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" I have a few requirements of my own though. I understand if it's for good reason such as for binge eaters. But if I see or even hear of you killing or even hurting one of my kind with no plausible reason, I will and I promise you. I will unleash my shadow beast upon this planet and track down each and every one of you CCG members. Do not cross me. My shadows see all eventually. You wont live to regret your mistakes." The younger male who hadn't said a thing gulps. The older nods though looking a bit conflicted.

"Well then in a few days we will get back to you on where to meet us and where to begin." They say exiting the car. I sigh leaning back. Damn, that was intense. I wonder if I made the right decision, in joining them.

I sigh sitting at the coffee shop. Kaneki was here. It was closing time so everyone was preparing to close. I sit up." Hay kaneki what's a kagune?" He stops cleaning a class and looks at me shocked.

Touka looks over seemly stunned as well." Um well, it's the tentacle things that come out of our backs." He mutters, scratching his temple.

I stare at him confused." He's partially correct. It's one of the things that make us ghouls so much more dangerous then humans. It's our weapon. Each kagune is different though. Each ghoul is born with one. Are you saying you dont have a kagune?" I shrug." I dont know. I've always used my shadows as my weapons." She shakes her head going back to work.

"So kaneki is there anything fun to do around here? I really want to do something fun tommorow." He laughs nervously scratching his face.

"Kaneki, what are you hiding?" He laughs backing away a bit." Don't get mad at me but I sort of talked to midoriya how your still very young even if you have been asleep for a long time. And I kind of suggested you go back to school and finish." I glare at the black haired boy." Kaneki remove yourself from my sight, before I kill you." He again laughs scarcely before running out of the coffee shop. Izuku and I need to have a chat.

"I dont want to go!" I stomp my foot glaring at the ground. Damn I'm acting like a little kid, I dont care though.

Midoriya sighs getting out of the car. He walks over to my side opening the door." Nagisa, out now. You know full well that you need your education." I shake my head not budging. What's the point? I'm rich and I'm the mother/ first ghoul. Plus I have a job with the CCG. I sound pretty successful to myself." Nagisa, I'm going to count to three. If you dont get your butt out of this car, im going to throw you out." I smirk at him daring him.

How was his old arse going to throw me out? He may still have his quirk, but it's very faded now.

"1....2....3" before I know what's happening, my arms grabbed and I'm thrown out of the car. I land face first in front out the doors. I'm so glad nobody's outside." By nagisa have a nice day!" He smirks driving away. I flick him off opening the doors. UA about 40 years ago was torn down and rebuilt as a new school. This school was to replace it. I make my way to the office. I quickly find it walking in.

A old lady sat at the desk. She smiles up at me from her computer." Hello young lady what can I do for you?" I smile back." Hi I'm actualy suppose to be getting my schedule, I'm new." She smiles.

"O, welcome to river blossom academy." Why does it sound like the name of this school is for a bunch of feminists?

( no offense to anyone. I'm very sorry if I did offend you. This was not my intention.)

"My names Nagisa, Shadow." She types a few things up and prints it out." Here yah go deary. Now remember the people st this school are human and fragile. Dont go using your quirk uselessly." I nod.

I leave the office looking at my schedule. I had








That's weird I wonder why my last classes of the day are free. Maybe for the whole working for the CCG thing. I shrug looking at the clock. It was second period. Walking around for a bit I find the classroom. Knocking, it only takes seconds for the door to open and I'm greeted by a man with long black hair and a scruffy beard. He reminded me exactly like Aizawa except without the yellow sleeping bag.

"Hello you must be the new student. You can call me Mr. Aizawa." I smile and laugh. He looks stunned." What's so funny?" I shake my head still laughing a bit." Its nothing much, just that you remind me a lot of your father. He used to take care of me." He looks stunned." So your the nagisa he used to tell me stories all about." I nod." Well it's an honor to be teaching you." I wave him off walking into the classroom.

Everyone looks up and I'm surprised by how normal everyone looks." Class we have a new student joining us as of today. Some of you may recognize her, but you have nothing to fear. Introduce yourself."

I nod stepping forward." Hello everyone my name is Nagisa, shadow. You may call me nagisa. As I may not be here by choice i hope to make some good friends and learn a lot."

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