A Shocking End To The Sports Fest

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Looking at that hateful face, Izuku felt like his mental state had been thrown into a blender. He was unable to keep a straight face when looking at this as*hole in front of him.

Due to his immense dissatisfaction, he failed to notice that Bakugo's mind was occupied. All he could think about was the different ways he could crush this a*shole.

Bakugo, on the other hand, was contemplating his words of apologies. While he was doing so, he remembered what he had done to get here.

Unconsciously, his eyes wandered towards Todoroki, who was in the spectator stand for class 1-A.

If not for his help, Bakugo knew damn well that he had zero chance to be here, unless he was willing to push his limits. Even then, he could not guarantee any success.

Thinking back, when Bakugo had confronted Todoroki backstage, he was not confident that Todoroki would accept his unreasonable request. However, it seemed that Todoroki was more than happy to accept the request. In fact, he almost seemed eager to do so.

Bakugo only hoped that Todoroki would go easy on him after hearing his situation and his plan, but he did not expect that Todoroki would go so far as to concede defeat.

If only Izuku knew that Todoroki did this as a way to repay the favour Izuku bestowed him moments before the confrontation. It could be said that Izuku basically shot himself in the foot. Should he come to know what was on Todoroki's mind, he would be more than willing to break some bones.

Anyways, the next part of Bakugo's plan was going to involve some 'outside help'.

The moment Present Mic's countdown reached zero, both opponents rushed at each other with no hesitation.

All the audience saw was a blur, before a sound that rivalled thunder was heard. Those who were more experienced in the audience saw that both opponents had already exchanged a few blows within mere seconds.

That was all the audience saw before Cementoss, who was in charge of maintaining the stage, covered the two boys with a cement dome.

Bakugo's next step of the plan involved Cementoss, with the consent of the rat, of course, blocking the view of both of them. After all, saying everything out loud in front of thousands of people would result in the opposite effect of what Bakugo wanted. Not to mention, some of the things he was about to reveal was not very heroic and showed his history as a tyrant.

Originally, the plan called for Cementoss to make a reason on the spot, however, there was no need for that as the clash of blows earlier on showed the audience how devastating the battle was.

The original cement stage was already filled with many deep cracks, which even a pro hero like Cementoss could not fix quickly. Additionally, some of the audience sitting near the front row had fainted as well, with white foam leaking out of the side of their mouths.

Though the audience was curious, they were not willing to risk their safety for their curiosity. This did not include the reporters, who were making a huge fuss.
Within the dome
Izuku looked menacingly at Bakugo. Bakugo had no idea why, but the combination of that glare and the lack of light made him feel as if he was in danger.

Trapped within this dome, Izuku's claustrophobia had started acting up. Some bad memories once again assaulted his mind, which he quickly suppressed.

Knowing the source of his problems was in front of him, he felt the anger in his heart set ablaze.

But with his rationality, he managed to stop his quirk from devouring Bakugo. He stood still, trying his best to suppress everything inside.

Yet, it was all futile once he heard the sentence that came out from Bakugo's mouth.

"Izuku, I am sorry for what I had done before... I understand what I did before had caused you a lot of trouble. But I hope we can become friends again, just like we were before!"

Hearing this, Izuku felt a chill crawl up his back.

Troubles? That was a massive understatement of what Izuku suffered.

Being knocked off guard, he was no longer able to suppress those memories that haunt him to this day.
1st year after being deemed quirkless.

Looking around, Izuku was once again in this hell hole of a school. He no longer recalled the name of this school, he did not want to remember it.

He stood in the hallway, holding a stack of books. Behind him, he knew Bakugo was there.

As expected, Bakugo kicked him down. He looked down on Izuku, kicking him as he walked past. Behind him, his goonies came in to deliver a kick as well. That was the first time he felt pain, it was the first time he cried in school.

He was called into the office and was forced to tell his mother everything. He hoped it would get better, he never wanted to experience it again.

But he was wrong, the principal blamed him, accusing him of something he never did. This was the first time he felt the discrimination, it was the first time he felt injustice.

