not again!

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Ash's pov

Ash watched as serena disappeared into the smoke. As the smoke cleared ash turned to look at his friends. They were all astonished. He felt the same.

Ash: we have to go get serena!

Moon: yah!

N: but how? She just disapeared without even a trace.

Eevee: eevee! (Yah)

Iris: hmm

While the group was talking, ash noticed something. Serena's hat! He grabbed it.

Ash: um guys

Iris: what?

Ash walked up to them with the hat.

Moon: is that serena's hat?

Ash: yah. I found it near a path.

Iris: well then lets follow it.

Moon: i have the perfect pokemon for this long journey. Luxray come on out!

The pokeball flew into the air and out came a large black and blue cat with yellow like rist bands on his neck and front paws.

Eevee: eevee! (Hi there)

Luxray: luxray (greetings)

N: thats cute. They're greeting eachother.

Luxray and eevee stared at him with disgust.

Eevee: eevee? (Seriously?)

Moon: come on! We can ride luxray to find out where ever serena is.

Ash ran back to the pokemon center and then came back with all his pokemon.Everyone jumped on except for N. He hesitated before jumping on.

Iris: why did you-

N: i never rode a pokemon before

Moon: lets go luxray!

The big cat pokemon began to run. Ash was really worried about serena. What happens if she got hurt? Or worse? The whole ride was silent until luxray pulled to a stop.

Moon: whats wrong luxray?

The big cat pokemon snorted and pointed his muzzle at a gigantic, tall, orange and black building.

Ash: now we know who captured her. Team flare.

Moon: we need a disguise, but what would work.

Iris: hey guys!

Everyone looked at iris. She was looking through a box and found some team flare member clothes.

Ash: well thats convient.

Eevee: eevee...(you can say that again)

All of them got into their disguises. The pokemon didnt need disguises. Moon returned her luxray before going up to the front door.

A voice: your security code.

Moon: 7413

A voice: you may enter

The door opened and the group walked in.

Iris: lets get serena and get out of here.

N: yah

Ash: lets go this way.

Ash and the group went down the halls. They stopped at a big door that said "prison room" on a sign. The group entered into the large room. All the lights in the room were dim and the walls and floors were made of concrete.

Ash: ok lets spread out here.

Moon: ok

The group split up. Ash walked slowly down the hall, pikachu and the eevee by his side. He looked through all the cells. Until he saw two of them that were not empty. He peeked into one of them and saw....

Boom! Cliff hanger! Hope you liked this chapter!

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