Chapter Four

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~ Kirsten's POV ~

My heart is beating out of my chest as I run from the hunters. Everything rushes back to me, but there's no time to recall the past. I have to keep running if I want to survive.

Tranquilizer darts filled with wolfsbane fly left and right. I can't let them hit me, wolfsbane would paralyze me, if it didn't kill me first.

Let me take over. I can end them here and now. My inner wolf says.

Athena, no. We're not hurting anyone. At least, not yet. There's too many of them.

At least let me get you to safety!

You know what? Fine.

I let her take over, and using her stamina, she dashes ahead. The hunters shout something to each other, but it fades away as we get farther from the threat.

Alex, listen to me. You and your mate need to run as far as you can from these woods. They found us.

What? Who found you?

Just run! I growl in mindlink.

He closes it, hopefully getting to safety. Now all I can do is trust my wolf and pray to God that we survive.
~ Alex's POV ~

"We need to run." I say to Stella, closing the mindlink.

"What do you mean?" she says.

"My sister just said that someone found her. We're all in danger."

"Wow, I just met you and we're already running for our lives."

Suddenly a familiar scent drifts toward us, followed by the faint stench of wolfsbane. This is bad.

"They're coming, Stella, we have to get out of here!" The sound of cracking bones makes me turn around curiously to see her already in her horse form. She whinnies, and I shift into my large black wolf.

A cloud of dust lays in her path as she gallops away. I run after her, trying to keep up. A loud bark makes me turn around to see a female brown wolf with golden eyes at my tail.

I bark at her, nodding toward the mare. She tilts her head curiously, but goes along with it. Right! I also forgot to tell her that my mate is a horse-shifter, can't feel the bond, and that now we're running from who knows what and going who knows where. But what else is new?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Kirsten pounces on me, causing us both to tumble on our sides. A dart lands where we were before. She saved my life. I nod in appreciation, then run away from the hunters and to my mate. She looks at me and motions her head toward a large fallen oak tree. I know what she's planning to do.

She leaps over the fallen tree, landing on all four hooves. Kirsten and I claw our way up, and then jump down. Running off, I glance back to see the hunters momentarily stopped, leaving us just enough time to be far away enough to where they can't find us.

Letting out a victorious howl, I decide to take them to the one place that we'll be safe. Well, at least for the moment.

But a few questions still remain.
Who were those people? What do they want with us? And will we ever be safe from them?
~ Unknown POV ~

I slam my fists against the table. "What do you mean, they're gone?"

"They outsmarted us, sir." The hunters look down, not brave enough to make eye contact with me.

"So you're telling me that two wolves and a horse...outsmarted you?!"

"In our defense, they were nothing like we've ever seen! They knew what we were doing, and they got away!"

"Of course they're nothing like you've ever seen, they're werewolves for Pete's sake!"

"What about the horse?"

"If they were with the wolves, probably some kind of shifter. I'm sending you back to find them." I say. "From now on, you will stop at nothing to find the last of the Silver Moon pack and end them. Do you understand me?!"

"Yes, sir." They nod.

"Good. You're dismissed. And don't disappoint me again."
Dun dun duuuuuunnnnnnn!!!

I know that this chapter was short, but hopefully you guys liked it 😊

What did you think of the unknown POV? Who do you think they are?

I might update it sometime this week, so make sure to let me know what you guys thought! Feedback is really appreciated.

The picture is of Kirsten's wolf form.

Have an amazing day, everybody! 😘

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