Blank Letter Treatment Part 2

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Lizzabeth's drink slipped out of her hand, and it slashed all over the sidewalk. But she didn't care. She didn't care about the spiteful glares people gave her. Or how much pounds sterling she wasted. She only cared about the scene that was happening right in front of her.

Ezekiel and a girl snogging.

A million emotions raced into Lizzabeth. Hate, hurt, confusion, embarrassment. Her eyes started to get watery, her whole body was trembling in anger. Soon she couldn't control her own actions. She yanked Ezekiel and the girl away from each other, and she slapped him. 

Everyone was silent. The atmosphere was heavy, anyone could feel it a mile away. Lizzabeth stood there, glaring at Ezekiel, her heart hurts each time it pounded. It took Ezekiel to process what had just happened. His hand reached his cheek that had a red hand mark on it, feeling a painful sting. He was bit pissed off that Lizzabeth had to learn it this way. But it's better than nothing. 

"Why?" Lizzabeth demanded, her voice cracking. 

"I know you and that William bloke are in item. And don't even dare trying to deny it." Ezekiel said.

"B-but what is this then?" She asked, motioning to the girl.

Lizzabeth watched in horror as Ezekiel wrapped his arm around the girl. The girl, proud of this, wrapped her arms around Ezekiel, proving that he's hers. Lizzabeth studied the girl, model like features and dazzling red hair. She then realized who she was.

"You're Bonnibell Adler, that girl who was snogging with Mr. Ramirez."

Bonnibell stuck her nose up, angered that's how she was recognized. "Yes, but that was only just a rumor. To cover up that I was in item with Ezekiel."

And to think that Lizzabeth felt sorry for her because of that rumor.

"I honestly pity you a bit." Bonnibell continued. "That you would have to find out this way. But I mostly pity poor Ezekiel, for having to pretend to fancy you all this time."

Lizzabeth stared at Ezekiel in disgust. "You've been cheating on me? Since when, why?"

"I only courted you for a dare, to get you as fast as an American boy would court a girl. But you wouldn't even let me go on second base." Ezekiel said with a shrug.

"You disgust me, you both do," realizing what he meant and looking at the two. Lizzabeth took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Well at least I still have my dignity. Now if you'll excuse me."

She shoved past them, walking down the street. Walking as fast as she could away from the both of them. She clenched her fists, trying to hold her tears. Why did this happen to her, why? She lost her friends. Her first love was nothing but a joke. What did she do to deserve this?

Lizzabeth picked up her pace. She started to speed walk, jog, then it turned to running. She was racing down the street, trying to get far away from here as possible. She started to slow down, already getting tired. She was never the athletic type. And it's hard running in high heels, let that be a lesson to her. Lizzabeth slumped down into a bus stop bench. She'll just take the bus home. There she'll receive the lecture from her parents on how they were right and she was wrong about Ezekiel. Then Lizzabeth will stay at home the next few days during her mourning period, eating ice cream and crying her eyes out.

Mostly eating ice cream.


Lizzabeth looked up and the first thing was the car in front of me. It was a small two-seater car. She didn't recognized the car, but she did find it a bit cute. Reminding her a bit of a bumper car. The window rolled down and she saw who the driver was.

She blinked. "Aldridge?"

For next couple of seconds they were staring at each other. What is he doing here? She didn't know he owned a car, much less drove one. 

"Get in the car, Lizzabeth. I'm going to drive you home."

She raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not asking you for your permission," he said, crossing his arms. "Get in my car."

"What? That bumper car?" Lizzabeth asked. "Thank you, but I'm going to have to refuse."

"Lizzabeth," he said, his tone dead serious. "Please, let me drive you home."

Lizzabeth sighed and stood up. A free ride is better than having to pay the bus fee. She was about to grab her bag from the seat but Aldridge beat her to it. He even walked her to the other side of the car and opened the door for her. In London, the wheel is on the right side. She couldn't help but feel Aldridge actions strange. First he ask her if something wrong with no blackmail or snide remarks. Now this? She's beginning to wonder if Aldridge had some sort of good twin she never knew about. Aldridge got back into the car and drove back into the road. There was an awkward silence in the car due to the history the both of them had.

