pokemon can have secrets too

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Eevee's pov

Eevee grunted as she felt something nudge her on the side. Eevee rolled to the other side with a quiet moan of annoyence. She then opened her eyes to see the shiny embreon standing over her.

Embreon: embre! (Get up!)

Eevee: eev? (why?)

Embreon: embreon (just follow me)

Eevee heaved herself to her paws as the shiny embreon walked out. She climbed out of the tunnle she slept in which was between a few tree routes. As she walked outside she could see it was still dark. Why would this weird embreon wake her up in the middle of the night?!? She saw the shiny embreon sitting in the center of the camp, twitching his ear.

Embreon: embreon. (Come on will be late)

Eevee: eevee? (For what?)

The embreon turned around and began to walk away slowly. Eevee sighed.
Eevee's mind: seriously?!?

She began to follow the tall black and blue pokemon silently. She passed each of the trainers' tents and then stopped at one. She peeked inside to see moon asleep. Eevee felt sorrow fill her heart. A month ago, eevee had been moon's eevee. They performed together, played together, and went through tough times together. But then one day eevee and her trainer got seperated in the city. She hoped her trainer remembered her. She crept inside slowly and then licked her trainer's forehead. Moon just groaned and turned to the other side. Eevee pressed her head against her trainer's shoulder.

Embreon: embre! (Hey!)

Eevee turned around. She ran towards embreon and jumped out of the tent.

Eevee: eevee. Eve- (im sorry. I just-)

Embreon: embreon! Embre. (Sorry doesnt cut it! Now lets go)

Eevee stared at the embreon with sorrow and hatred. She followed him with her ears flat on her head and her tail trailing behind her. She walked along side the embreon with her head down.

Embreon: embre. (hey)

Eevee didnt reply. All she did was huff. She still felt angry at this unrespectful pokemon. She heard a sigh come out of the tall pokemon. She looked up at him and saw that his eyes were full of apology. Eevee looked at him with concerned eyes.

Eevee: eevee..(i forgive you)

The little fluffy brown pokemon saw the embreon's eyes light up. He smiled. Eevee smiled back.

Embreon: embre. (Im embrix by the way)

Eevee: eevee (im espe)

Espe and embrix stopped at a tunnle. Embrix flicked his ear for espe to go first. Espe gulped before walking into the cave. She crept into the cave, having to walk with her belly against the rocky tunnle because the hole was actually pretty small. There were tiny crystals that lit up in the dark. Espe jumped out of the hole. Around was an magnificent cave. It carried the scent of grass and the ground was filled with rocks that were as smooth as a stone floor. Pokemon were standing on the ledges of the cave looking down at her. Embrix stood beside her. He handed her a weird galaxy like stone. Then something happened, her body began to glow. Her ears changed into sleek cat like ears. Her tail turned into a slender cute tail. And her eyes changed. Espe looked at herself. She had evolved into a...

Hey guys! Look im sorry i didnt write what eevee was gonna evolve to its just because i dont know whether she should evolve into an espeon or a sylveon. Please tell me what you think she should evolve into in the comments. Thx and bye guys.

-Moon :3

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