6.Everyone recognizes me

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After I get my new debit card I make my way to the mall. I needed a dress for tommorow.

Walking in I look at the map looking for a fancy clothing store. I find one upstairs near Victoria secret. Walking in I'm greeted by a young lady probably in her mid 30s." Hello, welcome to Angel's beauty would you like some help finding anything today?" I nod," yes please. You see I'm going to a funeral tommorow, the person was very dear to me. I want a dress sort of for a wedding, but I want it to be black." She thinks for a second.

" I think I know what your looking for." The lady leads me to the back of the store. In the back ranged from plus size dresses, to clown dresses even to some type of lingerie dress. She suddenly stops pulling out the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It was like she had read my mind.

It was perfect. If me and kiri had gotten married I believe I would have wore something like this. My heart sinks again and takes all I can to look back at the lady and smile in approval." Would you like to try it on just to make sure it fits?" She asks preparing to take the dress off of the hanger.

"What size is it?" She looks before responding." Its an extra small." I shake my head." No that should be good thank you."

"Alright,will you be needing any more help for shoes or accessories?" I nod and for the next 30 minutes I search for the perfect pair of shoes. By the time I leave its mid day. I decide to just walk around a bit. The lady said I could leave it there for now and come pick it up before they closed. I wandered around smelling all of the good food to which I now couldnt eat. F*** my life.

Everything was going great until suddenly a man rushes past me. In his arms was a crying child. Just then I hear screaming." SOMEONE PLEASE HELP. HE HAS MY CHILD!" A lady screams frantically trying to catch up to the man. I sigh, damn. Taking off running, I dodge people flipping off railings and stairs. I land in front of the man, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. "I believe you have someone that does not belong to you. Return the child or I WILL USE force." He laughs suddenly pulling out a gun and pointing it at me. People around us immediatly run taking cover under tables and in shops.

It takes all I can not to laugh at him. Like that petty thing will do anything but a few scratches." Stay back or I will shoot." I dont back down. He pulls the trigger releasing a bullet. In seconds a shadow barriers up blocking its path. I quickly grab the man wrist twisting till I hear a sharp snap. Taking the child, I place the poor thing on my hip. Waving my free hand a shadow barrier then surrounds the man. Encasing him in darkness. Hes lucky I dont release one of my shadow beasts in there. I bounce the child a bit trying to sooth his cries. I dont walk far before the mother comes barging from the crowd. She urgently takes her still upset child." Its ok, your ok. It's ok katsuki. My eyes widen. Katsuki, either this is a big coincident or something up. Taking the time I study the mom noticing long blond hair and surprising bright red eyes.

"Excuse me mam but would you happen to be related to Katsuki, bakugo in any way?" She nods using her shirt to wipe her child's face." Yes hes my father,Why?

I smile,"you look exactly like him that's why." She states at me stunned before her eyes widen." Omg are you Nagisa, one of his old friends." I shrug." To him I'm sure he wouldnt classify us as friends, but for me yes. He was bestfriends with my boyfriend kirishima-" its then that the police decide to burst through the crowd.

"O thank god the police are here. Officers this man tried kidnapping my son!" The mother says. I need to catch her name.

I stand to the side for a bit before realizing the mall would close in 10 minutes. I needed to go pick up my dress and shoes. I say my good byes to the lady and tiny katsuki. He was so cute. I wonder if Bakugo had been this adorable when he was young.

I make my way to the store picking up my dress then leave. The walk back to the cafe was silent except for an occasional car or bystander. Walking in I see Yoshimura, Touka and a boy with black hair wearing an eye patch over his left eye.

"Hello nagisa. Welcome back. I would like for you to meet someone." I set my things down walking over to the boy. He seemed very young, well older then me but still young.

He seemed upset and scared. I smile down at him." Hello there I'm nagisa, shadow." I say holding out my hand. He smiles a bit taking it." I'm kaneki, Ken. But just call me kaneki." I nod." So kaneki, what seems to be the matter?" He looks down before sighing.

"I just found out a few days ago that I'm now a ghoul." Damn, that sucks." Damn, sorry about that. Dont worry though, you'll get used to it. When I first became a ghoul I almost ate my Teacher. Of course he totally forgave me.

He looked shocked." You became a ghoul too, How?" I take a seat beside him." You dont know who I am do you kaneki?" He shakes his head, a now puzzled look on his face.

"Well kaneki, I'm the very first ghoul to come about into existence."

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