos?"

Hunter let go and had a sad look.

"I... I don't know." Hunter said, "He took off shortly after you began to flatline... Luz... Flapjack... he's... he-"

Luz immediately understood and pulled Hunter in for another hug.

Hunter felt his heart stop at that, he knew what Belos did with palisman and if what he thought happened then... Hunter felt tears form.

'Flapjack.' He thought, glancing at his friend as the palisman looked at him.

"To any of you that don't know, Belos has a little addiction with palisman essence. Anyone who join the Emperor's Coven, they would have to give up their palisman so Belos can crack them open like eggs and suck in their like gas or pour it into his eyes. So far, Lilith is the only one to NOT have her palisman become his breakfast." Jss2141 said over the speaker.

"And that's for a specific reason that Belos knows about." Mr. Hardcor3 chimed in, "I'm sure Luz will know what I mean shortly."

All eyes were on Luz again, except Hunter, as the human stared at the screen. She didn't want to answer any questions yet.

"I'm so sorry, Hunter." Luz said, hugging him tightly.

Hunter closed his eyes and let out a few breaths.

"The... the others will want to know you're awake." Hunter said, leaving the hug and wiping his eyes, "They're downstairs."

"Then let's go." Luz said.

Luz walked over to the door and grabbed the handle. Luz opened the door... and accidentally pulled it clean off the hinges.

Everyone flinched at that.

"Those... those hinges are weak... right?" Luz asked.

"Mija... they were replaced last week." Camila said

"Yes, they were." Mason, the Construction Coven head, said with a nod. "Those were VERY brand new."

'And I recognize physical strength when I see it.' He thought, glancing at Luz.

"Dang, she's strong now?" Boscha asked, surprised.

"Guh!" Luz let out, nearly dropping the door before catching it in her hands.

'What the hex?!' Luz thought, placing it against the wall. 'Did I do that or did the hinges give out?!'

Luz looked at her hands, front and back for anything out of the ordinary but just found them to be "normal" looking as usual.

"The... the hinges must've finally given out." Luz said, "I mean, Willow was using mud in here before, maybe it rusted them."

"Hey." Willow comments from the blame.

That had to be it, because the only other possibility is that she has superhuman strength.

But Luz was a human, there was no way she could just instantly gain superhuman strength without magic...unless.....

Luz shook her head, it wasn't possible. She headed downstairs, where she was immediately taken to the floor by a girl that was both relieved and pissed off.

"Oh, boy." Anyone that knew Amity said.

"Luz!" Amity said happily before grabbing Luz's shirt collar and begins shaking her, "If you ever do something like that again, I will freeze you in Abomination goo!"

"Whahahahahahat?" Luz asked while shaking.

"You heard me, you very beautiful reckless woman!" Amity shouted as she stopped shaking Luz. "You're lucky I love you so much, or else I'd slap you silly!"

This made nearly everyone stare at the screen before some of them chuckled a little, finding this amusing.

"Ah, young love. So violent." Terra said with a fond smile. "I haven't had love like that since my school days."

The Hexsquad shook at that. they didn't want to think about Terra's love life... that didn't even want to think about Terra to begin with.

'Somehow she's here, but my family isn't.' Amity thought.

A small piece of paper fell into her lap.

'They'll be here later. - J and Mr. H'

Looking at the note and at the author balcony, Amity decided to accept this before putting the note in her pocket.

"Okay, Amity, you can let up, she's already died once, we don't need her to get whiplash." Willow said.

"Maybe she should!" Amity said before Gus and Vee pulled her back.

"Sorry about her, Amity was up half the night looking after you after we drove Belos away. Finding an empty vial of Titan's blood next to you was NOT a good hint." Vee said to her sister.

"Who's that?" Vee asked, confused by this new person.

"Hehehehe, that my dear basilisk, is YOU. Say hello to the human form you made all on your own, your own human identity as Vee Noceda." Jss2141 said over the speaker.

Vee gasped at this, leaning closer to get a full view of "herself." The green hair, the pointy nose, the eye color; it was all...perfect.

"I-I'm-" Vee stuttered, subconsciously transforming into her human self.

Camila pulled Vee into a hug.

"Eres perfecto, you're perfect just the way you are." Camila said softly.

"Thank you, Camila." Vee said.

"No...You can call me "mom" from now on." Camila whispered to her, kissing Vee's forehead.

"Aw, it's so sweet." Mr. Hardcor3 said to his friend, "... When does the crying start?"

"My guess is when Vee calls Camila "mom" on her own." Jss2141 said, smirking a bit.

"I... I had to make sure he couldn't get it." Luz said rubbing the back of her neck, "I... guess I didn't realize that it means... there's no way back to the demon realm."

Everyone remained silent at this, knowing this to be the truth. The cold, hard, sour truth.

And that made everyone go silent. They had many questions, but seeing as Luz said no way back, they could assume they did get stuck in the human realm.

'What happened in the future?' The Clawthorne sisters thought, glancing at each other in worry for Luz and her friends.

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