19: Holders history

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After my horrid bath I'm given a beautiful golden dress that would make any girl jealous. I put the dress on surprised that it was an exact fit. I'm then give a pair of golden heels. I refused the makeup and jewelry. Kiris necklace would be enough. I could tell the maids were pissed at me but I didnt care. They just assaulted me with so many different scented soaps and fragrances I swear I wont be able to smell anything else for a week. That makes me wonder though. That last thing I remember is falling asleep and showing up here. Does that mean my soul was taken here and took on the shape of my body again?

The maids lead me out of the bathroom into a room with a long table. It kinda looked like a dining room except without everything that makes it a dining room, if that makes sense. More like just a long table and chairs, and a few windows.

I see my shadow beast from before sitting in a chair. He motions for me to sit next to him. I do staring at his attire. Her wore a black and white suit. I had to blink a few times just to make sure I was seeing correctly." Like what you see master?" He says grinning. I shake my head." Denied" I say finaly looking away." Ouch master that hurt!" He says grinning.

Suddenly the doors reopen and in what's about six figures. Each figure wore a long dark clock covering their whole body and face. Nothing but their mouth shown. How could they see? They take their seats on the opposite side of us.

"Hello young nagisa, were aware your most likely very concerned and curious of what is going on. We will explain." A figure said from the middle.

"This is your castle. Or more specifically the holders castle. You like all the past holders are very special. As you know and have probably realized you far out live a normal life time. This is normal for holders as the other part of your soul may have told you when your reemerged." I nod. "So what am I doing here?" I ask, the person who sounded middle aged, but it was hard to tell.

"First to explain we must tell you a story of how the holders had begone."

"Three thousand year ago a young man was born into a poor demon family. But he held a gift. The gift of shadows. Shadows obeyed his every command. It did everything he told it to do. One day the royals heard of his gift and grew jealous. They wondered why someone so low could possess something so powerful. So they invited the man and his family into their castle. They wanted the power for themselves but had no means of collecting it. They sought out a witch. A witch only known to the royals.

" She told the family that she could take the mans power, but once the power was put into someone else's body there was no telling of the consequences. The royals were reluctant but tried. The first man killed himself after two days of holding this power. He said nothing of then the words of "he felt corrupted." The others royals did not seem to head his words and all continued. In that time they killed the original owner of the power. One by one each royal killed themselves, until each was lost.

The power disappeared for a while, but then 10 years later it came to be that a child was born with the same gift. He talked of a man who guided him on how to use his power. Only no man was tk be seen.

Each user of this power was strong, each person used this power differently and each said they saw this man. You were not born in this realm yet you hold his power." I stare at the figures." Yah sorry I dont know this man your speaking about. I never really understood how to use my power to the extent I do know until I got the other part of my soul back."

The figure shakes his head." The man took on a different appearance this time you know him specifically as your shadow beast." I look to my shadow beast who was grinning sheepishly." You fucking old man." I say laughing." Your older then me. Finally, someone who's older and doesnt look like an old coot." I say laughing. My beast thought this was funny but the cloaked people didn't.

"To continue, your the only one who he had taken a different appearance for. On top of that it seems your body has been modified, and holds more strength." I nodded," yah a crazy quirk user modified my body and gave me a few quirks to make me stronger. They come in handy in a battle. But anyway, what specifically does this have to do with me? Why am I here?"

The cloaked person continues." Over the years each holder was treated as the new royalty. You are the new holder. We want you to take your place as the rightful queen." I stare at these cloaked figures utterly studded. Were they serious? They wanted me to be queen? They must be joking.

I shake my head." Nope, denied. If I was queen I'd some how find a way to burn down this kingdom in a week. When I could actualy still eat human food I some how found a way to burn soup. Trust me your better off as you are. With me it would just be a disaster. Plus I have some things going on in the human realm right now. I have to figure out how I'm going to deal with that. I dont need no queen business pilled on top."

They stare at me stunned. Then a thought hit me. How did they know that much about me. If I was born in a world away from them, how did they know those things about me? Did my shadow beast tell? I was going to ask?

"And how do you know so much about me if we arnt even from the same world. How did you watch me? Suddenly the doors open and in walks a person. My heart stops, my breath catches and tears well up in my eyes.

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