Chapter 6-Cute Little Chaos

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A/N:Hey everyone! Long time isn't it? Well, I just had a lot of things to do for the past 4-5 or 6 months! But I know y'all are busy with school/work, family times, doing online classes(if ya have those), etc. I...wasn't motivated to do this chapter ever since I got into fandoms like Danganronpa, and have to do things for school preparations too! So to make up your love for the Sonic Fandom and the ship that I absolutely love(which I still love btw), I made this chapter! Enjoy! ^^

Knuckles' POV:

As I was about to choose my clothing...I thought to myself that we should meet her at her place at first. While thinking about the practice, I chose the workout clothes. Those workout clothes contain a grey sleeveless shirt, and basketball shorts that reached to my knees. It goes along with my daily shoes.

As I changed into my workout clothes and change my shoes into my daily shoes, not to call myself charming or whatever Crimson would say, but I kinda like my own style of clothing!

My phone then vibrates. Must've been Ruby or Tikal. So I checked my phone and it is Tikal. Little pink hues appeared on my cheeks as I read her message and so I texted her a little while.


Tikal:Hey Knuckles, I'm at the park. Where are you now?

Knuckles:Hey Tikal, am currently am at home getting my thing ready. Am on my way!

    ❤️🧡❤️🧡❤️🧡End of Text🧡❤️🧡❤️🧡❤️

Aw crap...I have to leave right now. She's probably waiting for me there. I then pack my things that I need, went outside and lock the door before going to the park. While at it, I bring out my headphones and connect it to my phone, and find a song that Ruby recommend me to listen.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I then arrived at the park a few minutes later and see an ange- I MEAN...a female echidna who is waving at me so that I won't be distracted. I took off my headphones and approached her.

As I walked closer to her, I studied her features(not in a perverted way ya ding dongs!). Her hair is tied to a high ponytail, she wore a plain white sleeveless shirt, floral shorts, and some white sneakers.

"I see that you're a jock aren't ya?" She asked with a happy tone as she studied my features. I blush a little after I realize that Tikal was talking about the Basketball shorts.

"Uh...yea! Was a basketball player from the time being." I replied with an awkward chuckle. Silence came in but I feel like it's been minutes since I never experience going out with this gi-

"Knuckles, you okay? Shall we...plan on how the dance performance should be?" Tikal asked as she waved with her hand which is a distance from my eyes. I blinked a few times and looked at her again. Is it me or am I just distracted...I never get distracted before!

"Ah, yes, let's get to it." I declared to the blue eyed echidna as we come up with dance moves.

[Come on shake your body now do that conga~ Know that you control any much longer~ Okay I'll stop XD]

And of course, we used almost all the time for the dance practice. Must've been taken like hours but we spend like 50 minutes in total. Two breaks are taken when we needed it and we started off strong. We were currently on a third break.

A water bottle in my hand and the other in hers. Was about to ask her if we should continue the dance progress but she had other plans.

"Hey, I know that we have worked hard, you and I...and I wanna show ya wanna come with me?" The girl asked me. I had nothing to do at home so I agree with her plans and let her do her thing. What I didn't expect her to do however is that she took my hand and lead me to wherever she's going.

"Woah!" I shouted. It reminds me of my dad when I was a kid...but can't let that get into my head! I had Tikal dragging me to a place that I think I'm familiar with but I haven't been there in years.

-_-_-_-Chao Garden(Abandoned)-_-_-_-

I then realized that she went to an abandoned place called..."Chao Garden"?! I...I thought that Chao Garden has been closed down. I felt her hand let go of mine as I watched her sit on an empty grassy space to play and cuddle with the Chaos.

"What are ya standing for? Come join us!" She smiles at me as she motioned me to join in the fun surrounded by all kinds of flowers. I did as she told me to one of the chaos. It' weird that I get to touch these cuties but it felt right at the same time!

"I see that you are a softie for those guys.." She smiles as always while making flower crowns with the chaos.

" friends and I used to go there for our time being. Mainly with Ruby, my best friend. Only she knows that I had a soft spot for those guys..."

I frowned as I remembered that the Chao Garden was closed down due to financial reasons. "But closed down due to financial reasons." I looked at her sadly. Remembering that whoever used to work in there must've abandoned the place and freed the chaos to migrate somewhere that has a higher net worth. But they stayed here surprisingly.

"...oh...I'm sorry that happened..."

"There's no need to're not here that time..." I assured her. It may feel like crap but, remembering the good times in there in the past just made me want to go back there.

"Close your eyes." She told me- this a trick?

"Why??" I asked curiously. Normally I would be on guard because of pranks like Val's/Charmy's pranks. But an exception.

"Just close them for me...please?" She asked kindly.

I soon close my eyes, waiting for her to at least do something. I then felt something on my head that appeared to be but lighter! I opened one eye and then the other to realized that she puts a flower crown(red and purple flowers) on me.

"You...are so...beautiful!" Tikal giggled. The chaos cheered in agreement. "You're now the King!" I rolled my eyes playfully as she said that. Reminds me of Crimson's tea party with Cream.

I then saw her with a flower crown that combines White and Orange flowers in it. "And what does that make ya? A queen of this place?" I asked her with a smile. Big mistake...


"Hey, is there something wrong? Your face is red like your dreadlocks."

I felt the chaos pushing us echidnas closer. "Uh! No no no, I just met her." I told the chaos who wanted me to get closer. Hot damn, I forgot that some of them are like Shadow and Sonic. And they are even more lovey dovey whatever that is...

"Wow, I never know that you two were here first!"

A/N:Oof cliffhanger, who do you think is that person talking to the 'main couple'? I'll let ya comment down below and I'll tell ya the answer in the next one. Also, I apologize for the short chapter. Thank you guys for reading this, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

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