22: Damnit another problem

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In that moment everything stopped." Your the holder. Guards kill her. No holder will ever rule this land as long as royal blood still exists." They order making me smirk. I release my shadows watching as they push the guards out of the way shooting towards the royals. My shadows pierce the younger males chest killing him instantly." Awwwww Jean, nooooooooo." The girl yells running to his fallen body." Do you believe you deserve mercy. I've seen the state of this village. You dare call yourself royalty? Your people are starving to death yet I see guards under your command harassing the villagers and abusing them for the little money they do have. I've seen children so small on the streets I dont know how they still live. Back down now. I dont want to kill you but it must be done, I will show no mercy." I say glaring at the man and girl. The girl stands up glaring at me.

"Father shes killed Jean we must kill her. Shes a monster." I shake my head." Sweetheart that's the first thing you've said to me that's accurate. I may be a monster, but at least I'm not a heartless monster." Her eyes widen." Guardsnkill her now!" The man yells. The villagers run off yelling as more shadows are unleashed. From where I stood I could see kiri untying his family. They share a small hug before looking toward me. I wave before motioning him to get his family out of here. They didnt need to see what I was about to do.

He nods ushing his family into the depths of the village. Turning to the guards and royals, I glare at them getting serious. My eyes turn there normal black and red making everyone gasp." You've destroyed this village I wont show you mercy." before anyone knows what's going on my shadows surge forward. In moments every person in the clearing was dead. My eyes return to normal. Turning around I walk into the village.

Many of the villagers staRe at me curious. Some seemed scared. I wouldnt blame them. I spot kiri and his family off to the side. He was hugging his two sister and mother. I smile walking over to them." Mother, sisters this is my mate. This is lily, but she likes to be called nagisa." His mother steps away from kiri examining me. I do the same. His mother was beautiful. She had long black hair tired into a bun. Red, crimson eyes like kiri. She was only 5,1, much shorter then kiri.

She suddenly smiles." My sons mate how wonderful. I was beginning to think he'd never settle down. And to think hes the mate of someone so powerful and beautiful. I blush madly at the last part covering my cheeks." Thanks miss." I beam. I'm surprised when she pulls me into a hug. I almost didnt know what to do, causing kiri to laugh joining the hug. I begin hugging back.

"What are you doing to do now lily?" Kiri asks as we all full away." Well you and me are going to the human realm now to fix the sh-"I remember the little girl standing next to me." I mean to fix everything that's happening." Your grandson wont listen to me. I'm the last person he wants to see. He needs to hear it from you." He nods." What's going on?" Kiris mother asked. I wave to kiri to start explaining everything.

He explains everything making the small woman go silent, thinking." We shall return soon and when we do I will bring tools for farming, proper clothing, food and water. For now can you try to console the villagers and keep everybody calm. I would hate for chaos to erupt from panic."

She nods pulling me down into another hug." Do what you have to do. We will be here."

I smile, turning around. With a wave of my hand I make a small portal to my world. Taking kiris hand we walk into my world. Now that kiri wasnt human I'm unsure I'm the toxic air will effect him as much. Making another portal we walk out and my eyes widen. It was as if in the short time I had been gone the world just utterly went to shit. In front of me was some long snake centipede thing wrapped around a building.

I could see CCG menbers slaying ghouls infront of my eyes. Gritting my teeth, I charge forward." What is the meaning of this? On what grounds do you have to slaughter these ghouls." I growl out stepping infront of them. One of the ghouls I noticed had purple hair and was pregnant. It wasn't viable yet but I could just barely hear the sound of the second heart beat over all the commotion.

The CCG member who was younger then most tsks." Your ghouls. Why should we, you eat people." I glare at him." So, you eat pigs, cows, fish and other animals sometimes humans yourself if your a cannibal. We also may be ghouls but we still having feeling, families and lives. Its not our fault the only thing we can eat is humans. Yes its cruel but its no different then what your doing to animals. Atleast we dont lock humans in cages in unsanitary conditions to let them live out their lives in saddness until we finaly kill them. Wait that's what your doing! So back the fuck off before I rip your heart out." He gulps backing up." The boss wont be happy about this."

I roll my eyes." Yah I dont care. Nobody's ever happy when I arrive." He and his group of CCG members walk away weapons still out incase we decide to attack. Turning to the young girl I walk over to her." Miss are you both ok?"  She nods." Can you please tell me what the hell that is?" I say pointing to the giant thing wrapped around the building.

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