Letter Fifty-Two: Lizzabeth Teschler

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May 26

Dear William,

I can't believe it either! Some kids are devastated that the project is ending, most of them are writing down their e-mails or their Facebook names from what I hear. But Aldridge looked like he won the lottery, now that he doesn't have to write to his pen pal Rhonda. At least someone is getting something out of this situation.

I don't have a Facebook or anything of that sort. My parents doesn't want me to be like those teenagers who are addicted to the internet, so I'm not allowed to make any accounts and that rubbish. If I could, I would have made one so the both of us could talk.

Oh William, I don't want to stop writing to you either. 

My life has always been planned out for me. Do this, be this, it's sickening. It's the life my parents want, not what I want. I could be studying about medicine right now, being bored to death and throwing up just at the mere sight of someone being cut open. But you made me believe I can finally take back my life. You made me believe again that I can become an actress. You believed in me when not even my own parents, my own friends did.

William, I don't want to stop talking to you. We have to find a way.



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