Prologue (2): Adopted/Spirit Seeker Is Created

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Note: This woman is Hoshiko Yamada. 👆🏼 A character I made up who's going to be Kara's motherly figure. She's going to be taking Kara in an orphanage she works in with her grandmother. She does hear duel monster spirits around her but can't see their spirits. (The video is from an anime called Darling in The Franxx 👆🏼 It's a remix version of the opening)


Yubel flew around in the deepest part of the Spirit World. She made sure to keep a tight hold on the precious basket and the items inside it. Suddenly, Winged Kuriboh appeared beside her and cooed worriedly. "Kuri kuri!" Yubel was about to ask the fur ball but then sensed dark magic. "Tch... They're trying to find us. Let's go little one." Winged Kuriboh followed the female spirit as they flew faster away from the dark presence. Unfortunately, the dark magic's presence grew stronger as it got closer to the two spirits. Yubel felt something scratch her cheek, making her lose her concentration and dropped the basket.

"No!" Yubel made a desperate dive for it, but it was too late to do so. The child had left the Spirit World and landed into another dimension. Winged Kuriboh was lucky enough to be able to follow it where the basket fell and led Yubel in the same dimension. Yubel and Winged Kuriboh looked around their surroundings. They found themselves in a pleasant forest like scenery. The area had rich, beautiful flowers and trees with a stream of fresh but salty water.

They looked towards the river and found the basket moving along the stream. Yubel was about to retrieve it but she spotted three humans; a man and two women in their early twenties walking along the river. She and Winged Kuriboh quickly hid themselves. "Kuri?" Yubel shushed the winged fur ball and whispered, "Don't worry. Let's watch for now." Yubel prayed they would not spot the child. One of the women, Hoshiko was having a wonderful day; nature walks were her favorite activity, and she enjoyed helping Dr. Kiyoshi Kogami and her friend Kyoko Taki with their research at SOL Technologies and to create the Ignis Kiyoshi told her about. While she had a good life, only one thing would make her heart complete. A child. Hoshiko had always wanted a child of her own, someone to love, and hold. Hoshiko knew her purpose in life was to be a mother, but she had yet to meet that significant other and adoptions could take years. Working at an orphanage with her grandmother, that made the light blue-haired woman want to love a child even more. As she looked towards the river, she spotted a basket that made her eyes blink in confusion.

"How strange..." She decided to see what it was. She ran towards the river, ignoring the calls of Kiyoshi and Kyoko. She reached the basket and opened it, and inside was the most beautiful thing she ever saw. A baby girl with fair skin, onyx black hair with light brown hair on top of her head, a single yellow highlight and bright baby blue eyes.

"Kiyoshi, Kyoko, Come quick!" She called out as she took the baby into her arms. Yubel and Winged Kuriboh watched the scene displayed in front of them. Yubel sensed the good inside the human female's heart, and she knew that Jaden's and Yusei's child was meant to be with this woman. Yubel said, "You are safe now young child." Winged Kuriboh cooed, "Kuri. Kuri kuri kuri?" Yubel understood what Winged Kuriboh wanted to do. "I see. Do what you must to watch over the child." Yubel glanced at the people once more and added, "May you be happy with your new mother."

With that, Yubel disappeared while Winged Kuriboh stayed behind to watch over the baby.

-Time Skip, At the Kogami Residence-

Dr. Kogami muttered under his breath, "Why in the world would this child be in a basket?" He, Kyoko and Hoshiko had returned to his home as soon as they discovered the child. Kyoko answered, "I'm not sure sir, but it's lucky that Hoshiko had spotted her." Hoshiko's entire focus was on the baby. The moment she looked into those baby blue eyes, she knew that she belonged with her. Kyoko smiled at her friend's happiness before asking, "Who do you think she is sir?" Dr. Kogami sighed, "I'm not very sure Kyoko.." The man walked to a counter. On the counter lay the only items that were found with the baby; her blanket, a flower hair clip, two monster cards, and a note inside. He flipped the note and looked at the paper as it read,

To the person who is reading this,

I'm very sorry for what I'm about to say while I write this. My wife and I have some issues back home at the moment. I can't go into details but we couldn't risk our daughter into our problems so, we decided to leave her somewhere safe. Our daughter's name is Kara 'Yuki' Fudo and please take good care of her. We could've raised her ourselves but we couldn't. Jaden and I hope she'll become an amazing girl when she grows up. And a great duelist she could be. Don't tell Kara about any of this. I don't want her to feel the burden of her two fathers not be there for her. Again, please take care of her and raise her well... Thank you sir/ma'am..

Yusei Fudo and Jaden Yuki

"I see now." Kiyoshi spoke up, which caught Kyoto's and Hoshiko's attention. "According to the note, this child Kara.. and the items that came along with it, they are from another dimension. This Yusei and Jaden fellows are probably a young gay couple who couldn't afford to keep her because of the 'issues' they speak of." Dr. Kogami picks up the monster cards and looks at them. He added, "I could be mistaken but these cards.. Elemental HERO Neos and Stardust Dragon.. Are their ace monsters of the respective dimensions no one, not even SOL Technologies has heard about: Fusion and Synchro." Kyoko was about to speak but Hoshiko spoke up instead, "Your theory could be right Kiyoshi but you might be exaggerating a little bit." Kyoko then asked, "But why not turn her over to the authorities sir?" Dr. Kogami responded, "A number of reasons. All that matters is that she is safe and well." The women nodded in agreement. "I'll call Child Services in the morning." Dr. Kogami said, "They will take her in and a find a suitable home for her."


