Boys day/night out

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I was awakened but a ton of knocks and my grumpy papa mumbling 'coming'

I sit up and all of a sudden I am snatched up by a sea green eyed teenager

I give him a sharp glare and he sits me down

"Sheesh Nico jr. Your glare almost rivals" Uncle Percy said

Papa smacks his head "why are you busting into my cabin Jackson?" Papa asks

I remember Uncle Jason words and grab some clothes and go into the bathroom to change

"We are taking the nephews out for the day" I hear Uncle Jason

"We are gonna take Alex and Jonas out tomorrow but today is  the big kids" I hear Uncle Leo

I get my binder and shirt on and run out and they smile at me

"Why am I short" I ask and I stand next to Leo as we where same height

"Welcome to the club" Uncle Leo mumbles

Ricky pokes his head in "we should I don't know, maybe leave before the twins wake up" He whispers

I nod and hug Papa who smiles and kisses my head and we leave

As we walk Ricky leans over "My Dad just dragged me out of bed and told me to get dress" He  mumbles and I snicker

"They want to have boys day" I whisper

"I realized that" He laugh and the Uncle Leo look at us

"What's funny do I have make up on my face?" He jokes and we both laugh

"So what do you two want to do? Its your day" Uncle Jason asks

Ricky and I look at eachother with devilish grins

"You guys are good with swords" Ricky starts

"But what about guns?" I finish

They look at eachother nervously

Time skipyity skip

"Ricky to your left!" I yell in the dark room

He points the laser gun and shoots taking Uncle Percy out

"Man the great Percy Jackson taken down by his child, such a tragedy" Uncle Leo mocks as he is on our team

He is shot by Uncle Jason

"Really Jase you ruin the climactic moment" Uncle Leo says and runs off

I go upstairs to get a better view and see Uncle Jason shoot Ricky

I aim and before I shoot

"Hands up" I hear and I roll my eyes turning around

Uncle Percy is aiming at me and I look at him

I see a plant by the wall and I move my pinky up and down and it starts stretching towards my Uncle

"Gotcha Now di Angelo jr." And as he aims the plant trips him and goes back to his spot and I make a run for it

My Uncles I think besides Leo knows my mother so that was a way to confuse him for the time being

Ricky sees me "10 to 9. We are winning by one point and we have 30 seconds" He says and Uncle Leo joins us and we all go back to back

Uncle Jason and Percy run to us and I shoot Percy and Ricky shoots Jason

The timer went off and the score board turned 11 to 9

"We won" Uncle Leo pumps his fist in the air

Uncle Percy and Jason laugh

"Austin how did you trip me? I did'nt see you move" Uncle Percy asks laughing

I shrug and Ricky looks around and spots a plant

"You used the plant" Ricky said and I nod

Percy tilts his head and I sigh

"My mom is Persephone. Story over lets get food" I said rushing to the food court

Ricky follows "Ramen?" He asks knowing its my comfort food

"Yes" I said relief

Ricky is my best friend. We grew up together

And I may have a tad crush on him

What! He is only a month older then me

Our Uncles joined us and we went to a ramen restaurant

We got a table and sat down and I ordered a rootbeer and miso pork ramen

I got my drink and slurpped  it quietly

Uncle Percy looks at me "you know your really powerful I didn't even see you move how did you get that plant to trip me" he asks amazed

I looked a little surprised "uh I used my pinky finger as you talked" I said and Jason chokes on his drink

"You have that good of control?" He asks amazed and I shrink in the chair and Ricky laughed

"He is not good with compliments" Ricky said grabbing my hood pulling me back up

Uncle Leo laughs and we get our food

I use my chopsticks and eat my ramen

Mmm ramen

"So what about you Ricky? Do you have abilities?" Leo asks and Ricky nods and raises his hand his water rises out of the cup and he throws it in Percy face

Uncle Percy moves it away from him but it splashes on me

I jump up and my black binder becomes see through my white shirt "shit!" I shout

Ricky and Percy eyes widen "oh crap sorry Austin" Ricky said

I sigh "anyone have an extra shirt? Don't wanna walk all day with a see through shirt" I say and Jason throws me a black shirt

"I brought extras for everyone just in case" He said and I smile

I run to the mens bathroom and walk in and when I do I see a group of older guys

Trigger warning. Transphobic slurs ahead

They look at me and the dirty blond sneers

"Your one of those trannys huh?" He sneers at me looking at my white see through shirt as it clings to me

I ignore him walk past them and he grabs me by my shirt ripping it off

I stand up and look at him "give me my fucking shirt or I break your jaw" I say and they all laugh at me

