The Party

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Liam learnt that the pack was going to have a party to celebrate Chloes second shift.
According to Chloe they celebrate because they are losing a female one unknown day and because the female is guaranteeing another packs future.
It actually made sense to him, for who knows when the Luna wolf would meet her Alpha. And she will always produce the Alpha heir.  A picture of her round with his pup quickly slipped his mind and it took all of his might not to start that right now.
It was also explained that once a Luna wolf had her second shift the female began Luna training, learning her duties amd things she would need to know. Like how to interact with other Lunas, how to behave and dress at Alpha gatherings and personal meetings. It was also explained to him that none of the training was degrading in the sense of a perfect Luna. It was ment to help the females transition into their new pack for them, help their confidence. After all it was better to learn now then know nothing when they got to their pack.
When asked if Chloe was upset about missing these lessons, she just smiled and told Liam "If the moon goddess wanted me to take those lessons then you would not be at this pack" It astounded him how positive she was.
He now sat in her home, the women upstairs. Other women had turned up as she explained things to him.
"So what does your pack do when a Luna has her second shift?" Her father asked.
Liam looked at the man who shared the same eyes as his daughter, with medium brown hair. He could tell by his physical stature that his father in mating was a fighter.
"To be honest we have never had a Luna born into our pack in my time, i don't think even in my father's time. I might look into it when i go back. But to be honest i prefer Alpha Zanes idea. A celebration and training."
Mr Douglas smiled. "It was actually Alpha Zanes grandmother who came up with the idea. She felt so lost when she got here, not knowing how to be a Luna. Her mates mother had died before they met so there was no-one here to teach her. The party idea came about when she had her Luna ceremony. People at her old pack would never celebrate with her, people she had known her whole life. Everyone knows a Luna ceremony is a celebration of the packs future being secure."
"This is your own Luna ceremony, the celebration of my packs future."
Mr Douglas nodded "Though i must warn you, the dress my daughter will wear is thin enough to be see through so one of two things may happen.  Either you will loose it at the other males or struggle to control your urges. I ask that you refrain from either, this celebration is important to us. A tradition now, alot of us are unsure about tonight for our Luna isn't with us, no Luna has ever met her mate the same day and never before have we had other packs here."
Liam understood his concerns and vowed to reign in his natural instincts.
Pleased with this Mr Douglas stood up. "Then you better start now, we are expected to be at the park before Chloe comes down." Liam turned to look up the stairs "As i said, tradition states that everyone welcomes the new Luna, believe me you will love it" He smiled.
And with that the two men left, even though one of them really didn't want to.

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