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Looks without disguise (all Art used isn't mine) 

Name: Nolan White

Pepsi Side effects; Due to drinking Divine Pepsi, when smitten by Zeus he gained Zeus abilities at the same time he gained Dionysus.

Personality: talkative, Reasonable, a little dumb silly kind of caring annoying clumsy, dense Optimistic carefree, and has a large appetite for food, he also hates Pineapple on pizza. .

Flaw: He's terrible at cooking and is an absolute dumbass.

Gender: male

Home State; Cleveland Ohio

Favorite Full-Course-meal: Atom, Dark Matter Time African Weed Frog, Center Atom News Air, and Pair

Favorite Drink: Molecules and Pepsi

Occupation: mascot

Race: Biracial(He's part Russian and American)

Age: 20

Blood type: AB

Hero-name: Pepsiman

Likes; Pizza Pepsi, and running.

Dislikes; Pineapple pizza Coke a cola, and people stealing his shit. 

Species: Pepsi-Human

Hero-Rank: A-rank

Outfit now.

lemon mask.

Fighting styles and skills.

Kung Fu: has mastery in kung fu as he learned it when learning how to fight.

 Balancing Skills: he has great balancing skills allowing him, to keep his balance when on a small Object.

Powers and Abilities 

Pepsi-human physiology; Has the physiology of Pepsi drinks and Pepsi products as the Pepsi drinks gave him bizarre superpowers, due to Zeus smiting him when he drank, and the soda being Pepsi. led to him having weird Pepsi powers and being superhuman in high levels.

Superhuman physical abilities: He's superhumanly strong in strength speed agility reflexes durability and endurance allowing him to fight on par with other superhuman opponents and even take on stronger opponents. 

Plasticity: he's got a rubbery body, capable of allowing him to stretch his limbs, and Expanding his limbs to long distances even making his body float in the air.

Plot Exploitation: he can control the plot itself but just, allows the plot to continue as he'd be bored winning fights.

Pepsi-Sense; he can sense different types of Pepsi from far distances,allowing him to know where any pepsi drink is.

Appetite energy: By focusing its overwhelming hunger and desire to devour prey, a predator can emit this energy outside of its body and shape it for various purposes. has stated that only the strongest predators at the top of the food chain are capable of doing this and that when used offensively the resultant energy can effortlessly mow down all manner of .ingredients Beasts that use this energy typically emit it from their mouths as destructive beams or bolts to kill their prey.

Pepsi Exploitation: He can manipulate shapes and generate and Control Pepsi itself. this means he could augment his physical abilities and even go so far as to give people diabetes and necrosis for an overdose of Pepsi he could even shapeshift using his Pepsi, allowing him to do anything unnatural, to normal people or even gain power from the Pepsi he drinks augmenting his physical abilities temporarily or he could turn, people into Pepsi as well.

Pepsi-perception: he can see Pepsi through walls or anything blocking it as well as not being blinded by Pepsi if he's swimming in a large pool of Pepsi.

Resistance to, electricity light-based attacks, and destruction

Pepsi force: it works similarly, to the speed force while using the power of Pepsi and granting immeasurable power but a stupid weakness he's also capable of stopping time and moving at high speeds similar to the speed force the Pepsi force also has special abilities to grant Powers over electricity in two colors of red and blue, it also can make him much more powerful than normal humans and even augmenting his physical abilities through Pepsi-Energy.

Pepsi-cells: the user gains more power each time the user drinks Pepsi, which can also benefit the user's health to where their teeth grow stronger, their health increases, and their capable of growing in muscle.

Technopathy: Can manipulate technology with ease and, has control of soda machines, allowing him to send a bunch of soda cans, to hit someone in the skull, or dick for pain.

Advanced Healing factor: He can heal at a fast rate as drinking Pepsi, also makes it fast and better for him, to regrow limbs and a destroyed heart.

electrokinesis: he can manipulate, red and blue lightning for offensive and long-ranged combat or offensive combat when they are infused into his fist.

