Letter Nine: Liz Teschler

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November 7

Dear Will,

Thank you SO much for the cookie butter. At first sight of it I and snatched it away from my teacher's hand. I had to apologize to him though after I was finished halfway through the jar. I love the gift, they don't sell it a lot here in England. I always have to ask the workers to buy some for me. But when they do find a store, they always run out of stock. Probably from me of course. 

Sorry that you didn't get my letter after Halloween ended. I went with an Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Thought I was a brunette Alice, since I didn't like the itchy wig. But you should have seen what the costume was for my long time rival, Aldridge Dawson! I sent you a picture of him as a sleeping bag, a sleeping bag! When he took off his costume for gym, I put whip cream in it. I didn't see him the rest of the day. Haha!

I was born in Montreal, Canada and grew up there. I moved to England a couple of years ago, so I have a slight accent. But I don't write my accent in the paper. Sometimes I say it though, it comes naturally like that.

No, you don't sound like a girl, people are naturally curious. There's some gossip in my school. Est Wentworth High is a co-ed private school. But don't think of me as those prissy, snobby rich girls who does anything to get what she wants. I hate to even think of being in the same category as people like that.

I'm not really that type to gossip, I can keep a secret until I die. But since you're all the way at the other side of the world, I think I could make it an exception There's a girl in junior year who was caught... snogging with a teacher in his classroom. Snogging is pretty much just making out or french kissing. I've seen her before and she looks nothing like the type to do that, maybe it's just some girls bullying her. I hate it when stuff happens like that, you know? What about you, what are some gossips in your school?

And maybe since we both use pentel pencils, we should call each other pental pals instead of pen pals. It sound a bit stupid, but it makes sense. It could be something just for the two of us to know, like our own little secret. 



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