Chapter Eleven ~ Crossover Chapter

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Hey everybody! So EclipseReaper07 and I decided to do a collaboration between our books, ~*Profound*~ and The Path to Freedom. The first part of the crossover is located in her book, so make sure to check that out to understand the full story. There may be another one around the end of the book, no promises but it might happen!

Enjoy this chapter!
~ Alex's POV ~

The early morning light shines onto the dewy grass as the four of us thunder into the clearing. We shift into our human forms, looking around at our surroundings for any signs of danger.

"Think that they'll show up?" Kirsten asks, keeping a watchful eye on the forest.

"I mean, they're the ones that wanted to meet us here, so..." My sentence trails off as a group of teens about our age walk into the clearing. I recognize two of them from last night, but the others are unfamiliar. A certain boy with a horse-like scent smiles at Stella, and I can feel Dante getting overprotective of our mate. He'll have to wait for now.

"Alex, so good of you to come." Crystal says.

"Of course."

"Let's start with introductions, I guess?" she asks. "You go first."

"Well, I'm Alex, this is Stella, Kirsten, and Colt." Stella smiles politely while Kirsten seems a little unsure of them. I mean, it's kind of hard to blame her since she and Crystal attacked each other as wolves before they knew what they both were. Colt, as always, has a large smile on his face and his brown eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Well, I'm Crystal, a werewolf. This is Caleb, a horse-shifter," she motions to the boy that was looking at Stella, "Jacob, a frog-shifter," who I recognized from last night, "and Mary Jane, or MJ as you can call her." MJ smiles shyly and looks down nervously.

"Nice to meet you guys. Kirsten and I are wolves," Stella finishes my sentence. "While Colt and I are horses."

"Alex was right on the mark yesterday," Crystal giggles. I take a step closer to Stella, not interested in any she-wolf, only my mate. My amazing mate...who doesn't know, reminding me yet again that I'll have to tell her sooner or later.

"Ohhhhh..." MJ says, picking up on the hint. I give her a quick nod and notice her mumble something to herself while facing the woods so that no one hears what she says.

"So where are you guys headed?" Colt asks, his tone perky as ever.

No one answers until Crystal speaks up. "We don't really have a destination in mind. Just escaping the city."

"Ahh." Colt nods.

"I heard that you guys are crossing the country, though."

Stella says, "Yeah, there's a pack location in Northern California where the hunters won't be able to find us."

Jacob's face lights up. "What? No hunters to worry about?!" Crystal smacks him upside the head for no apparent reason whatsoever.

"We envy you." Caleb says.

"It's pretty great, well, as long as you don't mind living with two hundred wolves at least." Kirsten shrugs.

"Sheesh, that's a lot." says the horse-shifter. "Last time we encountered that many wolves, they wanted to eat me."

"Been there, done that." Stella looks at me with a teasing glance, making me remember when we first met in the woods. I can feel the inevitable blush on my cheeks and try to hide it.

Okay, knock it off, lover boy. Kirsten says telepathically.

I'm trying, I'm trying...

"Um, I'm gonna go for a walk." MJ says, shooting Caleb a glance. He seems to understand it and follows her deeper past the trees.

"Lovers," Crystal giggles watching the two of them.

The morning sun rises higher into the sky, reminding me of our goal. "Welp, we'd better get going if we want to stay ahead of the hunters..." I say.

"Yeah, they've probably discovered our path by now." Stella agrees.

"Awww, I kinda wanted to get to know you guys better." Jacob says.

"Maybe we'll see you around." Kirsten shrugs.

"Would if we trailed your group? We might be able to meet you guys at the location once you get there. We didn't really have a destination in mind..." Crystal asks.

I look at the three and they all nod in approval. "Definitely. I mean, all shifters should be going someplace safe, so feel free to follow our path. Here," I pull out the map that Jackson had given us and show her and Jacob the location.

"Ooh, nice place." Jacob says. "The hunters would never suspect anything there."

"Yeah, it's where the Silver Moon pack lived before they moved." I say.

"And yet, 50 years later, here we are." Kirsten chuckles.

"Can't wait." Jacob says.

"It was really nice meeting you guys. I think that MJ and Caleb are still out there..." Crystal says.

"Well, tell them I said goodbye. Stay safe out there." I say.

"Okay, goodbye!" the two say, waving. We wave back and watch as they leave the clearing to find the other two.

Stella sighs and looks at the forest. "You guys ready?"

"Yup," I say, excited for what this adventure is going to bring. She looks at me with her beautiful light blue eyes, a gentle smile playing across her lips.

The sound of cracking bones fills the air, followed by Colt playfully nudging Stella with his muzzle to come along. She gives me a final glance that makes Dante long for her even more before shifting into her dark bay mare, the perfect white star on her forehead accentuated by her long forelock.  Kirsten barks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly turn into my large black wolf.

The four of us run through the forest, wind in our fur and whistling in our ears. The autumn leaves falling from the trees, drifting down gracefully to the ground. Sounds of wildlife call to my wolf side. And most importantly, my beautiful mate, galloping alongside me, safe and sound.

I can't wait to see what the rest of this adventure will bring.

What did you guys think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments below.

Which Profound character is your favorite? Also which TPTF character?

Thank you again to EclipseReaper07 for this amazing collaboration!

Have an amazing day, everyone!

And now, at the request of Eclipse, I will go to sleep.

A/N: Hello everyone! So, my friend Eclipse deleted her account not too long after I posted this chapter, but since the crossover extends over the course of three chapters, I feel like it would change the story if I removed it. With all that said, I may be editing this story in the future (if I ever finish it) and will try to find a way to take it out. But for now, I thought I would explain it to new readers!

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