Aldridge had no idea what he was doing. But he saw Lizzabeth race past him while he was driving home. He never saw Lizzabeth run except in gym, and especially not in heels. He then watched as she slumped on the bus stop, and something in him knew something had happened. Now here they were, riding the car in silence. 

He cleared his throat. "May I ask what happened?"

"Must I?" Lizzabeth asked in disbelief.

Aldridge couldn't help but chuckle. "Well I am driving you to your house out of courtesy. I could have just drove right past you."

Lizzabeth didn't say anything.

"But I didn't." He added, his eyes flitting from the road to glance at Lizzabeth.

She still didn't say anything.

Aldridge frowned but went back to driving.

Lizzabeth couldn't hold it anymore, she choked back a sob. Aldridge flinched at the sudden noise and stared at Lizzabeth. Her lips were trembling, and one by one tears were pouring out of her eyes. She tried to wipe them away with the sleeves of her jacket, but it was useless. Why was she crying? She promised herself she won't cry anymore, that she has to stay strong. And to cry right in front of her rival, she felt pathetic. And that only made her cry even harder. 

Aldridge didn't know what to do. He was stunned, not being able to focus driving. Aldridge couldn't do anything but watch Lizzabeth crying her eyes out. He has a girl crying right next to her, and he's just driving. Aldridge had this huge urge to repeatedly hit his head against the steering wheel. He took a sudden right, parking his car in front of Lizzabeth's house. 

Why did it had to be like this? Lizzabeth's first love was nothing more than some huge joke. She had her heart broken, probably beyond repair. She lost her friends, crying in front of her rival, and in a huge fight with someone miles away from her who probably hates her guts.

Suddenly two arms wrapped themselves around her shoulders. She opened her eyes to see Aldridge hugging her. Aldridge had no idea what he was doing, he just wanted Lizzabeth to stop crying. It worked but now the two of them are in an awkward situation. Lizzabeth sniffled, actually liking the comfort she was getting. But it was just getting too weird so she was grateful when he let go. The two of them sat back on their seats and stared forward.

This situation is very, very awkward.

"So..." Aldridge said, fixing his tie. "What happens now?"

She knew what he meant by that. The two of them had a history, a long rivalry since they were kids. So of course it would be weird for what will happen next. Will they become friends, maybe even more than that. Lizzabeth may have threw up in her mouth a little bit when thinking of that one.

"Well I thank you for your odd kindness." She stated, taking a deep breath. "Thank you Aldridge."

He nodded, still staring in front of him. "The pleasure is all mine."

"And we never speak of this again." Lizzabeth said, very serious. "We never remind each other of this, we never remember it ourselves. It never happened."


But for some reason Aldridge didn't want to agree with that. He didn't want to agree with that at all.

And now it's the 19th, and Lizzabeth has to read William's letter. He hates her guts, probably forever and ever. And ever. Or has he been apologizing to her, and she was too busy giving him the silent treatment to read his letter properly?

Brilliant, Lizzabeth thought, just brilliant. 

Lizzabeth walk towards her next class, but not after passing the new talk of the school, Ezekiel and Bonibell. She also passed by her former best friends, Danielle and Olivia forming a plan to befriend Bonibell to get close to Ezekiel.

Lizzabeth couldn't help but sigh, how could she be so oblivious?

She was about to open the door, when a hand beat her two it. Aldridge opened the door for Lizzabeth, trying not to look at her directly in the eye.

She cocked an eyebrow.

Aldridge smirked. "Who said chivalry isn't dead?"

Lizzabeth recognize a little bit of the Aldridge she knows, and walked into the classroom before Aldridge. They both know what they have to do. Nothing has change, they're still enemies. They'll still fight each other to be the top of the class, do have the highest GPA in the school.

They can't afford for anything to change.

Both of them took their seats, exchanging a few insults and pressuring each other about the test they'll be having in the next class. Ironically enough, they all have the same classes. Maybe so they can challenge each other for the top of their classes, and since no other would be worthy enough to be their rival.

