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June 20, London and June 22, Los Angeles

Both of them were alone in their own time, their own place. Lizzabeth stood in the empty, deserted auditorium. William sat under the aging tree on top of a tall hill. They were secluded, and they were alone. Yet they knew that they weren't alone at all.

A million thoughts raced through their minds. They didn't know what to expect, no one did. This was maybe the last letter they would ever receive from each other. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was a pass to start something more, something else. But there was of course doubts. What if the other didn't want to write to them anymore, and it would be the end? Would it be best left to be never known? Leave the letter unread and forever think that the other wanted to write to them or to ruin all scenarios, all expectations they had? 

What if?

But they wanted to read it, they both wanted to read it. For they were pental pals. Not pen pals, no, they are two entirely different things. Pen pals are two people in different places of the world, getting to know each other through letter. Pental pals are two people in different places of the world who share the same writing utensil, in this case a pentel pencil. But pentel is spelled with an a because one of them likes to spell it like that instead of its correct way. Pental pals are people who send each other cookie butter. People who send each other Valentine's day cards. People who have huge fights to the extent they give each other the silent treatment. People who would do anything to see each other, yet fail. People who would protect the other even though they are miles away. People who love each other, one knows it, but the other doesn't realize it.

That is what a pental pal is.

They ripped opened the letters. Not knowing what will be read, and not caring at all. The envelopes dropped onto the ground, floating in the air for a moment before they landed onto the Earth. The letter was carefully opened. The readers were careful to handle this maybe last letter they will get from each other.

Both of them closed their eyes for a moment. Impossible scenarios racing through their mind, the letter wrinkled under their grips. But at last they opened their eyes and began to read.

All of those doubts and worst case scenarios vanished without a trace. For each word they read, happiness entered their hearts. With each sentence read, the smile on their face widened. With each paragraph read, their eyes began to read faster. This is what a pental pal is, the excitement it is to read the other's letter.

"He still wants to write to me."

"She still wants to write to me."

Was the only thing that mattered to the both of them. The only thing they cared after reading their letters. They can still write to each other. Nothing can stop them, not even the project that started it all. 

But they know they wouldn't be writing to each other at that moment. No, they needed to save this. Sure they could still write to each other over the summer, but what will be the use? Four months of boring writing of what they're doing over there? They are better than that.

That might be a terrible reason not to write to each other. They should go back to writing to each other. Summer is the perfect time for them to write to each other. Why would they stop writing to each other because of a simple season of a year, the best time to write to the other?

Do you remember they promised something to each other? It's called the pental pal pact. The promise that they will meet each other. And though they intend to keep it, the want to be sure to fulfill their end of the bargain. One will become an actress instead of a doctor, and the other will become a professional photographer insteaf of a school drop-out. But neither of them didn't keep it. Lizzabeth still fears her parents and still hesitates on becoming her dream as an actress. While William dropped out of school and will repeat the twelfth grade, going to the military school he feared.

So they decided to stop talking just for a summer. To become better people for the other. To get ready for the coming year. But another reason for this, is that they needed to have a break from each other. The both of them could agree that they had a lot drama talking to each other. And even though writing to each other for the summer would cause nothing. At the same time, it could cause everything. 

For some reason, they knew they had to do this. Even though they don't want to. Even though they want to jump at the chance to talk to each other again. They won't, because they love each other too much to tell the other their failure of their part of the pental pal pact.

But you wouldn't understand. 

You're not a pental pal.

And that's the end of this book. So you all can stretch a little bit, yawn and rethink the whole story in your mind. I always do that when I read a really good book. 

Wait, do I suspect crying through the internet? Some cursing and demands on why I suck as an author as to end this book so badly? Well excuse me! Ha ha, just kidding, I understand.

Don't you just hate it when you finished a good book. And you say, man their should be a sequel. Then you find out there won't ever be a sequel, and life all of a sudden sucks? Well as the author of this book, it's up to me to decide.

Yes, you guys guessed it. There shall be a sequel. Sequel. S-E-Q-U-E-L.

I don't know when I'll post the first chapter. I just came up the idea of a second book yesterday. At first I thought I would end the book of them meeting each other, but then I thought that would be too lame. Then my awesome mind thought of another plot that would be awesome for my book. I couldn't put it in this book because then it would be too long. So I decided to write a sequel.

Oh do you guys want to know the title for the second book?

Ha ha, like I'm going to tell you that vital information.

There will be a bonus on the next chapter. A bit of the inside view of the characters and how I made them. Yup, I'm making an interview. I've always dreamed of making interviews of one of my books. Now it'll come true.

So thanks for reading one of mu most popular, successful stories. And I hope you like any of my other works. And this is dedicated to my friend both here in Wattpad and in the real world. She's was reading this book from the very start. And was the one who demanded to keep on writing my chapters. Shamu, this book is dedicated to you. Thanks.


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