Chapter Two

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~ Alex's POV ~

I flop down on my bed with a sigh. I spent the entire day at school distracted by her scent. I know that she was there. My wolf was screaming "Mate!" all day long, but I just couldn't find her.

There's a gentle knock at my door. "Come in," I say.
Kirsten walks in and sees me laying on my bed.

"Still bummed about your mate, huh?" she asks, leaning against the wall.

"I just...I know she was there." I say, longing in my tone. "I need her."
" don't even know her...just saying." She doesn't understand the mate bond yet since she's only fourteen. Wolves find their mates at sixteen usually.

"I know but...she's my mate. And I have to find her." I say, determined.
Kirsten walks over to me. "I know that you will. But maybe in the meantime, you should go for a run or something."

Yes! Run! Let's go for a run!! Dante barks happily.

"Seems like my wolf is down with that," I chuckle.

"Awesome!" Suddenly she looks at a bag of Doritos. "Oh, and I'm talking these." Using her werewolf reflexes, she grabs it and dashes out of the room.

"Hey, those are mine!" I say, standing up.

Good luck with that, buddy. She's long gone. Dante laughs. Now I was promised a run...

I laugh at my wolf's persistence and walk out of my bedroom. I go down the stairs and out the back door of the pack house. The fresh autumn air hits me and I take a deep breath of it.

Just what I needed, I thought to myself.
I'm always right, Dante says.
Don't push it, I say before shifting into my wolf form.

Black fur grows all over my body, and furry ears are on the top of my head. I get down on all fours and watch as my hands turn to paws. Shifting is slightly painful, but it mostly feels weird. Once I've finished turning, I run into the woods, letting Dante take over.

I watch through my eyes as he lets out a bark, running faster and faster. The trees become a blur, and the wildlife runs away, frightened at the sight of the Alpha wolf. Suddenly he starts panting and slows down. He trots to a river and drinks from it.

There's another reflection in the water, so he looks up and yelps, leaping backwards. On the other side of the river, is a tall dark bay, almost black mare. A perfect white star is on her forehead, and her mane and tail flutter in the wind. She's the most gorgeous horse I've ever seen.

I take over, knowing that Dante might see the horse as prey. She looks at me with a startled look, one that seems almost human. Then suddenly, her eyes turn from all brown to blue.

No way.
Horses' eyes don't just randomly change colors.
Who is she? And more importantly, what is she?
~ Stella's POV ~

School went amazing today. My teachers seem to like me, thank God, and overall the students were pretty friendly. Maybe I'll fit in here, after all.

As soon as I get home, I hear Nova saying, Can we go for a gallop? Please?
Okay, okay! I reply. Mom probably won't be home for an hour or two anyway, so let's do it.

I put down my backpack and run outside. I close my eyes and start to shift into my horse form. Dark bay fur the color of my hair grows all over my body. I get taller and on all fours. My hands turn to hooves, and my face lengthens into a muzzle. Furry ears and a forelock are on my head, and a long mane and tail grow. The shifting is over, and I rear up happily, letting out a whinny.

All righty, Nova. It's all you, I say, letting her take over. Don't do anything stupid.
No promises, she laughs, galloping into the woods. I watch through my eyes as she leaps over a fallen tree, like the warmblood jumper we are.

The feeling of evening sunlight on my face and the wind in my fur is amazing. I love being in horse form, it's so freeing.

After a few minutes of galloping at full speed, Nova slows down to a trot. She sees a river a few feet away, and walks up to the water, lowering her head to drink. A gentle breeze lifts her forelock out of her eyes, and that's when we see it.

A wolf.

The tallest one I've even seen. His fur is pure black, with large paws and golden eyes. Nova stands back, terrified of the huge creature before her. He looks up and yelps, leaping backwards.

Wait. Is he afraid of us?

I watch him closely, wondering if he's dangerous or not. Which he is, because he's a wolf. I can tell that he's an Alpha, based on the way he carries himself.

The wolf lifts his large paw then stops midway, looking me in the eyes. He then sets it on the ground. I nicker softly, curious about his intentions. Why is a wild, feral animal acting so calm?

Stella, I don't think that's a normal wolf... Nova says.

What do you mean? I ask, not taking my eyes off of him for a second.

I think...he's a werewolf.

A werewolf? Aren't they supposed to be dangerous creatures?

So are real wolves!

I guess you're right...but what would he want from me?

No clue, but I'm not getting taken down by a big dog. She snorts.

Our mindlink is interrupted by the feeling of something brushing against my front hoof. I look down to see the wolf placing his paw on my leg.

I lower my head so that our muzzles meet. Awww. He's pretty sweet for a wolf. The moment our eyes lock on each other, the craziest thing happens. His eyes go from golden to a vibrant green.

Part of me wants to run away from the werewolf, but something is pulling us towards each other. I can't explain it. I've never felt it before.

But one thing is for sure:
I never want this moment to end.
What did you guys think of this chapter? Make sure to vote, comment, and share! 😁

The next chapter will probably be out in a day or two, and it will be in Alex's POV! 🐺

Also, there might be a mystery character appearing in the next few chapters...😉

The picture above is of Alex's wolf form.

Have an amazing day everyone! 😘

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