The letters were passed out, and everyone started reading it. Everyone except Lizzabeth.

She didn't know what she should expect. William must still be fueling hot mad at her. The letter probably contains his rage for her still. His past letters must contain the same rage, but she doesn't know because she never bothered to read them. Lizzabeth ran her fingers through her hair. Should she read it? Or should she not?

"Lizzabeth." Someone beside her whispered.

She glanced to see Aldridge looking at her. He looked around to see if anyone was watching, then smiled at her. Like he was giving encouragement for her to read the letter. Lizzabeth nodded and took a deep breath and read the letter.

Lizzabeth couldn't help but let the gasp escape her lips. William, he was apologizing to her. He was saying how he didn't mean to be mad at her for being happy. How much of an idiot he was. And he wants her to forgive her. But she was the one who should be apologizing. Lizzabeth bit her lib to stop from tearing up. But what puzzled Lizzabeth was that he talked about something called Oreo cookie butter.

"Oh, Ms. Teschler?" Mr. Benson called out.

"Yes?" Lizzabeth's cracked voice asked, but she cleared her throat and tried again. "Yes?"

"I believe you have another gift sent to you." He took out a jar from the box that was once fill with the letters.

Lizzabeth took off from her seat and hesitantly got the jar from Mr. Benson's hands. Now that really done it.

"Mr. Benson, m-may I be excused?"

He eyed the girl who looked like she was on a verge to tears and sighed. "Yes, yes you may."

Lizzabeth raced out the door, but not before glancing at Aldridge who was smiling at her. He was happy for Lizzabeth, she made up with her friend. But there was a sharp pain in heart for some reason. What was the reason, he wondered. That even though he was happy, his heart was not.

She ran through the hallways, tears pouring out her eyes. But for some reason she's happy, so happy. She grabbed a spoon from the cafeteria and hid on top of the roof of the school the rest of the day. Skipping class for one day wouldn't affect her grades. She could skip school for weeks and her grades would stay unscathed. 

The whole time she ate the delicious Oreo cookie butter, and reading all of the letters William have given her but never bothered to read. They were lying at the bottom of her locker for weeks, but now they were being read. She smiled the whole time she read his letters, even though tears were still streaming down her face. Tears of joy, that is.

After that she began to write back to him. A real letter this time. Because it was over.

The blank letter treatment was over.

April 21

For some reason William was happy. He didn't know why, and he didn't care. He was absolutely sure that Lizzabeth forgives him now. Then everything will be back to normal.

They'll talk to each other again.

They'll both aim for their goals.

And Lizzabeth will be happy with Ezekiel...

That made William stop at his tracks. Was he happy for Lizzabeth? He should be happy. But for some reason he wasn't. Why wasn't he happy?

"Yo Willy!" Someone called out.

He couldn't help but groan. "How many times have I told you? It's not Willy, it's Will. Just Will."

Eddie laughed. "Whatever bro. Now let's go to English, don't wanna keep you girl waiting right?"

William smirked. For the past few days he's been trying to shake Eddie off, but the guy keeps on sticking next to him. He finally gave up and got used to Eddie's annoying self. But other than that, he was nice to hang with and is always in for a good laugh.

The two of them burst into the classroom, laughing about the next prank the two of them will make on the principal. Oh the look old man O'Connell will get when he sees that two of the major pranksters in the school are teaming up. Both of them slump to their seats and opened their letters.

"Hey, hey Willy, listen to this." Eddie said. "My pen pal, this Jasmine chick, is pretty pissed off at me. But I bet nothing compared to your girl."

William decided to set the letter down and hear what Eddie's got to say.

