What if Bianca survived Titan's Curse (Pt.3)

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Percy was having a perfectly good day before the old goat lady showed up. He and his friends had just gotten back from their quest and freed Thanatos. Percy was just starting to believe that the 5th cohort wasn't bad luck after all, when he had been claimed.

A glowing trident with magnificent blue green light burst out of nowhere, right above his head. Instead of bowing, the campers stared in shock. Only Reyna had the guts to speak up.

"Ave, Perseus Jackson, filium Neptune!" she choked out, surprised at the claiming.

Hail, Percy, the son of Neptune.

The Latin words clicked, just like they always did, but for some reason, it was... harder. It wasn't coming as naturally to him as before. It had been happening recently, Latin getting harder and harder for him to speak and understand, and Greek becoming clearer. He had understood the Greek that had been spoken by Octavian, in an attempt to prove he was some sort of spy. Luckily, he had noticed the language change, and had pretended to be confused.

The campers started to look at him in horror, but most gave a slight bow. A few didn't even bow, and one even ran off. He had been expecting it. His abilities, what he could do, they all pointed to one god. What he didn't expect was the random goddess. She was seven feet tall in a blue dress, with a goat's skin over her shoulders. Her face was stern and stately, and in her hand was a staff topped with a lotus flower.

Hazel was the first to speak. "Juno."

She and Frank were the first to fall on their knees, and the rest of the camp followed. But Percy felt something off about her, and stayed at his feet.

"Percy, bow!" Hazel whispered, gesturing to the ground.

Percy ignored her, and stared Juno straight in the eyes.

"I....I know you." he said, staring at her in a deathly trance.

A flicker of a different image sparked. Her face was softer, more motherly, less harsh. The goatskin cloak vanished, replaced by regal robes. She wore a modest gold and white dress, and had a staff made of flexible wood. Her form went back to the goatskin cloaked lady, as she tilted her head at him, as if examining a dangerous weapon.

"Strong willed, aren't you, Percy Jackson?" she turned to the other kids. "Romans, I present to you the son of Poseidon. For years he has been thought dead, but his companions are looking for him. His Fate is in your hands. "

She turned back to Percy. "The memories you hate are fake, young hero. I give you the truth."

Percy clutched his head, thousands of thoughts and memories clearing his head, all to the point where he remembered only the ones made at Camp Jupiter. Only a few things popped in his head.

One, his mother was alive. He hadn't been expecting that. The clear image of her being killed by a hellhound was taken away. Before, Percy had remarked bitterly at that memory. After all, they were from Hades' domain, and his suspicions had been right. He was a son of Poseidon.

Second, there was the striking image of a blonde girl with princess curls, and tan skin. It was just so important, but he couldn't figure out why. She was only 14 in the image, but he could tell she was older.

Third, there was a garbled video racing through his mind. Danger, fear, panic, they all coursed through him. A metal giant, screams, a girl in a silver parka, and the feeling of being whisked away. One word spilled through the convoluted images: Sacrifice.

"What did you do!" Hazel shouted for her friend, as Juno shimmered and disappeared.

Percy felt dizzy, as Frank steadied him.

"Wha-? What just happened?" Percy got out, as his eyesight started to dance.

He struggled to keep his eyes open, as his body told him to sleep. As he drifted into the realm of Morpheus, his companions yelled for a medic.


Percy woke up in a medical bed, completely and utterly confused. Not that it was strange for him to be here, but he couldn't remember why. Then the events of yesterday came rushing back to him. Goddess. Claiming. Memories.

He was still struggling to understand what this meant. His brain went back to his mother. Oh man, was she going to be mad. That didn't even start it. At least he had a pretty good excuse this time. Percy could just see it.

Uh, hey mom. Yeah, I didn't have time to visit because it turns out all of my memories were fake. Oh, and I didn't know you were alive.

Like that would go well. The door opened, as an Apollo camper came in on him. She was carrying a plate of Ambrosia, and dropped it when she saw him awake.

Percy looked at himself, suddenly self conscious. He didn't have his Camp Jupiter t shirt on, or his jeans. Instead, all he had on was Finding Nemo underwear. (Hey, stop giggling reader! He only has them because of a practical prank, played by Frank and Hazel, because of the one time they lost him at sea!)

You couldn't blame him. It was his last clean pair, the laundry system at Camp Jupiter was crazy. His face overheated, and the girl's went as red as a tomato. He heard the steady beat of the heart monitor, and looked at his arm. There was an IV tube running through it, with a steady flow of the familiar drink of the gods, nectar.

He could already feel himself overheating. Whether from embarrassment, or the nectar, he couldn't tell. He decided nectar, and yanked the tube out. That caught the girl's attention.

"Hey! You can't do that!" the girl protested, putting an arm to keep him down, only making her face brighter than a stop sign.

He brushed her hand away, and she tripped right into the open closet, where the lock clicked behind her. He didn't have time for that right now. 

He staggered out of the room, his body stiff. Too late, he realized he was still in his underwear. He slinked around, until he found what he was looking for. He ducked into the showers, and looked around for clothes. He snatched up a purple T shirt, and some navy blue jeans. They were about three sizes too small, but they would have to do.

"Percy? What are you doing? Why aren't you in the infirmary?" Frank asked him.

He was about to answer, when a huge shadow loomed over the three of them. Percy lifted his head, just in time to see the huge Greek warship flying down.

Whoo! Part 3 is out!! And I'm going to start doing other What If?s, just to leave you in suspense!




Sincerely, 360_Productions

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