Weakness; drinking coke-a-cola makes him weak and, his powers get affected, making him, vulnerable and they get canceled out, "it can also cause him to become sick, either him pissing blood out or Shit a lot. as magic is also a weakness to him as it harms him and does immense damage and, Flat Pepsi is, also a weakness, being weaker and making his durability, terrible to the point, of him being vulnerable to all forms of attack"


Super jump kick": he bulks up his leg strength and throws a full power kick capable of leveling Cities.

Pepsi Headbutt; He increases his strength to his head with pepsi, and, hits his target with a strong headbutt Staggering them at the same time and sending them flying.

Pepsi-convert: anyone who is within 5 meters of his range, will turn into Pepsi-cans.

Pepsi-hurricane: a technique that creates a hurricane of giant Pepsi cans and Pepsi soda, which causes the target to be in pain and the target even, get stunned.

Pepsi-Wave: He points his hand towards the target and, fires a blast of compressed Pepsi infused with lightning. as this will electrocute the person, with a stronger shock thanks to the liquid being on the opponent.

Pepsi-teleportation: when using Pepsi he teleports anywhere he wants.

Pepsi-rush-attack: when empowered by Pepsi, Nolan throws a barrage of punches and kicks, while charging at the target which grants the advantage of strength and speed.

Time-Pause: By waving his hand he can stop time at will.

Pepsi-Summon: He summons Pepsi in a liquid or Contained to quench thirst or just flat out hit someone in the face.

Pepsi-Bazooka; By focusing his chi with his Pepsi he fires a chi blast from his mouth destroying the target and environment as this could cause an entire island, to be destroyed.

Pepsi-max Drawback: Friction can cause him problems along with running out of Pepsi-max which can Drain him after using it at full power.

Pepsi-Giant; By squeezing the Pepsi out of a target, he's fighting and absorbing it into his body, he becomes very large in size but, his Healing factor is cut in half to only heal, wounds due to his large size and, size he will be at is the size of a kaiju is at 140 meters and, he will weigh 100,000 pounds.

Pepsi-realm: he creates, a giant Pepsi and everything is in his control within the Pepsi realm, he could make the Pepsi deadly allowing for an instant kill but it is used once a day or he could use it to give himself an infinite source of Pepsi, while his own dimension, grants him a place for support in case he's needing to regenerate.

Overload; when in the Pepsi-max form, he can overload technology causing explosions or even overloading his own body, gaining a large increase of power but the drawback of overloading your body is becoming more vulnerable, to attacks.

Appetite demon: Endless Void

Endless void info: the Appetite demon is exactly like Pepsi Man as it sucks up anything like a black hole.

Endless void info: Nolan forms a fighting spirit Astral Projection of pepsiman as it can suck in everything like a black hole.

Pepsi-cannon; He Powers up gaining energy as He forms an energy beam of Pepsi and Ki from his mouth he then fires it from his mouth and the beam will Stop until it destroys or hits its target.

Pepsi-Roar: he breathes in the air and powers up using his Pepsi energy in which he roars both doing damage and sending said target flying.

Intangible-Pepsi: He turns his body into Pepsi and is able to phase through anything.

Pepsi of hydration: he's able to heal and get people back to full health with his ability to manipulate Pepsi as all he needs to do is give Pepsi to everyone.

Mango-Pepsi/Speed form.

Mango Pepsi form info: this form increases his speed to the Absolute level as it makes him impossible to outrun or beat in speed.

Mango Pepsi form info: he has a strong form in power and etc as he's extremely powerful in this form he's near invincible and is impossible to take down.

PepsiMax Form: The Max Power of Nolan Where he is at his strongest level to where he can throw hands with more force and strength to the point he can destroy the soul but he does need to make sure he won't blow up anyone innocent or he is getting blood on his hands as the Pepsimax form is his Strongest physical based transformation.






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