Kiyoshi and Kyoko were startled by the woman's outburst while Hoshiko held Kara protectively to her chest. Kyoko protests, "Hoshiko, you can't possibly expect to keep her so suddenly!" The other woman protested back, "You know me Kyoko! You know how long I've wanted to have a baby.. Deep down I know that this child is the answer to my prayers, I was meant to be this baby's mother." Kyoko sat next to her friend, placing her hand on the other's shoulder. "Hoshiko, I know how much you a child.." Kiyoshi stated, "But you can't possibly afford to take care of this baby by yourself; you're still very young, there is plenty of time to-" Hoshiko shouted again, "NO!" Hoshiko closed her eyes, feeling tears streaming down her face but ignored it. "Kiyoshi. I know you have my best interests at heart, but you and everyone else know that I am more than capable of taking care of this child, and I am more than willing to do anything in order to make sure that Kara is happy and well taken care of. Even if I have to work three jobs, I will!" Kiyoshi lets her words sink in. "If you care about my happiness, then PLEASE let me keep this baby. Give me a chance..." Hoshiko begged. Kiyoshi gave a defeated sigh. He couldn't say no when it comes to Hoshiko herself. "Alright. if you're sure, I will do everything in my power to make sure that you keep this baby." Hoshiko cried tears of joy and ran to the Doctor for a hug. "Oh, thank you! I will do my best Kiyoshi!"

The man gently patted her head. "In exchange, you will come work for me to SOL Technologies, help me create the Ignis, and I will personally make sure that you have enough to provide for both yourself and the baby." Hoshiko nodded to the offer. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to." With that, Kiyoshi left the room. Hoshiko sat back down on the couch and rocked the child with Kyoko by her side. Unbeknownst to them, Winged Kuriboh had followed the young adults back to the Kogami Residence to watch over Hoshiko to see if Yubel was right about her being worthy to care for Kara. The fur ball then went to the Elemental HERO Neos and Stardust Dragon cards, cooing as it placed its card between the other two and disappeared. Hoshiko looked around before her eyes landed on the counter. There laid the Winged Kuriboh card. "Is something wrong Hoshiko?" Kyoko asked as she looked at the counter and saw the card. "There's another card. How did it get here?" Hoshiko knew what the spirit wanted and she thought, "This spirit wants to stay with Kara.. And it knows her parents as well. This is turning out one weird day huh?"

Six years have passed by since the arrival of Kara. She was raised in the orphanage with her motherly figure Hoshiko Yamada and with the help of her grandmother Satomi Yamada. Kara is currently six years old and she can see duel spirits such as the spirits of the cards she owns: Winged Kuriboh, Elemental HERO Neos, Stardust Dragon, and a card Satomi gave for her third birthday, Starbright HERO Dragon Ryoko. A Link 3 Winged-Beast monster card that'll be Kara's ace when she was old enough to duel. Kara was involved with a Hanoi Project called 'The Lost Incident.' She wasn't in a separate room and forced to duel like the six children in order to create the Ignis. Dr. Kogami knew Kara is special when she arrived, so he called her 'the special child of spirit.' He did a different treatment for her but still made her duel regardless along with the conditions if she won or lost. He also researched more about her birth parents to find out about their origins and why send off their daughter. He took her blood samples and with the help of Kyoko, they managed to get her to cooperate with the plan and stay. Kara never trusted anyone that treated her like a lab rat during the months of torture. Not even Dr. Kogami; she only trusted Kyoko and Kiyoshi's son, Ryoken Kogami. She saw Ryoken as if he's an older brother to her and Kyoko as an older sister. She also knew Ryoken couldn't stand seeing the six children suffering. Hell, he couldn't even stand seeing his little sister figure suffer along with them. The Lost Incident came to an end and the children are free but some are traumatized. Kara was sent back to the orphanage and she hasn't seen her older sibling figures since then... until she joined The Knights of Hanoi, for the Yamada family's sake and to the children who live in the orphanage with her. Two years after the project, Kara made an avatar as her 'other self' and called her Spirit Seeker because of her seeing and communicating with duel spirits. And gave her a calm personality.

Now at the age of 16, Kara attended to Den City High School as a student and befriended Aoi Zaizen aka Blue Angel. She then meets Yusaku Fujiki aka Playmaker for the first time after 10 years of the incident with his Dark Ignis Ai, as well as Takeru Homura aka Soulburner and his Fire Ignis Flame.


Author's Note: Here's a part 2 of the prologue! Chapter 1 may be on hold because I'll be starting school soon and stuff. And I feel like I could ship Kara/Spirit Seeker with Yusaku/Playmaker for some weird reason. 😅 We'll just see what happens.

Bye again~!


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