Return To School

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Two days after the sports festival...

Izumi was at home, lazing about on her bed with her adorable cat. When her cat finally abandoned her, she spent the next ten minutes mindlessly rolling around her bed.

Other than studying and doing hero stuff, she had no other hobbies. Since Principal Nezu was still busy with his arrangements, she could not go to school until he contacted her.

While she was thinking about what to do, her handphone started ringing. She was confused as she did not recall giving anyone her contact information. Which could only mean...

She jumped out of her bed at an inhuman speed and picked up her handphone.

"Hello, is this Nezu?"

"Yes, Izuku. I have finished your arrangements so you can attend school tomorrow."

Izumi thought for a moment, before hesitantly asking,

"Could I go now?"

Nezu was taken aback, before joyfully replying, "You may do so. I will inform your teachers about your situation so that you will not be scolded for being late."

There was a brief pause. Izumi heard Nezu discussing with someone else. However, they were too far from the phone, so she was unable to hear their contents.

After a while, Nezu replied, "Please stay put. I've asked someone to bring you to school."

"Eh? Who will it be?"

Nezu mischievously replied, "You'll see."

Then he hung up the phone, leaving Izumi hanging.

'Hmph, I will remember this you rat. Mark my words, I will get my revenge!'

In contrast to her thoughts, Izumi obediently went downstairs to wait for her mysterious driver as she did not want to make them wait. Though she had a slight inkling of who it could be.

Five minutes later, a black car drove up to her house.

When the window was lowered, it proved her guess correct. Nevertheless, she was excited to see her papa. Without another word, she raced to enter the car, choosing to sit in the back.

Eraserhead only smiled, before driving his car to U.A. Turns out, he volunteered to bring his partner to school. Moreover, it seemed that he would be doing this for a long time as a form of protection for his partner.

Meanwhile, Izumi enjoyed the classical music played on the radio. After a while, she could no longer fight her urge to sleep and drifted off to dreamland.

When Eraserhead parked his car in U.A's private car park, he noticed his partner was sleeping. Unlike how she normally acted, she looked as innocent as a child, curling herself up with her tail.

He let loose a helpless smile, before gently lifting her and placing her on his back. He made sure that she was secured to his back before walking to class.

Coincidentally, the next period for their class was homeroom.

While walking to his class, Midnight, who happened to be going in the same direction, saw them from a distance. She squealed in delight and frisked out her phone and hid out of sight before taking photos with her phone.

However, she had forgotten to silence her phone as her first picture alerted Eraserhead of her presence.

Despite knowing that he was being watched with his partner, he allowed it to happen. He ignored the sounds and made his way to class.

When they were finally out of sight, Midnight sent many of the pictures into a private group chat, which Eraserhead was not part of.

The photos received many praises from the teachers who were free while some teachers praised Midnight for providing the pictures.

Many of them were shocked as they had never seen the stoic and cold Eraserhead being so close to his students. Additionally, many of them were fangirling over how cute Izumi was.

Eraserhead, ignorant about the happenings in a certain group chat, had almost reached his class. He shook the loli awake and set her down on the floor.

Since she was forcefully awakened, Izumi was still in a daze. Her eyelids were only half open and her mind was full of confusion.

Eraserhead opened the door to the class, before ushering his partner in as well. He led her to her seat, where Nezu had prepared a new chair for her so that her tail can fit through.

She lifted herself and sat down on her chair, before using her tail as a pillow.

As she was short, her legs were also dangling from her chair. After rubbing her face into her tail, she fell asleep, ignoring everything around her. The sight of that left some girls squealing at how adorable she was.

The rest of them were shocked at this display, while Ilda was slightly ticked off that Izumi was not in U.A uniform. Combined with something that recently happened, he was going to call her out for it.

Before he could, Izumi snapped her fingers, causing the kimono and sandals she was wearing to set ablaze, before revealing proper U.A attire.

The rest of the class, including Eraserhead, was shocked at this transformation. Eraserhead was the first to recover, before getting everyone's attention. He started homeroom, informing everyone about the internship program that will be coming up.

He also informed them that they will be picking their hero names right now.

At the mention of this, Midnight barged into the classroom with elegance. She then enthusiastically announced to the class that she will be in charge of giving the final verdict for their hero names. Moreover, she will be helping them whenever she deems it appropriate.

Everyone in the class was excited as choosing their hero name was one of the first steps to being a hero. There were many discussions before Eraserhead silenced them.

Midnight then handed out A4 paper to everyone in the class, except for Izumi, and asked them to write their hero names on it.

Bakugo was curious, and asked, "Why didn't De-Izuku get one?"

Midnight gave a slight smile to Eraserhead, indicating that he was to reveal why.

He gave a helpless sigh, before saying, "Izumi doesn't need one as she already has one. In fact, she will not be taking this internship program as she will be with me for that duration."

Everyone screamed in surprise, causing Izumi to abruptly wake up due to her extremely sensitive hearing.

She covered her fox ears using her hands and her regular ears using her elbows.

Everyone saw that she seemed to be in pain and felt their hearts aching. Though she may be of the same age as them, her current appearance made her seem much younger.

When the ringing in her ears finally stopped, she dropped her hands to her side, before looking around the class, wondering what everyone was doing.

Those who met her eyes immediately looked away as they were unable to endure the sight of her. Some who made the mistake of staring at her bright orange eyes filled with confusion were either a blushing mess or having an intense nose bleed.

She finally looked at Midnight and tilted her head, causing Midnight to look up into the sky. She thought, 'K-kawaii', while a stream of blood slowly trickled down her nose, which she 'discreetly' wiped away.