The goonies caught wind of this incident. Being the kids they were, they held a grudge against Izuku.

Slowly and steadily, the bullying got worse. Yet, all Izuku could do was endure, he did not want to incur their wrath, he did not want it to get worse.

When he was dragged behind the school to be beaten up, he never told his mother. He made half-hearted excuses, he still hoped his mother would find out. He wanted her to help him, but she never noticed.

One day, in his third year, those goonies discovered a 'fun punishment'. They stuffed Izuku in a locker, blocking every gap they possibly could.

They wanted to deprive him of oxygen, they wanted him to suffer. He banged at the locker for so long, and he was finally saved by a teacher walking by.

The teacher, upon knowing who he was, did not care what had happened to him, leaving immediately after. This type of 'punishment' became common. They always found a way to make him suffer, whether by intentionally drowning him, breaking the joints on his fingers, or forcing him to watch them threaten to poke his eyes out with a pencil.

When he finally graduated, he left this school, never once wanting to remember this hell hole.

But what luck he has, after graduation, he still ended up in the same school as Bakugo.

With that, the bullying started again. The first two years were hell, as those goonies from his previous school were here. However, when they were finally found out, they were arrested.

Izuku felt thankful, he thought that it would end. In the end, the bullying never stopped.

Though not as intense as those goonies, these new ones drew 'inspiration' from them. Hell, even a teacher was part of it.
Once again experiencing those memories, his emotions went haywire.

Within him, that wall he saw previously was already covered in cracks. The liquid within was close to bursting out.

The blue ball, to prevent this, tried its best to absorb. The ball knew what would happen if it did so, but it had no choice. It only hoped this was temporary.

Absorbing all the liquid it could, the aura of despair around it slowly grew. The ball could no longer contain it, letting it spread as far as it wanted.

However, within the ball were traces of black worms that looked similar to parasites.

Looking deeply at it would cause others to feel fear which stemmed from the bone-chilling hatred contained within these threads.

These parasites sneakily consumed the energy as well, not allowing the ball to notice their actions.

Outside, Izuku felt so many emotions, yet they all became despair. Slowly, he was consumed by this despair.

He knew what had to be done, he started slashing with no regard to his surroundings, cutting through the cement dome as if it did not exist.

He had no target in mind, he only wanted to vent it all out.

Cementoss, noticing this anomaly, thickened his walls to the limit. However, the slashes were already moving towards the audience, with no obstacles in their way.

The heroes within the stands noticed this and moved to stop it, regardless of the risks.

Endeavour wanted to help, but looking at those slashes, he felt it was so familiar. He wanted to look at it, but something stopped him. He was unable to control himself, but he knew something was wrong. That was when the control became stronger, forcing him to obey.

Those pro heroes who attempted to block it with their quirks were shocked to see that their quirks did not affect the slashes.

But before the slashes could hit the audience, they disappeared. If not for the cold sweat of the audience, no one would have known that something dangerous had just occurred.

Within the strengthened dome, Bakugo tried his best to avoid all those slashes, but he was unable to avoid some of them, causing injuries on his body, which was constantly using One For All.

Bakugo could not help but shout, "Deku! Get ahold of yourself! Your killing me here!"

Upon hearing that voice, Izuku turned to look at the source. Seeing him, he became even more agitated. More of the slashes converged on Bakugo as if wishing to erase him.

Bakugo had no choice but to increase his speed. He used both his Explosion and One For All to avoid all the slashes at his vitals, choosing to take those he was unable to avoid.

Each slash that cut into him inflicted inhumane pain. He almost could not endure the pain, passing out.

If not for his tough will, he would have already been cut into mincemeat.

For Izuku, however, every second he saw Bakugo, the more agitated he became. Memories slowly overlapped with reality. Unable to extricate himself from his past, he could only sink deeper and deeper.

Within him, the ball had only consumed one-sixteenth of the total liquid, reaching saturation.

It was then that the black threads took the opportunity to attack.

The ball, unable to fight, was slowly taken over.