"You scrawny little girl?" The older man asks

Thats it

I deck the one in the face and kick the other in the balls

The both dropped and the 3rd one who been quiet sneers

He reaches for me but gets drowned by a ton of Water

Uncle Percy and Ricky are in the door way looking really angery

I throw on the black shirt I had and run out and they stayed behind. Jason and Leo look up when I sit down

"You okay?" Leo asks

I just stay quiet and was breathing heavily grabbing my knees my vision blurring

"Fuck" I hear a voice and all of a sudden my head against a chest and I hear a heart beat

I listen to the heartbeat and slowly calm down and my vision clears up and I pull away

I see Ricky still having a grip on my arms looking at me

"Hey Tin" He says and I blush at the childhood nickname he gave me and I take a deep breath

"I am okay" I say my pale green eyes meet his sea green eyes

He just holds me and I hear Uncle Percy telling Uncle Jason and Leo what happened

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up and Uncle Jason gives me a soft smile

"We can leave" He offered and I shake my head standing up

"No I am not letting those jerks ruin my day" I said and Leo gives me a grin

"Well the sun is setting and their is a carnival" he suggests and I smile

"Sounds fun" I say and Ricky grabs my hand which causes me to blush

Uncle Jason and Percy look at eachother and grins go on their face

"Hey lets go" Ricky says and pulls me as we follow Leo

Time skip

We been at the carnival for hours now and its pitch black outside

Ricky been by my side the whole time and I swear my heart has been pounding the whole time

"Tin lets ride the ferris wheel!" He said and grabbed my hand and dragged me over

He pays for it and we sit next to eachother and we start moving

I look down looking at the view of the lights from the carnival

"Hey Tin?" I hear Ricky and I turn to him

Lips meet mine and I gasp

He pulls away and looks at me nervously

I stare at him for 3 seconds and lean back in and kiss back 

I am not like a cheesy teenage drama where I say it was like fireworks

Even tho it was

More the feeling felt


We pull away from look at eachother

"I liked you for a long time" He says and I laugh a little

"So have I" I said and he laughs

Our ride ends and I have never been so disappointed to see my Uncles

"We are heading back" Leo says

I sigh and we get out of the basket and Ricky grabs my hand as we walk toward them

Percy has a grin on his face "so are we gonna ignore the kiss or-" And Ricky slaps his hand on his Dad mouth

"You Ignoring it sounds like a great idea" Ricky says his face red

I laugh at that and Jason gives me a knowing look

Leo got them to walk ahead as we head back to camp so Ricky and I where alone a little

Ricky looks at me "when my Dad and I went to check on you. Seeing that guy grab you cause this unknown anger to happen. We turned them into security and then coming back seeing you have a panic made me realize I want to be by your side. To protect you. Tin I haven't seen you have a panic attack since you where 10" He says to me and I sigh

"It terrified me. But I put up quite the fight" I say and he snorts

"You knocked one out and made the other not able to stand. I can tell you put up a fight." He says to me and I laugh

As we arrive into camp he stops at the entrance

"Would you be my boyfriend?" He asks grabbing my hand

I smile and kiss him "of course" I say and he grins and picks me up and kisses me

I hear a cough behind us and I am put down and we look over

Our Parents and my sister

Aunt Annabeth has a small smile "time for bed you'll see eachother in the morning" she says and Ricky kisses my cheek and runs over to them and they walk off

I am immediately attacked in a hug and my sister is beaming

"My baby brother has a boyfriend!" She squeals

Papa prys her off of me "alright let him breath" He said and send me a small smile

Dad was holding Jonas and Alex as they where asleep but he smiles at me

We talk about our day and as we head back to the house Papa grabs me and pulls me behind the cabin and makes me sit down

"Uh Papa what's going on?" I ask

He looks at me "Percy told me what happened at the food court and I just want you know you can talk to me" He said in a serious tone

I sigh and look at him "I felt...scared and violated" I mumbled and he saddens

I felt like a little kid again waking up from a nightmare and sleeping in Papa's and Dad bed for protection

He pulls me in his arms "They should be lucky I wasn't there" He said and rests his head on my head

"I was told you kicked their ass" he mumbles causing me to laugh

"One was knocked out and the other couldn't stand" I said pulling away and he grins hearing that

"Good. I am proud of you" he said and my heart swelled

"I love you Papa" I said and I swear his eyes shined

"I love you too son"


I finally updated I am proud of myself

I felt like I should do another Austin chapter so I did. But next chapter is back to Bianca and the prophecy

I will add romance to her life just don't know how too yet

Anyways hope enjoy love y'all

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