Eddie cleared his throat and read aloud in a girlish British accent. "Dear you blubbering bloody bloke, you think you're just bloody brilliant thinking we British are all prissy push overs- What is with British people and their Bs and Ps?- Well let me tell you, you oaf, we are a hundred times better than you bloody Americans. Eating your bloody pizza and sitting on your sofas for God knows how long. So you'd better take back all you said about us. We don't drink tea with the Queen every afternoon. What? Do you bloody eat at McDonald's with your president? No? Thought so. And to the William bloke you've been talking about in the last letter. Listen here William, you had some nerve to do that to Lizzabeth. She may have forgiven you, but it'll take me a lot more than that rubbish apologies you've been giving her. Well for the moment my rage has calm down. But Eddie, if you so much as say one more word about us. I. Will. End. You. Sincerely, Jasmine."

"Woah." William muttered.

"I know right?" Eddie said, for some reason excited. "This chica's got heat, and some mouth. Dude, I don't think you're not the only one in love."

"No not that. That Jasmine was talking to me about Lizzabeth. She forgives me!"

"I knew that, of course I knew that," Eddie said. "And hey, congratulaciones man. You got your girl back."

"She's not my girl," William said.

"You don't want to admit it yet, chap." Eddie blinked. "I think Jazzy's accent is rubbing off on me."

William laughed and flipped his letter open to read. He read that Lizzabeth was sorry, and that she forgives him. But his smile vanished the more he read in the letter.

Ezekiel cheated on her.

William clenched his fist, crumpling the paper under his hand. He clenched his teeth, trying to hold off his hanger. Was this some kind of bloody joke? (William ignored the fact that he though Eddie's right, the accent is rubbing off on everyone.)

Eddie noticed at tried to calm William down. "Yo, Will." He said cautiously, being sure to be calling him by the name he wants. "Something the matter?"

He tossed the letter on top of Eddie's desk.

"Read," William ordered.

Obediently, Eddie read the letter. His eyebrows furrowed as he read it, his lips forming a straight line.

"Dude, that's kinda sick." He muttered, still not believing what he just read. "Who does that? What kind of sick mind plays a girl like that, especially to Lizzy?"

"That Ezekiel," William growled, cracking his knuckles menacingly.

Eddie chuckled nervously. "What do you think you're going to do? Fly to London and give the chico a piece of you mind?"

William smirked. "No, something better."

He grabbed a piece of paper and his favorite dark gray, pentel pen.

"I'm gonna write this sick bastard a letter."

Top to the morning to you, chaps. Ha ha, just kidding. It's like 12 0'clock in the afternoon here where I am. So how do you like this chapter? I love it so far. And I can't wait for the next chapter, a new characters point of view this time. A bit of an extra something for you guys.

Do you guys like the new cover for The Pental Pal? It's officially the new cover for it. You DO NOT know how hard it was to find the perfect cover for the book. All the other one's I made sucked. You had to admit it, they all do.

Well you should have noticed that I made a cast for the story. Lyndsy Fonesca for the girl I think in Kick-Ass, she seemed like the perfect Lizzabeth. Vini Uehera, the perfect bad boy, and also the bad boy for my other story It All Started with a Jacket. Jake Abel, the guy who plays as Luke in Percy Jackson seems like a pretty good Ezekiel. And I thought Austin Butler who plays as Sam in Glee will be a good Aldridge, but when he was younger. Aldridge is like a combination of Octovian from Heroes of Olympus, a bit of Byron from Witch and Wizard, and Tora Igarashi from Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama (Some manga that's seriously really good and you have to read if you're interested in it, but Usui, Tora and Hinata are mine!)

I also made a Facebook for my profile here in Wattpad. It would mean SO much to me if you'd like my page. I just want to make myself big in the world. If you like the page, you can get my updates Facebook style. And I'll be sure to post covers for books I'll make and just funny pictures just for kicks. 

I also watched all three movies of the Little Mermaid. What can I say? No one is too old for Disney. And I'm currently watching the Mortal Instruments: The City of Bones in my computer. I read half of my book, but I'm planning on finishing it because my friends wants me to. Go Jace! You just got brother-zoned! Way worst than friend-zoned level 99! Well I gotta go, I have a extra credit PE project because I suck at running laps. And be sure to take a look at my new book, Missed My Stop (Coming Soon). Hope ya'll like it! I'll also post another coming soon book too.



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