Eraserhead leaned near his partner's ear and whispered to her about the situation. She kept nodding, before pulling out books from her bag to start reading. Since she had nothing to do, she could only distract herself using the books she brought. Instead of textbooks, however, she brought novels as she was starting to get tired of learning.

She immersed herself into the story, ignoring those around her. When Midnight regained her bearings, she asked everyone to come up and show their hero names to everyone.

This made them freeze up, as they did not know they had to show their names for everyone to see. Everyone was scared of being laughed at, which made them afraid to take the initiative.

Surprisingly, it was Aoyama who first came up, with his name of, 'I can not stop twinkling'. Despite the strange nature of this name, Midnight shortened it while still keeping its meaning.

This gave everyone the boost of confidence they needed. They thanked Aoyama in their minds before going up to show their names. Although some names were outright rejected, they did not feel embarrassed and laughed it off.  By the end of class, everyone had decided on their hero name.

However, some people were curious. Mineta was the person who voiced their confusion and asked what Izumi's hero name was. (They started referring to her as Izumi when Eraserhead called her as such.)

Eraserhead, seeing that his partner was still concentrated on her novel, told them in her stead.

"Some of you may have heard of her name before. Her hero name is the Underground Hero: Kitsune."

Some of the class, including Bakugo, were shocked, as they have heard rumors about this hero. None of them thought that this rumored hero was previously their mysterious classmate and the current cutest girl in their class. A few keener ones were surprised that she was an underground hero like their teacher, Eraserhead.

Midnight looked at Izumi in surprise as she was not informed about this, but had another nose bleed seeing Izumi's concentrated face and her fluffy tail waving about, begging to be touched.

When their time was up, she quickly left the class while dragging along Eraserhead for 'interrogation', so that the next lesson can take place.

When there were no teachers present, everyone started whispering within their groups. Although some wanted to talk to Izumi, they did not know anything about her and were afraid of gaining her ire.

After a while, Present Mic came in for his English lesson.

Upon seeing him, the class greeted him, including Izumi, before returning to their respective seats. Izumi focused on Present Mic as he was talking, which made him instinctively look at her.

That was a big mistake as he was forced to experience what Midnight had just moments before.

He turned around and fixed up his appearance before facing the class to teach. He took note not to look at Izumi throughout the lesson, which proved to be an arduous task as he could feel her gaze.

For the next hour, Present Mic suffered tremendously. When his time was up, he let loose an audible sigh of relief, before rushing out of the class.

The next lesson immediately started as Ectoplasm arrived as Present Mic left. Obviously, he made the same mistake. Thankfully the students were unable to see it as his suit covered his nose.

This cycle continued until All Might's class. When All Might came in, he informed the class that they will be doing a training session at the field. Everyone stood up before making their way to the locker room to change into their hero costumes.

This left Izumi standing outside the locker rooms, torn between which one she was meant to go. It's not like she had to change in the locker room... but she really had to go to the toilet!

Unfortunately for her... the bathroom was combined with the locker room. After a minute of decision-making, she hesitantly decided to enter the girl's locker room.

When she entered, all the girls who were changing turned to look at her. Some of them covered themselves immediately, as they still remembered that although she was previously a boy.

Izumi looked down, her face as red as a tomato. She quickly ran into the toilet before proceeding to do her business, leaving the girls somewhat shocked and embarrassed.

When Izumi finished, she left as quickly as she came, before making her way to the field. She really felt like finding a hole in the ground and burying herself in it, but she settled on sitting on the ground with her knees to her face as she covered her face with her tail.

The class slowly trickled in. The boys were curious about why Izumi was acting like this, while the girls were feeling shy when they saw her.

It was only when everyone arrived that Izumi finally recovered. She changed her clothes to the one she previously wore, shocking All Might in the process.

When training finally began, Izumi found someplace to sit, before observing everyone else. Unbeknownst to her, Uraraka was slowly encroaching upon her target, the fluffy tail.

When she barely even hugged the tail, Izumi let loose a cute "eep!" which startled everyone on the field and caused her to be the center of attention.

Instead of the cute and concentrated look, they were familiar with, they were treated to a stuttering Izumi who looked like a blushing mess. Some of the students were knocked out immediately due to the sensory overload, while the rest were barely managing to hold on.

In the end, Izumi settled this debt by throwing a couple of punches on Uraraka with tears in her eyes, which made everyone feel protective over her. Her image in their heart was slowly being destroyed and was slowly being replaced with the image of a harmless and adorable little girl.

That was the end of day one of school. In conclusion, everyone now wants to protect Izumi like she was their little sister. They also learned that touching her tail was taboo as she seemed to be very sensitive. On the other hand, the teachers had concluded that they should never look at Izumi directly or they risk a nosebleed.

Some of the teachers admired Eraserhead for being able to keep his cool. Unbeknownst to them, Eraserhead was also unable to defend against her charm, it was only because he was incapable of expressing it that he could hide it.

In other news... Nezu had also heard about this. He was satisfied with the chaos caused by this student of his and hoped that she would continue and make the rest of this year interesting for him.

That was when he had a thought...

'How about I teach their class tomorrow?'
Hello! Author is back with another chapter!

This one took a while to make. In fact, I rewrote this chapter twice as I was not really satisfied with it.

So basically, this chapter was a filler, but I hoped you still enjoyed it!

I will probably not be posting any more chapters until November as I got an important exam coming soon. Unless I gain some divine inspiration, I'll probably be doing other things...

Jk, I'll probably still be gaming and reading, just not writing. I need to save my creative juices for the exam lol.

Anyways, if you notice any areas of improvement or mistakes, feel free to comment! I appreciate all constructive criticisms.

P.s I really do not have a certain direction for this story, so you may notice that my pacing is all over the place. Maybe when I write my next fanfic I will plan more thoroughly, for now, just enjoy the happi fox, Izumi!

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