For Izuku, hatred started consuming those memories. He could no longer feel anything but hatred.

He hated his powerlessness, he hated his parents for not giving him a quirk, he hated the boy in front of him, he hated this discrimination, he hated his past.

His mind was slowly consumed, his slashes were covered in black, giving it the ability to corrupt Cementoss's dome, thereby weakening its strength.

Upon reaching outside, they targeted indiscriminately. Moreover, they directly attacked the living, ignoring the ground.

Nezu, Eraserhead, All Might and a couple of teachers were worried.

Midnight could not help but ask, "Nezu, what exactly is happening in there?"

Nezu could not answer, for even he had no idea what was happening. He only knew that Izuku was the cause of this.

Eraserhead, in a desperate attempt to help the heroes, used his quirk on the slashes.

Surprisingly, the slashes disappeared the moment he gazed at it. He celebrated a bit before he was assaulted with a fragment of a memory. Within it, he experienced a sensation similar to oxygen deprivation.

He quickly snapped out of it, doing his best to erase all the slashes.

But after 27 erasures, the memories took their burden on him. He felt a feeling he had not felt for a while. A feeling of powerlessness, a feeling that his life was only amusement for others.

The other teachers in the room had already left, desperately protecting the audience.

Those who were smart enough took the slashes with their bodies instead of their quirks, as they had already been proven ineffective.

The moment the slashes hit them, however, fragments of memories slowly assaulted them.

This situation lasted for 3 minutes, before the slashes stopped entirely, giving the heroes time to breathe and recuperate.

That was when a loud, animalistic roar was heard from the dome, along with a figure flying straight out of the dome.

The figure was undoubtedly Bakugo, who found a chance to escape when the dome broke down.

Finally, the figure that was causing the slashes appeared.

Upon looking at him, everyone froze up. On the face of the young boy, was an expression of pain, eyes full of hatred with veins popping out of his head.

He looked like a beast, ready to pounce on anything he saw.

That was when he started clutching his head like he was suffering a mental breakdown.

Bakugo had already stood up, finally realising that something was really wrong. He felt regret, he blamed himself.

Izuku, on the other hand, was being assaulted by many painful memories, fears and hatred. His last bit of rationality stopped him from doing more harm.

Eraserhead, believing he had a chance, tried to erase the boy's quirk. However, he was bombarded with so many unfamiliar memories. The memories were drenched with hatred that completely chilled his body.

He could remember everything the memories showed, giving him first-hand information of what exactly this student of his had experienced before. He could feel the injustice, the discrimination, so much so that it knocked him to his knees, while he slowly teared up.

Izuku was trying so hard to control himself, but as he did so, a voice laced with temptation guided him to let loose. To show everyone what he was capable of.

That was when a certain memory appeared in his mind. This memory was untainted, in fact, there were no emotions whatsoever.

The memory was blank, save for an old voice that said, "My little Izuku, remember this, never let hatred consume you. You will come to do the things you regret most, just like your mother and I did. I know you can do it, you just have to find it."

With that, the memory ended abruptly. Izuku trusted the voice unconditionally, he looked desperately, finding a way to stop this before he really loses it.

He looked with his body, to see the scene of the blue ball being almost completely covered in black. He knew this was the source, he wanted to crush it. But something stopped him, he felt there was a better choice.

He looked around to find a solution, he desperately searched, until he found his only hope, the orange ball enveloped in anger.

He called to the ball, he begged for its help. He knew instinctively that this was his only hope, and he tried his best to grasp it.

The ball heeded his call, it went near the blue ball, before enveloping it. It then continued to the dam, absorbing all the liquid it possibly could.

Upon doing so, Izuku felt his emotions shift. He no longer felt hatred, he no longer felt despair, he only felt anger.

The ball, having devoured enough fuel, commenced the transformation. Izuku knew this would happen, but he did not care. So long as everyone is safe, he did not give a damn whether this form was revealed.

With the influx of anger, the temperature of the immediate surroundings of Izuku rapidly rose, reaching an unbelievable high. The temperature rise was more than eightfold his normal transformation, causing the cement under him to sublime.

Cementoss, with no hesitation, thickened his cement to the limit and created a new dome.

He could only hope that his cement dome could last long enough for this phenomenon to be over. After this event, he was definitely taking that paid holiday.

Unlike other transformations, Izuku quickly absorbed the thermal energy around him, causing the temperature to rapidly cool down.

Izumi had once again returned, but this time, her rationality had been completely taken over.

She used her flames, completely devouring the cement dome around her, thereby increasing the strength of her flames and fuelling her anger.

The moment the dome was dissolved, Izumi did not wait, and in the blink of an eye, she was already attacking Bakugo.

Unlike her anger during the previous times, this time, her anger seemed child-like. Like a furious child beating an adult.

Though her attacks hurt a bit, Bakugo was able to endure at least this much. Turns out, when her strength turned into her speed and flexibility, it meant her strength would be equivalent to her form, a child.

The audience, pro heroes, those at home and Tomura Shigaraki were dumbfounded to see a boy who was the cause of those devastating attacks, turn into this little fox loli who was currently flailing her arms like a child.

However, her speed was nothing to scoff at as she continued hammering down on Bakugo indiscriminately.

Of course, she directly attacked the most vulnerable area as well, causing Bakugo to end up squirming on the floor, clutching his family jewels.

All Might, who was worried about his successor, descended on the stage to break up this fight.

Upon seeing him, Izumi found another target and proceeded to beat the c*ap out of All Might.

Obviously, she also hit him in his jewels, causing the Symbol Of Peace, which everyone looked up to, to fall to his knees.

Not even he could react to her godlike speed. Thank the gods that she did not have an adults strength, or he would be incredibly worried for him and his successor's future generations.

Thinking about this, his mind could not help but wander to that night many years ago. He still did not know if that was a dream, but he made that promise to her, and he will keep it.

When All Might had this thought, Izumi somehow felt that this man was not so hateful, so she went back to her original punching bag.

This went on for five minutes, giving the audience a heartwarming sight, making them forget about the earlier threat to their lives. Well, if you could ignore the number of times she targeted the jewels...

Thinking about that, all of the males clutched their legs together as one. After five minutes, as if having enough, Izumi finally passed out, curling up into a ball.

Eraserhead, having recovered from his shock moments ago, came to pick up this partner of his before bringing her to Recovery Girl's office.

As for Bakugo... eh, he deserved it. Thinking back to those memories, Eraserhead felt the urge to go to those schools and murder everyone there. But it would be troubling if he was found out... ah whatever, the rat can handle it. With this, he now had a new task to finish this week.

Well, Bakugo still had his friends and All Might bring him to Recovery Girl's office as he was seriously injured.

On the way there, they had asked him what happened, but he was still in shock. The love of his life was the boy he bullied before... and she seemed to hate him as well.

Thinking to that beating he just had, he clenched his legs together, as they still freakin' hurt.

Todoroki, on the other hand, was also stunned at this revelation. Now, he had to repay the previous favour from her as well. Who would have thought the people he owed were the same person.

Not only was he thinking of repaying the debt, but he also wanted to confess. That time when she appeared had already captured his heart, now seeing that both of them were the same person... <-----(Bisexual)

Tomura Shigaraki and other villains were stunned to see this as well. But with a new target in mind. They went back to planning, this time, they wanted the loli.

If they could brainwash her, she would be a huge asset to their schemes. Even All For One was tempted by her quirks, tasking his successor to capture her.

As for the little loli in question... she was snuggling up to the warmth she felt. Unbeknownst to her, this abnormal transformation will bring along some very drastic changes...
Ye, new chappy. I understand the bullying thing was a bit too far, but they are kids. I would not be surprised if people like them truly exist.

If you think I should place a warning, you can comment below as well.

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed it and think I have areas I can improve in, feel free to comment below!

P.s the next chapter is as far as I had planned for this fanfic. So don't be surprised if I go on hiatus for a while.

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